Interesting item here which I finally found; however, enclosed the
Google Search with all the different theories and propaganda re Smoke
and Mirrors of Global Warming - a UN fraud designed to gouge Americans
out of more of their hard earned tax money.....

Want Peace in our Time - Cut off the Foreign Aid for War Mongering;
Want the Weather back we once enjoyed - stop the Weather Modification
Program - for now you see both are used as Weapons of War.

This is interesting item......there is nothing new under the sun but the
works of Colonel Thoman Beardon goes back many years and as a nuclear
engineer and familiar with weather engineering he knows how the jet
streams are being maniipulated to cause chaos in particular to the
American Farmers in my opinion.

Part of Weather War is Kissinger's Dream to corner market on food, now
they want the water, and they the air we breathe we will have to pay the
UN for this too?

This weather "control" changed to modification program was being worked
on in he early 50 period.......2nd only to the "absorbing of the colored
race" by the Pentagon and I ought to know, for I was witness to may
different conversations involving same........

For I was never an Alice In Wonderland, I did my own thinking and
researwch based upon inside knowlege and research......let us say there
is nothing new under the sun.


A New Enlightenment On The Global Warming Hoax

E. Ralph Hostetter

  Toogood Reports [Thursday, April 5, 2001; 12:01 a.m. ET]

Some of the best news we´ve heard in years came from the White House
recently. President George W. Bush, singly-handedly, kicked the
so-called Kyoto Treaty on global warming right out the door.

Our heartfelt thanks to a president who was smart enough to see through
the smoke and mirrors of this global warming hoax, and who had the
courage to stick a pin in the big hot air balloon of engineered climate
change – a balloon filled with nothing more than the over-inflated
egos of a gang of pseudo-scientists.

At the core of the Kyoto Treaty was a draconian plan to turn all United
States energy polices over to the United Nations. Control would include
all our energy sources and resources.

The Kyoto Treaty, upon ratification by the signatory nations, would
become the Kyoto Protocol, much as the Montreal Protocol banned all use
of chlorofluorocarbons (Freon) in the world. And ban it, it did. A
change in the protocol, under United Nation´s rules, would require a
majority vote. The United States would have one vote out of 180, with no
veto power.

The purpose of the Kyoto Treaty was to penalize all the modern
industrial nations – North America and Europe – for their "wasteful"
energy use. These nations were identified as the largest emitters of
carbon dioxide through the use of fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas.
The Kyoto Treaty would require these nations to reduce carbon dioxide
emissions and thereby energy use (electricity, gasoline and fuel oil) to
a point five percent below those of 1990 by the year 2012.

As an example, California is using 50 percent more energy than it used
in 1990 – by the year 2012 it would be using much more. To reduce
California to less than half of the energy it consumed in 1990 would
effectively shut California down much as the Sierra Club, one of the
principle backers of the treaty, is doing now.

The Kyoto Treaty was the centerpiece of then Vice President Al Gore´s
effort to create a lasting legacy as the environmental giant he hoped to
become. He referred to the Kyoto Treaty as his "Marshall Plan."

The treaty identified the industrial western world as the culprit. Those
nations used more energy than the so-called developing world. China,
Russia, India, all of Africa and South America were exempt. The exempt
nations were to be issued energy credits.

Energy in the industrial western countries would have to be rationed
immediately to reduce energy use to pre-1990 levels by the year 2012.

In the event the U.S. was starving energy-wise, it could purchase energy
credits, for example, from China, or from Russia, to survive. The
billions of dollars sent to these other countries, according to Gore,
would be spent by them to clean up their own environments, and presto,
the entire world would be pollution free.

"What evil lurks in the hearts of men?" Only the shadow of Clinton
knows. The Kyoto Protocol would have been nothing more than a Marxist,
communist, socialist plot to redistribute the western industrial wealth
to the old communist block nations.

The Kyoto Treaty was presented for approval b the United Nations to
member countries of the world at the Hague in the Netherlands last
November. Many western industrial nations began to smell a rat and the
meeting ended in disarray with a friendly "environmentalist" pushing a
pie in the face of the American delegate.

The. U.S. Senate in 1997 voted 97-0 to reject the Kyoto Treaty. In
defiance of the U.S. Senate vote rejecting the treaty, both President
Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore signed it. Had Al Gore been
elected president last November, word was that he intended to ram the
treaty through regardless of the Senate disapproval.

The treaty has languished around Washington for too long. It lay there,
like a deep cancer, waiting to spread. President George W. Bush´s
surgical removal of this malignant document is to be applauded.

Ralph Hostetter serves on the Board of Directors of the Free Congress
The Free Congress Foundation is located at 717 Second Street, NE -
Washington, DC 20002. Telephone: 202.546.3000 - Fax: 202.544.2819.
April 5, 2001

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