What is really behind this Anti Defamation League - profess to be so
ethical and so morally straight, yet push Gay Pride into the boy scouts,
prepared hate hit list of militia, christians, moslems - hey, they seem
rather preoccupied with silencing any voice in opposition to their

Now Foxman, the head of the ADL took $250,000 from Marc Rich in bribe
money - they never returned this money when caught......wonder if it is
tax free and if this should not be investigted for it does constitute a
bribe?   Rich got the pardon.

Now this ADL and UN want to take away our guns; and I say, first they
want to censor any voices in protest?    See how nice the UN and ADL and
Gay Pride and NAACP all work together and who is their intended target?

So interesting item here;  what if the ADL, a Cats Paw for the Masonic
Bnai Brith - and long arm thereof, what if they are just propagandists
for the International Bankers for you see all the people whom they
oppose one way or another, seem to have one thing in common - they all
hate the IRS and the International BAnkers and they want them put out of

Nice item here.....boy these masons - hard to tell the real thing these
days -


Wonder if Foxman is a Mason - he would have to be, right????   All that
- well King Solomon's Mines?

Wonder if that is Foxman's real name -

The Anti Defamation League: Censoring the Internet on Behalf of Israel

by Ramzy Baroud

In a mid December conference in Jerusalem, computer experts,
governmental officials, and academics gathered under the banner of ,
"Confronting On-Line Terrorism and Anti-Semitism."

Amongst the names of sponsors and co-sponsors, one organization stands
as the most active by far in the field of censorship, mainly in the
United States; the Anti Defamation League (ADL).

What compels dozens of professionals and activists to fly long distances
from all corners of the globe to meet in a "disputed city" only miles
away from a war zone? It's the fear of losing a greater war, a war that
has cost Israel an abundance, the Internet media war that is.

Perhaps since the establishment of the ADL in 1913 (Saba Note - same
year Federal Reserve formed??) to "fight anti-Semitism and bigotry in
the world", the gigantic organization with hundreds of offices in the
US, Europe and Israel has never felt as outnumbered as it feels today.
The Internet revolution, among its many positive aspects has given a
voice to those, who unlike the ADL, are unable to rely on a $46 million
budget to spread their message.

The ADL, has a powerful lobby which deeply impacts US domestic as well
as foreign policy, and has come under repeated attacks over the years,
and was heavily cited for failing to champion what its preaches. In
fact, it is accused of being a promoter of hatred and bigotry itself.

In the 1970's, the group was caught distributing lists of persons deemed
as enemies, according to SF Weekly in its February issue. Among those
who were defamed for being "pro-Arab propagandists" was the highly
renowned professor Noam Chomskey. In 1993, according to the same source,
the ADL was caught illegally spying on nearly 10,000 people "including
members of socialist, labor and anti-apartheid groups."

But why would an organization whose "ultimate purpose is to secure
justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike, and to put an end
forever to injustice and unfair discrimination against, and ridicule of
any sect or body of citizens" carry out such suspicious tasks?

"The number one goal of the ADL is the protection of Israel," a former
Republican congressman from San Mateo Pete McCloskey told SF Weekly in a
recent interview.

The organization however, who claims to fight for other issues beside
its vibrant defense of Israel, has done very little in recent months to
demonstrate those claims. The outbreak of the Palestinian uprising
against the Israeli occupation had caused the ADL to gear up for one
fight, and one fight only, supporting Israel and censoring those who
criticize the Jewish state for using excessive violence, for violating
international law and for committing genocide in areas which are
supposed to be protected under human rights laws.

The organization which often legitimizes its missions by fighting minor
and highly despised groups in the US like white supremacists, has
unmasked its real identify and has joined Israel's propaganda war,
employing all of its resources to justify the Israeli army's ongoing
genocide of unarmed civilians.

The ADL's website is a perfect example of the organization's
full-fledged support of Israel. While the overwhelming majority of
deaths, many of whom were children, were Palestinians, the ADL seemed
only concerned with the Israeli army and settlers' losses.

"Anti-Israel violence" is a section that is updated daily. Nothing was
said regarding the loss of life among Palestinians, nothing about the
murder of children like Muhammad Al Durra, nothing to explain the
illegal status of the Israeli settlers, and of course, nothing to site
the international laws concerning the Arab Israeli conflict.

In fact, the United Nations was itself under attack. "the ADL says UN
Human Rights Chief has accepted "hook, line and sinker" Palestinian
strategy, calls her report distorted and detrimental," charged one of
the site's top reports. The US government was itself under attack. "the
ADL says US criticism of Israel's retaliatory action for an attack on
school bus is counterproductive." And of course, Arabs and Muslims were
left with the largest share of attacks and threats; "the ADL says if
Egypt doesn't return its ambassador to Israel in a timely manner,
America should reassess US aid to Egypt."

But the Internet showed that the ADL, despite its resources and
influence no matter how large and long armed, is still vulnerable. The
rapidly growing Arab and Muslim presence on the Internet alarmed the ADL
that its endless propaganda campaign may be doomed, if the Internet is
not censored, so that the ADL's voice is the only one heard. Hence, the
introduction of the Hate Filter.

The ADL describes its Hate Filter as "a software product designed to act
as a gatekeeper." Once more to legitimize its censorship efforts, the
ADL succeeded in introducing its product as part of Mattel's Cyber
Patrol, a software package set to block a large range of offensive web
sites, including pornographic ones. Moreover, the organization is
ceaselessly working to enforce its product on private and public
libraries and educational institutions. President Clinton has already
endorsed the software.

In a statement made October of last year following a meeting with the
ADL's national director, Abraham Foxman, Clinton said, "thank you for
your pioneering work to filter out hate on the internet." The ADL's
director of civil rights Elizabeth Coleman said in a seminar earlier
this year that Vice President Al Gore has also seen and has endorsed the
product and in fact "loved it."

McCloskey on the other hand, protested the ADL's seemingly successful
censorship attempts saying, "Any group whose sole purpose is to protect
a foreign nation should not have anything to say about what's said or
written here in America."

The Intifada, and the cyber war which was provoked by Israeli hacker
attacks on pro-Palestinian web sites, was another reminder of the
vulnerability of the ADL and other Israeli and pro-Israeli groups, when
it comes to the World Wide Web. As a result, the recent Jerusalem
conference was a badly needed chance for the re-making of a new media
strategy that would withstand the upsurge of Arab and Muslim presence on
the Internet.

The mounting worries of pro-Israeli groups were stressed in the speech
delivered by the director of the ADL's Israel office, David Rosen. Rosen
warned of what he called Islamic propaganda, which he described as one
upholding Christian Anti-Semitic themes. "The lone wolf of the past is
no longer such and can link up to become a pack," he said.



by courtesy & © 2000 Ramzy Baroud

by the same author:
Leaving the Honest Broker Myth behind, and looking Inward

A young man's journey to humiliation & untimely death

Palestinians die for their land & olive trees
The Palestinian Story:A Non-Fictional Tragedy with Few Readers 

Exposing Israel: A Nation of Colonialists 

US-Led Inquiry to the Violence: Merely A "Symbolic Gesture" 

For Palestinians, Every Martyr is a Story
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