-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 1:09 PM
Subject: The Occult Technology of Power (Part I of IV)

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> Subject: The Occult Technology of Power (Part I of IV)
> A-albionic Research Up-date of 11-11-94
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                        ******Contents********
> 1.The Occult Technology of Power by the "Transcriber"  (Part I of IV)
> 2.Catalog of Books on International Banker Centered Ruling
>     Theories
>                        **********************
>      The
>      Occult
>      Technology
>      of
>      Power
>                  **********
>               A Project of the
>           Society for Illuminating
>             the Sources of Power
>                  **********
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The Occult Technology
>   of Power, 64 page Paperback Edition $8.95 + $3.95 p & h
>   Copyright 1974
>   All Rights Reserved for Printed Editions
>   E-text editions may be distributed without limit
>   as long as the address of the Copyright Holder
>   or publisher is included.  Print-outs from e-text
>   are not allowed.
>   Published by:
>   A-albionic Research
>   PO Box 20273
>   Ferndale, Michigan 48034
>   ISBN 0-55950-009-3
>   Library of Congress
>     Card Catalog Number 88-083670
>   For further information, sources, comments, & discussion write:
>          A-albionic Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                          To My Son
> ". . . the world is governed by very different
> personages from what is imagined by those who are
> not behind the scenes."
>                 -Benjamin Disraeli
>                  (Earl of Beaconsfield)
>    In this thin volume you will find the transcripts of your
> initiation into the secrets of my empire Read them again
> not for the arcane knowledge which is now second nature
> you, hut in order to re-experience the shock and awe you felt
> twenty years ago when at age thirty the fabulous scope of
> my power was revealed to you by my trusted, and now
> mostly departed advisors. Remember the surprise, to the
> point of disbelief, with which you beheld the invisibly
> delicate, but invincible chains of deceit, confusion, ar
> coercion with which we finance capitalists enslave this chaotic
> world. Remember the feats of will and strategy that have
> been required to retain our position. Then, inspect your
> retinue carefully.  Your heir must be equal to and eager for
> the task much as you were.  Choose him carefully.  As I lie
> here waiting for the end I can afford to relish the thought
> our empire lasting forever as I never dared while in charge.
> Rational power calculations, so easily disrupted by the thrill
> of power, are now entirely in your hands.
>            "Know!--Will--Dare--and be Silent!"
>                           Aleister Crowley
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                 THE TRANSCRIPTS
>    My Introduction to your Initiation
> 1. Professor A. on the Role of Fraud in Nature
> 2. Professor Q. on Occult Knowledge as
>    the Key to Power
> 3. Professor M. on the Economics of
>    Central Banking
> 4. Professor B. on the Functions of the Central
>    Bank in the Mature Finance Capitalist System
> 5. Professor G. on Social and Business Legislation
>    and Policy
> 6. Professor D. on the Role of Public Education
> 7. Professor X. on Prestigious Associations and
>    Secret Societies
> 8. Professor Y. on Covert Operations
>    and Intelligence
>    My Closing Remarks
>    Afterward by the Transcriber
>      Sources:
>      Indispensable Thoughts on History, Economics, Politics,
>      Philosophy, and Human Nature
>      The Left on the Ruling Class
>      The Right on the Conspiracy Theory of History
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                   MY INTRODUCTION TO
>                     YOUR INITIATION
> "Man is a rope stretched between the animal and
> the Superman a rope over an abyss. "
> "I teach you the Superman. Man is something to be
> surpassed."
>                -Friedrich Nietzsche
> "Self reverence, self-knowledge, self-control these
> three alone lead to sovereign power."
>                -Alfred Lord Tennyson
> "And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one's
> self is. "
>                -Walt Whitman
> "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
>                -Aleister Crowley
>                 The Book of the Law
>    My Son, the time has arrived to make formal what you
> have confidently awaited for some years. Of all your
> brothers, sisters, and cousins, as well as the offspring of my
> close allies, I have chosen you to be heir to my empire. All
> the trust funds, foundations, and accounts through which my
> empire is controlled shall pass into your hands upon my
> retirement. All my alliances, understandings, and enmities
> with my handful of peers around the globe shall gradually
> become yours. Over the next twenty years we shall collaborate
> closer and closer, you and I, until, we finally act as one.
>    For ten years you have toured my empire in a succession
> of managerial assignments and are now familiar with the
> outward operations of my crucial banking, foundation, gov-
> ernmental, and think tank organizations. Until now, my ad-
> visors and I have deflected your questions as to how and if
> my diverse operations and holdings, which seem autonomous
> and even contradictory, are integrated into an organic whole
> to serve the dynasty's interests. The fact that you asked
> these questions, rejecting my carefully nurtured public image
> as an idle, coupon clipping philanthropist, was a major
> factor in the high esteem in which I hold you. Most of your
> competitors found puppet leadership in any one of my organi-
> zations so awesome and gratifying that they immediately
> eliminated themselves from the contest for the top position
> which you have won. Such men of limited vision are neces-
> sary for my success. They bend unconsciously to the subtle
> pressures to which I expose them. They can be led in any
> direction I choose by simple-minded rationalizations aimed at
> their vanity without being privy to my motives which would
> be short lived secrets in their undisciplined and envious
> minds .
>    Most important in your selection as my successor,
> however was your psychological nature which has been
> faithfully reported to me over the years by my associates
> many of whom have advanced psychological training. A man
> in my position must have total mastery over his emotions.
> All actions affecting the power of the dynasty must be taken
> on the basis of coldly reasoned power calculations il the
> dynasty is to survive and prosper at the expense of its
> subjects and rivals. All power is impossible to those whose
> pursuit is ruled by sentimentality, love, envy power-lust
> revenge, prejudice, hatred, justice, alcohol, drugs, or sexual
> desire. Sustained power is impossible to those who repress
> all their irrational longings into their subconscious only to
> have them return in compulsive, out of control behavior that
> inevitably leads to their ruin. Although often clothed in the
> rationalizations of power calculation, compulsive behavior is
> at root, the emotionalism of a frightened child, desperately
> projecting his inner agony into a reality he is afraid to under
> stand, much less master.
>    Although you now must begin to pursue it consciously you
> have already displayed the alienation from your emotional
> nature that is so essential to achieving real worldly power.
> You must recognize your emotional nature as a primitive
> survival mechanism that was appropriate for the jungle and
> perhaps useful to common men, but useless for the tasks that
> confront us finance capitalists. Attachment to what you do,
> just because you do it, is the primary psychological
> characteristic of ordinary mortals. Such cognitive dissonance
> spells disaster for us. Our emotional mechanism makes our
> lives worth living, but is no guide to the occult arts of
> intrigue. So, continue to gratify your senses and emotions
> fully at your leisure. As long as the empire prospers you will
> have the resources to indulge in systematic gratification
> which will leave your irrational urges sated and, therefore,
> powerless. You will never be in the unenviable position of the
> middle class strivers who must, from lack of resources,
> repress their emotional natures if they are to attain any
> power whatever during their lives. Typically, they end up
> taking their pleasure from the victories and cruelties of their
> struggle. Thus, their end ceases to be power and they event-
> ually defeat themselves with reckless behavior in pursuit of
> dominant thrills.
>    I have brought you into seclusion with my most trusted
> advisors in order to inaugurate a new phase of your instruct-
> tion. Your formal training in the "official" political-economic
> world is now complete. This weekend will mark the begin-
> ning of your training in the occult technology of power that
> lurks behind outer appearances. As your tutors will explain,
> "occult" or secret knowledge is the basis of all power in
> human society, so I use the word "occult" advisedly, in its
> pristine usage. As I am sure you are aware by now, produc-
> tivity in itself does not secure power and therefore does not
> secure the gratifications of life. After all, slaves can be
> productive. None of my organizations in which you served so
> well are concerned with advancing the techniques of satisfy-
> mg human needs and desires. Rather, all are dedicated to the
> surreptitious centralization of productive, but especially
> coercive, efforts in my hands or in creating the intellectual
> climate in which such veiled control would be tolerated in tb
> future. I destroy or paralyze productive efforts that cannot
> be ensnarled in my web
>    After a break Professor A. will take the floor in order to
> put finance capitalism into full biological perspective. His
> short talk will be followed by similar abbreviated summaries
> by his six associates, all of whom you know well. The rest of
> the weekend will be devoted to forthright fielding of your
> questions.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                            **I**
>                     PROFESSOR A. ON THE
>                   ROLE OF FRAUD IN NATURE
> "Are we not all predatory animals by instinct? If
> humans ceased wholly from preying upon each
> other, could they continue to exist?"
>              -Anton Szandor LaVey
>     "Nature, to be commanded must be obeyed "
>              -Francis Bacon
>     Organisms typically base their success primarily on de-
> ception and rely on actual force or mutually advantage-
> ous trade (symbiosis) as little as possible. This should be
> nearly self-evident, but is generally overlooked due to the
> moral codes we elitists foist on our subjects. Let me give a
> few examples in case the moral culture has to some extent
> impaired your powers of objective observation. Camouflage
> is universal among predators and victims alike. Blossoms
> imitate fragrances and colors which are sexually attractive to
> certain insects in order to effect pollination. Dogs bark fero-
> ciously and feign attack on enemies of whom they are, in
> fact, terrified. The Venus Fly Trap plant lures flies to their
> deaths. Men proclaim their altruism to others and even
> themselves while they selfishly scramble for personal advan-
> tage. If you doubt that fraud is normal in nature you should
> read section 3 of the first chapter of Robert Ardrey's, The
> Social Contract for a wealth of fascinating examples. (Of
> course Ardrey fails tn grasp the full application to contempor-
> ary human society of his brilliant insights into man's animal
> nature.)
>    Human mental prowess and communicative powers have
> merely provided superb elaboration on nature's old theme of
> fraud and added its own distinctive feature: self delusion.
> Primitive animal hierarchies are based on bluff and bluster,
> and each member is well aware of and accepts, at least tem-
> porarily, its position in the hierarchy. The same wild enthu-
> siasm and fascination for dominance and submission rages in
> human hearts. However, fraud is taken one step further. Not
> only is fraudulent bluff and bluster used to achieve
> dominance but fraudulent altruism and collective institutions
> are used to conceal dominance once achieved. Human hier-
> archies, in contrast to the animal variety, are best sustained
> when the members are deluded regarding the oppressive na-
> ture, or better, even the very existence of the hierarchy!
>    Visible rulers are highly vulnerable. Thus we see visible
> rulers claiming to be representatives of God, the common
> good, the material forces of history, the general will (either
> through vote or intuition), tradition, or other intellectual
> "spooks" that serve to lessen the envy of the ruled for the
> rulers. Encouraging such self delusions among the masses of
> the ruled is universal for visible governments. However, such
> spooks are little protection for the leaders of such systems
> against their sophisticated elite rivals and no protection
> against men like your father. The Roman Empire was
> unquestioned by the mass of its subjects for centuries, but
> the Emperors lived in constant fear of coup and assassina-
> tion .
>    By embracing deception wholeheartedly at every level,
> finance capitalism, or rule through money, has fashioned
> the ultimate system yet devised for the secure exercise of
> power. Men like your father, the hidden masters of finance
> capitalism, govern those who govern, produce, and think
> through invisible financial tentacles, the operations of which
> will be elucidated later by my colleagues. Dominance in all
> aspects of society is surreptitiously accomplished while the
> great majority of the ruled, and even most of the visible
> leaders, believe themselves to be fairly autonomous, if
> harried, members of a pluralistic society. Nearly everyone
> believes major decisions to be the vector sum of autonomous
> pressures exerted by business, labor, government, consum-
> ers, social classes, and other special interests. In fact, the
> vectors of societal power are carefully balanced by us so that
> any net movement is in a direction chosen by us. The only fly
> in the ointment is the occasional, but extremely messy,
> interferences by competing financial dynasties. This discon-
> certing problem will not be a major topic for this weekend.
>    I now yield to Professor Q. who will elucidate the central
> secrets of your father's immense money power.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Courtesy of New Paradigms Gopher {gopher.a-albionic.com 9006}
> The following catalog is not copyrighted, but it would be common
>  courtesy to keep the keep the address of the originator intact
>  when distributing it.
> Catalog of: 11/06/94
> Snail Mail:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, Michigan 48220
> Fax:         1-313-885-1181
> e-mail:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Orders accepted by snail mail only.  Check or money order must accompany
> order.
> Include $3.00 for postage and handling with each order, not per item
> ordered.
> Not all items are in-stock.  You may want to e-mail or snail mail
> regarding availability.
> International Banker Centered Theories
> Author (Last, Frst) Field, A. N..
> Title:  All These Things
> Subtitle:
> Cat#12310 Pages:      Year:       Paperback   Price:      $10.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/15/92 Up-dated:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Sprague, Irvine R..
> Title:  Bailout
> Subtitle:
> An Insider's Account of Bank Failures and Rescues
> Cat#10322 Pages: 299  Year:  1986 Hardcover   Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/04/92
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Mayer, Martin.
> Title: The Bankers
> Subtitle:
> The Big Block Buster That Set Off an International Alarm--The
> Moneychangers and How They Control Your Life
> Cat#10324 Pages: 0613 Year:  1974 Paperback   Price:       $8.99
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
> Don't you care what the bankers do to you?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Dale, B..
> Title:  Bashed by the Bankers
> Subtitle:
> Cat#10560 Pages: 0102 Year:  1988 Paperback   Price:       $7.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Field, A. N..
> Title: The Bretton Woods Plot
> Subtitle:
> Cat#12312 Pages:      Year:       Paperback   Price:      $10.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/15/92 Up-dated: 01/31/93
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Beter, Peter.
> Title: The Conspiracy Against the Dollar
> Subtitle:
> The Spirit of the New Imperialism
> Cat#12317 Pages:      Year:       Paperback   Price:      $12.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/15/92 Up-dated:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Spooner, Lysander.
> Title: The Constitution of No Authority
> Subtitle:
> Cat#13356 Pages:      Year:  1870 Pamphlet    Price:      $15.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  08/06/93 Up-dated: 08/06/93
> Excellent antidote for the excessive "US Constitution" worship of the
> American Libertarian and Conservative movements by a radical
> libertarian of the past.  Also gives a clear account the power of the
> City of London's great International Bankers over governments.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Griffin, G. Edward.
> Title: The Creature from Jekyll Island
> Subtitle:
> A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
> Cat#13936 Pages: 624  Year:  1994 Paperback   Price:      $19.50
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/08/94 Up-dated: 10/08/94
> The famous author of the conspiracy classics The Fearful Master:  A
> Second Look at the United Nations, World Without Cancer, and The
> Capitalist Conspiracy has done it again.  He has written a definitive
> yet easy to understand exposS of the Federal Reserve Conspiracy.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Avery, AM, William L..
> Title: The Dispatch of the Merchants
> Subtitle:
> Cat#11216 Pages: 40   Year:  1977 Hardcover   Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 06/27/93
> Unpublished manuscript on the subject of sources of liability for the
> so-called Income Tax as grounded in the Law Merchant through the
> Federal Reserve and other statutes.  Contains fascinating historical
> chronology tracing the conspiracy back to the Hanseatic League.
> Claims the Warburgs, not the Rothschilds, are the real World Masters!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Truell, P. Gurwin.
> Title:  False Profits
> Subtitle:
> The Inside Story of BCCI, the World's Most Corrupt Financial Empire
> Cat#13390 Pages:      Year:  1992 Hardcover   Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  08/20/93 Up-dated: 08/20/93
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Josephson, Dr. Emanuel.
> Title: The Federal Reserve Conspiracy
> Subtitle:
> The Rockefeller Gold Corner
> Cat#11225 Pages: 0000 Year:       Hardcover   Price:       $7.50
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 09/11/93
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Mullins, Eustace.
> Title: The Federal Reserve Conspiracy
> Subtitle:
> Cat#13443 Pages: 148  Year:       Paperback   Price:      $15.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  09/26/93 Up-dated: 09/26/93
> Mullins original exposS!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Stern, Fritz.
> Title:  Gold and Iron
> Subtitle:
> Bismark, Bleichroder, and the Building of the German Empire
> Cat#12331 Pages: 620  Year:  1977 Hardcover   Price:      $30.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/15/92 Up-dated: 02/26/93
> The role of Rothshild agents, the Bleichroders, in the rise of Prussia
> and German Unification.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Warburg, Sidney.
> Title:  Hitler's Secret Backers
> Subtitle:
> Cat#11487 Pages: 82   Year:  1933 Paperback   Price:      $10.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 01/31/93
> Strange document claiming Rockefeller and Morgan were responsible for
> putting Hitler in power, allegedly written by a scion of an
> International Banking Family.  However, no "Sidney" Warburg existed.
> Most suspect James Warburg, the son of Paul Warburg, founder of the
> Federal Reserve System and Kuhn Loeb partner.  We wonder about Sidney
> Weinberg of Goldman Sachs.  He was the proper age to be a "messenger
> boy" at the time.  Further, he did not come from a wealthy family, but
> rose to the top from the mail room!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Chernow, Ron.
> Title: The House of Morgan
> Subtitle:
> An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance
> Cat#11786 Pages: 812  Year:       Hardcover   Price:      $29.95
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/29/92
> Great history.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Robertson, Professor Thomas.
> Title:  Human Ecology
> Subtitle:
> The Science of Social Adjustment
> Cat#12028 Pages:      Year:       Paperback   Price:      $12.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/09/92 Up-dated: 07/02/93
> Seven hidden mechanisms for managing social thought and action.  A
> comprehensive outline of the social, political, and monetary
> mechanisms of society as they relate to individual and struggle for
> survival.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Lernoux, Penny.
> Title:  In Banks We Trust
> Subtitle:
> Cat#13950 Pages: 260  Year:  1986             Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/06/94 Up-dated: 11/06/94
> One of the first to expose how banks chase the drug money!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Goldsborough, Robert Henry.
> Title:  Lines of Credit
> Subtitle:
> Ropes of Bondage--The Story of the Financiers, Their Fellow
> Conspirators, and the Plot to Destroy Western Civilization
> Cat#12102 Pages:      Year:       Paperback   Price:       $5.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/19/92 Up-dated: 11/21/93
> Concise, readable, well-documented account of a diabolical conspiracy.
> Publisher's blurb: "In this hard-hitting exposS, veteran political
> analyst and columnist, Robert Goldsborough, a former staff
> investigator for the House Copmmittee on UnAmerican Activities,
> reveals little-known facts about the atheistic conspiracy and its
> strange appeal to Western Capitalists, international bankers,
> foundation officers, and secular humanists who monopolize our
> educational, media, and political establishments."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Warburg, James.
> Title: The Long Road Home
> Subtitle:
> Cat#13061 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover   Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/30/93 Up-dated: 04/30/93
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Allen, Frederick Lewis.
> Title: The Lords of Creation
> Subtitle:
> Cat#13943 Pages: 483  Year:  1935 Hardcover   Price:      $35.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/04/94 Up-dated: 11/04/94
> Famous survey of America's great financiers and industrialists from
> the depression of the 1890's to the crash and slump that began in
> 1929.  Chapters:  I.  Morgan Call the Tune, II. The Harriman
> Challenge, III The Overlords, IV. Panic, V. Counter-Offensive, VI.
> Pujo, VII. War, VIII. The Seven Fat Years, IX. Building the Pyramids,
> X Bankers, Salesmen, and Speculators, XI. Into the Stratosphere, XII.
> The Overlords, XIII. Downfall and Confusion, XIV. All Change,
> Appendix:  Sources and Obligations, Index.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Burnham, .
> Title: A Man of Influence
> Subtitle:
> The Career of Siegmund G. Warburg
> Cat#11767 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover   Price:      $15.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 06/20/93
> Important!`
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Wechberg, Joseph.
> Title: The Merchant Bankers
> Subtitle:
> The Secret Fraternity--A Fascinating, Candid Chronicle of the Great
> Financial Families of the World
> Cat#10420 Pages: 0282 Year:  1966 Hardcover   Price:       $8.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 06/20/93
> Hambros, Warburgs, Barings, Rothschilds, Lehman Brothers, Deutsche
> Bank, and the Banca Commerciale Italiana.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Boyle, Andrew.
> Title:  Montagu Norman
> Subtitle:
> Cat#12270 Pages: 349  Year:  1967 Hardcover   Price:      $24.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/12/92 Up-dated:
> Infamous nation-hopping, incognito traveling head of the Bank of
> England!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Hargrave, John.
> Title:  Montagu Norman
> Subtitle:
> Cat#12353 Pages: 239  Year:  1942 Hardcover   Price:      $28.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/16/92 Up-dated: 11/16/92
> The "Bankers Plot" by a Social Credit activist.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Burk, Imperial College, London, Kathleen.
> Title:  Morgan Grenfell 1838-1988
> Subtitle:
> The Biography of a Merchant Bank
> Cat#13691 Pages: 368  Year:  1990 Hardcover   Price:      $35.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/08/94 Up-dated: 02/08/94
> British branch of the Morgan Guarantee collossus founded by George
> Peabody and J. P. Morgan.  Morgan Guarantee has always functioned as
> the flagship of British Financial Imperialism in America.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Roberts, Lt. Col. AUS ret, Archibald E..
> Title: The Most Secret Science
> Subtitle:
> The most secret knowledge, a science which outdates history, is the
> science of control over people, governments, and civilizations.  The
> foundations of this ultimate discipline is the control of wealth
> Cat#12457 Pages: 200  Year:       Paperback   Price:      $12.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  12/20/92 Up-dated: 10/31/93
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Spenner, Farmer/Janitor, Joe.
> Title:  Rockefeller Regionalism
> Subtitle:
> The Shadow Behind Oregon's LCDC--An Encyclopedia About Political
> Intrique (LCDC=Land Conservation and Development Commissioners_
> Cat#13405 Pages: 594  Year:  1992 Paperback   Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  09/11/93 Up-dated: 11/30/93
> Spells out in the tradition of Rockefeller Regional Government
> research pioneer Jo Hindman (Beware Metro) how this subtle, covert
> tyranny has been imposed in Oregon.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Balla, Ignatius.
> Title: The Romance of the Rothschilds
> Subtitle:
> Cat#13789 Pages: 485  Year:  1913 Hardcover   Price:      $85.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/09/94 Up-dated: 04/09/94
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Walter, I..
> Title: The Secret Money Market
> Subtitle:
> Tax Evasion, Money Laudering, Capital Flight
> Cat#13392 Pages:      Year:  1990 Hardcover   Price:      $20.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  08/20/93 Up-dated: 09/20/93
> Laudering, fraud, offshore banking, capital flight, insider trading.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Mullins, Eustace.
> Title: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve
> Subtitle:
> The London Connection
> Cat#10340 Pages: 0000 Year:  1991 Hardcover   Price:      $15.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/14/92
> "Jekyll Island Edition" (2nd Edition)--Now Hardcover only.  Eustace
> Mullins, whose mentor was Ezra Pound, exposes the Bank of England
> control of the Federal Reserve System.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Greider, William.
> Title:  Secrets of the Temple
> Subtitle:
> How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country
> Cat#10900 Pages: 0798 Year:  1987 Hardcover   Price:      $24.95
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
> Reveals how the mighty and mysterious Federal Reserve Bank operates to
> control the USA and the world over the heads of the Congress and
> President.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Attali, Jacques.
> Title:  Sir Sigmund C. Warburg
> Subtitle:
> Cat#13699 Pages:      Year:  1985 Hardcover   Price:      $38.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/94 Up-dated: 02/21/94
> Extremely revealing portrait of one of those involved in, according to
> the author, "financing the princes of the world" by the socialist
> bureaucrat and advisor to President Mitterand.  Attali was removed as
> the president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Knupffer, George.
> Title: The Struggle for World Power
> Subtitle:
> Cat#12027 Pages: 240  Year:       Hardcover   Price:       $8.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/09/92 Up-dated: 04/20/94
> The author who was born in St. Petersburg explains how western bankers
> brought communism to Russia.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Josephson, Dr. Emanuel M..
> Title: The Truth About Rockefeller
> Subtitle:
> Public Enemy Number One--Studies in Criminal Psychopathy
> Cat#11475 Pages: 277  Year:  1964 Paperback   Price:       $5.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 09/09/93
> Detailed exposS of Nelson Rockefeller's career.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Field, A. N..
> Title: The Truth About the Slump
> Subtitle:
> Cat#12311 Pages:      Year:       Paperback   Price:      $10.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/15/92 Up-dated:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Sutton, Antony.
> Title:  Wall Street and FDR
> Subtitle:
> Cat#12061 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover   Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/17/92 Up-dated:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Sutton, Antony.
> Title:  Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
> Subtitle:
> Cat#11099 Pages: 228  Year:  1974 Paperback   Price:      $12.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 02/26/93
> Sutton's classic research showing Bolsheviks were financed by Wall
> Street and London bankers to retard Russian economic development.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Sutton, Antony.
> Title:  Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
> Subtitle:
> Here is the incredible story of the American financiers who provided
> the money and materiel Hitler used to launch WWII!
> Cat#10503 Pages: 0000 Year:  1976 Hardcover   Price:      $12.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
> US-British banks aided Hitler.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Warburg, James.
> Title: The West in Crisis
> Subtitle:
> Cat#13296 Pages: 192  Year:  1959 Hardcover   Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/11/93 Up-dated: 05/15/94
> Scion of the Warburg Dynasty issues his marching orders for the New
> World Order!!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Wise, Jenning C..
> Title:  Woodrow Wilson
> Subtitle:
> Disciple of Revolution
> Cat#12350 Pages: 487  Year:  1938 Hardcover   Price:      $75.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/16/92 Up-dated: 11/16/92
> Best coverage of the role of International Finance in WWI and the
> League of Nations:  Their first World Government Plot.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) , .
> Title: The World of David of Rockefeller
> Subtitle:
> An Interview of David Rockefeller by Bill Moyers
> Cat#11204 Pages: 62   Year:  1980 Pamphlet    Price:      $12.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/04/93
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Author (Last, Frst) Marsh, .
> Title: The World's Most Powerful Bank
> Subtitle:
> Inside Germany's Bundesbank
> Cat#13151 Pages:      Year:  1993 Hardcover   Price:      $25.00
> Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  06/20/93 Up-dated: 06/20/93
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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