[I'm not trying to link these three just saving posts :)]

Rainbow Symbol 'Hijacked' by Homosexuals, Says Pro-Family Group
(CNSNews.com) - The rainbow, considered by many to be a biblical symbol full of hope 
and promise, is used widely today by homosexuals as a symbol of their activism. And 
some conservative pro-family groups charge that the rainbow symbol not only has been 
hijacked, but that institutions like the University of Hawaii have caved in to 
homosexuals in order to be "politically correct.".


Court to Hear NAMBLA Literature Case
(CNSNews.com) - A U.S. District Court judge in Massachusetts this week will conduct an 
open hearing into whether incriminating background information about the North 
American Man-Boy Love Association should be included in a wrongful death lawsuit 
against the group. The American Civil Liberties Union (ALCU) is defending NAMBLA in 
the suit that was filed last year by the parents of Jeffrey Curley.


Adult Entertainment Event Attracts Conservatives, Too
Los Angeles, Calif. (CNSNews.com) - Erotica-LA, a three-day event at the Los Angeles 
Convention Center, is billed as an attempt to "bridge the chasm between the adult 
industry and mainstream America." For three days, more than one hundred vendors will 
sell every type of adult product imaginable, from videos to sexual aides to clothing.


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