-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.wkrn.com/Global/story.asp?S=395424&nav=1ugB

Another Big Boom in Franklin
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  Another Franklin Blast Video
Reporter:  Christi Lowe

Neighbors in Franklin felt the earth move again. Monday morning, citizens
reported another mysterious boom similar to one on Saturday night that
rattled homes for miles around.

"It shook the whole house again, and it feels like it's getting closer and

Neighbors in Southern Williamson County say life has been a little shaky
these past few days. At least twice, powerful explosions have rocked their
world making them concerned for their safety.

"I thought after Saturday we wouldn't have anymore. Then this morning it
kinda scared everyone in the neighborhood again," said Jon Burks, a
concerned neighbor.

Saturday night just after 10 o'clock, a huge boom brought families out of
their homes.  Monday morning, neighbors it happened again.

"It kinda shook the house. You could hear things rattling and she woke up
from her nap crying. I'm not sure what it is," said David Massey.

Monday's explosion has been attributed to a rock quarry just down the road
where employees say blasting is a regular part of doing business.

"They've been blasting here twice a week usually, and the blasts last a
couple of seconds," said Vulcan Materials VP Mike Clark.

The quarry was closed saturday night, so workers there say they are not to
blame for the first big bang. Officials at TEMA say Saturday's tremor was
definitely not an earthquake, but other than that, exactly what happened
there is still a mystery.

"And it may be a mystery we never solve.  It may go down in history as the
night the earth shook," said TN Emergency Management official, Cecil Whaley,

Possible theories include a sonic boom from a passing aircraft or the
collapse of an underground cave, but so far, investigators have not been
able to prove anything leaving neighbors shaken up.

Authorities are still looking into the matter, but they may never find out
what caused Saturday's big boom. As for the rock quarry, officials say they
are in compliance with state regulations on blasting.

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Date Posted:  07.09.01
Newscast:  News 2 at 5

Dan S

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