-Caveat Lector-

>From the Rumor Mill News  Forum




RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

When Gary Condit Was Chosen By the California Democratic Party To Run For
the Congressional Seat Vacated by Tony Coehlo Due to Scandal, TONY COEHLO

By Rayelan Allan, Publisher, Rumor Mill News

I have known Tony Coehlo most of my life. I grew up in central California
in a small farming community that is in the Congressional District served
by Coehlo and Condit. I went to school with Tony Coehlo's nieces, one of
whom was recently implicated in the Portuguese Scandal along with her
infamous uncle.

In 1989, when Democratic Speaker of the House, Jim Wright, was forced to
resign in a ethics scandal, Coehlo was second in power in the position of
Majority Whip. Coehlo was caught up in a personal financial scandal and was
also forced out.

I was living in Washington D.C. and New York City at the time this was
going on. Shortly after Coehlo and Wright were forced out, I moved back to
California and bought a house with my mother in my home town, which was
right in the heart of Coehlo's Congressional District.

After two more trips to Washington D.C., I was approached by the Condit
Campaign and asked to join. I declined due to illness. One of my nieces
took the job. As a result of her involvement, I was asked to host a small
party for the Condit family. During that party, Condit himself asked me to
join his campaign. He had heard from my niece that I was thinking about
accepting a job on Capitol Hill and he put in a pitch to get me to go to
work for him instead of Senator Claiborne Pell.

One month later, I married Gunther Russbacher, a Naval officer I had first
met in 1976, at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

Two days after Gunther and I married, he was arrested, by the FBI, in front
of my entire family. We were all told that he was a con man on a crime
spree, marrying and defrauding wealthy widows. Gunther was taken to the
Stanislaus County Jail in Modesto, California. Gary Condit's brother is a
sheriff in this County.

I was not allowed to talk to him or see him until I had hand delivered a
letter to the Sheriff's Office stating that I wanted to see and hear from
him. Shortly after I delivered the letter, Gunther called. One of the first
things he said was, "Tony Coehlo and Gary Condit are behind this."

I was incredulous. How could Tony Coehlo and Gary Condit be behind his
arrest? Over the next few weeks and months, the entire story came out.
Gunther said Coehlo worked closely with the CIA in many of the Savings and
Loan Scandals. He also worked closely with Michael Milken in the junk bond
scandal of the 80's. Gunther said Coehlo skimmed a lot more money out of
these scandals than has ever been revealed.

Evidently the fact that I had recently been living in Washington, D.C., and
had JUST moved back to Coehlo's district, made Coehlo believe that Gunther
and I had come into the area to expose ALL of Coehlo's scandals and thereby
derail any hope the Democrats had of hanging on to the Congressional seat.

Tony Coehlo has a LONG history of unscrupulous activity. The following
comments are not my own, they are taken from the various articles that

a.. Coelho was notorious for his ability to shake down any lobbyist with
business before Congress.

a.. Author Brooks Jackson wrote a whole book, called "Honest Graft", about
Coelho's ability to rake in campaign cash, especially from shady S&L execs.

a.. "Power, privilege and cutthroat politics-for Coelho, they're not a
problem but a way of life." (Los Angeles Times, 8-16-94)

a.. "As the House Democrats' campaign chief, Coelho subordinated ideas to
attacks: `My job is to be the hit man.'" (Los Angeles Times, 8-16-94)

a.. "Coelho had burnished his lifestyle considerably upon being elected to
Congress, accepting approximately $80,000 per year in honoraria and
speaking fees. Coelho used the money to make extensive renovations to his
Alexandria home, which he proudly referred to as "the house honoraria
built." "I'm earning more money than I ever dreamed of making," he
gloated..." (New Republic, 12-25-94)

a.. "Influence peddling, it's recalled, was the Coelho political specialty
as he rose in Congress from a back-bencher to party whip..." (Scripps
Howard News Service, 8-24-94)

a.. "[Coelho] went so far as to sell access to the Democratic leadership of
the House. He invented the Speaker's Club, which granted lobbyists and
their clients the ability to meet socially with the speaker of the House
and other top Democrats for $5,000 per year for individuals and $15,000 for
PACS." (New Republic, 12-25-94)

a.. "[Coelho] made a name for himself by perfecting a shake-down racket
that enriched Democratic campaigns by threatening businesses. [Did Jesse
Jackson study in the Coehlo School of Political Blackmail and Shakedown?]
The Democrats are going to be in the majority for a long time, Mr. Coelho
was fond of telling businesses and their political action committees. Get
on board with the Democrats or suffer the consequences." (Washington Times,

a.. "As the House Democratic campaign chief in the 1980s, [Coelho]
pioneered the political-donor shakedown. Businesses were told in effect
that giving cash to House Democrats was an offer they couldn't refuse. In
return they might get legislative protection, such as the costly free pass
he gave to failing S&Ls." (Gigot, Wall Street Journal, 5-14-99)

a.. In 1989, Coelho ardently defended a congressional aide who had brutally
assaulted a woman with a hammer and knife, but served only 27 months in
prison. "Rightly or wrongly," Coelho said, the aide "owed his debt to
society, not to this young woman." (Los Angeles Times, 8-16-94) [RMNews:
Did this give him the ability to advise Condit?]

a.. Coelho at the 1988 Democratic convention: "When the titans of Wall
Street were looting the small investors on Main Street, where was George
Bush?" Coelho pledged that his party would fight "the corporate cannibals
on Wall Street." After resigning from Congress, Coehlo became a New York
investment banker. (Los Angeles Times, 8-16-94)

a.. While head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Coehlo
told a group of business people that they'd better take a major interest in
contributing to Democrats "or we can take a very big interest in your
business," a threat to use tax and regulatory power to extort money.

a.. Coehlo left Congress just as investigators were closing in over
questionable stock trades and for lying on his financial disclosure

a.. Later, in the private sector, Coehlo narrowly avoided prosecution for
insider trader violations, then was allowed to defraud taxpayers and skip
out on unpaid bills while heading a U.S. Trade Delegation in Spain.

a.. Coehlo, a six-term congressman from California's Central Valley,
resigned suddenly in 1989 after reports about his investments in a Beverly
Hills S&L linked to junk bond king Michael Milken. Coehlo's resignation
came shortly after Speaker Jim Wright resigned in disgrace over ethics
problems. When Wright stepped down, Coehlo had been in the running to be
majority leader.

a.. In 1989, the L.A. Times reported that the Justice Department had
initiated an investigation of favors Coehlo and some associates had given
to Milken. The department never confirmed or denied the story.

a.. In his 1988 book Honest Graft: Big Money and the American Political
Process, Brooks Jackson tells how Coehlo solicited money from the
Teamsters, and then sought to intervene with the Justice Department on
behalf of union president Jackie Presser.

a.. vice President Gore picked Coehlo to be his Campaign Chairman. Coehlo
was seen as valuable to Gore because he can raise big bucks in California-
a state he knows extremely well- where Gore draws much of his $8.8 million
war chest. It is here, in an early primary next March, that the campaign
may well be decided.

a.. Coehlo was closely connected to policies that led to the Democratic
Party's collapse in the late '80s, from subsidies for agribusiness moguls
to all-out defense of entitlements. Together, Gore and Coehlo helped lead
the Dukakis-Bentsen campaign down the tubes against Bush-Quayle in 1988.
Tony Coehlo is a well connected insider with access to the Intelligence

If Gary Condit knew he was in trouble, who would he go to? Whose advice
would he ask? Birds > of a feather flock together. If Condit needed help
covering up an affair, an illigitimate child, a murder, who better to turn
to than a man who has had his fingers in all sorts of scandals?

My question to the media is:

When are you going to start investigating Tony Coehlo?


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