Find this item interesting - Condit lives in this "Bohemian Adams Morgan
District" and little Chandra had out her map on TV of this Klingle
Mansion and if you note this Adams Morgan District and Klingon Mansion
district are next door neighbors.

Could it be a meeting was to take place;  Chandra is alleged to have
visited that guy's apartment, but when - maybe that night?
Seems strange he would permit her to meet in his apartment in this
rather naughty area when he traveled in such secrecy and by the way,
these pictures of him on his web site are 20 years old an do over and
over people write how young he is?   He looks 20 years older han his

So his is one item re this location and then an interesting item re
Klingle Mansion area where Chandra took the time to target on her


...Around the World in a Flash!

Condit Is Conservative by Day, Liberal at Night
New York Post | May 18, 2001

He's so conservative he voted to quash flag burning. Yet he once moshed
at a Pearl Jam concert and posed astride a Harley Davidson motorcycle
for a raunchy biker mag.

The life of Congressman Gary Condit - whose relationship to missing
intern Chandra Levy is under question after she disappeared - seems
marked by contradictions.

Among Capitol Hill regulars, the conservative son of a Baptist minister
is described as a "smooth talker" and a sharp dresser. Detractors call
him "Mr. Blow-Dry."
Condit eschews the Washington suburbs to live among the young, hip
college crowd in the bohemian Adams Morgan, a Washington, D.C.,
neighborhood that is the district's answer to the East Village.
But unlike many congressmen who bring their families to Washington, his
wife, Carolyn, whom he married at 19, lives full time back in the
strait-laced rural environs of Ceres in Northern California. [Saba Note:
She lives with her children and he does the traveling back and forth
with exception of this visit right during Chandra's disappearance]

A source close to the congressman says health problems kept her at home,
although Condit frequently flies to see her on weekends.

Condit began his career in Ceres at 24 as a city councilman. A political
prodigy with burning ambition, he was a state assemblyman at 28.

Even then, he ran with the in-crowd and had his share of female fans.
"When he was in the state legislature, he and fellow state Democrats
frequented a bar, Pargary's," one high-ranking California Democrat, who
remembered Condit's younger days, told The Post.

"He was pretty social when he was in Sacramento. He got around and he
was popular with women."

When Condit won his seat on Capitol Hill in 1989, he earned a reputation
as the most conservative Democrat in the Golden State's congressional
delegation. Several years later, he helped found the "Blue Dog
Democrats" - a group that backs GOP issues and is helping President

Because of this maverick role, MSNBC named Condit one of the eight top
"Democratic Power Brokers." "He's a good congressman," said California
agricultural lobbyist Julian Heron. "He works hard. He looks after his
constituents' interests, and he takes his job very seriously."

Though he leans right on the Hill by day, he's a liberal free spirit at
night. Choosing a condo in Adams Morgan - which Condit admitted Levy
once visited - is a strong statement because
[Saba note:  When, the night she targeted the area in which she looked
up Klingle Mansion]

Congress members normally choose the Virginia or Maryland suburbs.

Condit's love of motorcycles and rock is unusual in congressional
circles. When Condit went to a concert by the grunge group Pearl Jam
with friend Republican Rep. John Kasich of Ohio, he didn't hold back.

"He got himself in a mosh pit," Kasich told The Modesto Bee in a 1996
interview. "He thought people were trying to fight him."

© NEWS-MINUTE.COM All Rights Reserved
Doin' the News Since May of '98
In Memory Of: Steve and Diane, Two Americans

Might add the Klingle Mansion area - a guy named JJ Canela who was
friend to Congressman Traficanta and almost went to slammer - donated
$500,000 dollars to have a building named after his daughter whom he
wanted to or did run for congress and who was involved with the
Streisand fund raiser....later he pled guilty to a bribe, etc.

So here is an item and I have deleted information that was not relavant
but it appears Condit lived near Klingle Mansion area?   Klingle Mansion
has been used for "think tank
sessions" in the past and has an Old Mill Stream for this Mansion once
was a Mill....



Saba Note -  Reference to Adam Morgan area, this Bohemian district in
which Condit lived?  The area sounds like an area one would not want to
be in streets after twilight time....Saba Note. 

East of the Park for Klingle Valley
April 2, 2001
Contact: Vicki Linton, (202) 232-0921
East of the Park Group Exceeds Goal with 1,200

Signatures to Save Klingle Valley Park
East of the Park for Klingle Valley, a group of Mount Pleasant and
***Adams Morgan residents,*** announced today that it has gathered over
1,200 signatures on its petitions opposing the rebuilding of the road
through Klingle Valley Park.

The Save Klingle Valley signature campaign began in February.  Each
weekend group members have collected signatures in Adams Morgan and
Mount Pleasant while talking to neighbors about the issue of keeping
Klingle Valley car-free.

"We believe that our signature drive shows that residents east of Rock
Creek Park do not want the road through Klingle Valley rebuilt for motor
vehicles," said Nadia Steinzor, a Mount Pleasant resident who has helped
with the effort.  "Our experience talking with hundreds of our
neighbors each weekend has convinced us that there is strong support
here for protecting Klingle Valley and restoring it as a park."

Klingle Valley Park is a wooded stream valley that runs west of Rock
Creek Park between the
[Shanda hate computer record of Rock Creek Park and Kringle Mansion on
computer - Saba Note - and this is Condit hunting ground] National Zoo
and Porter Street.  An abandoned portion of Klingle Road runs through
the Valley. [Note the abandoned portion of this road runs through
valley......this area is not a nice area - saba note] 

A decision is expected soon from the Department of Public Works about
whether to rebuild the old roadway for the use of motor vehicles or
whether to protect Klingle Valley as a park.

East of the Park for Klingle Valley will continue to talk with residents
of Mount Pleasant, Adams Morgan, Columbia Heights, and other east of
Rock Creek Park neighborhoods each weekend as we educate people of the
need to speak out in favor of the environment and for better use of
transportation funds.

On Saturday, March 31, East of the Park for Klingle Valley held a
walking tour of Klingle Valley attended by more than 60 people. 
Naturalists from the Audubon Naturalist Society, Maryland Native Plant
Society, and Sierra Club led participants on a tour of the valley and
its natural features.  Participants learned about the stream through
the valley, the trees and the importance of the heavy tree cover to the
ecosystem, and about the problems created by pavement in this park area.

The group will join with the Sierra Club to put on an Earth Day
Celebration in Klingle Valley Park on Sunday, April 22.  The event
will include a park cleanup, exhibits by environmental groups, live
music, and a nature hike.

East of the Park for Klingle Valley and our neighbors
who live east of Rock Creek Park are asking the city
to protect our environment by keeping Klingle Valley
car-free.  East of the Park for Klingle Valley can be
emailed at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web sites with information about the Free Trade Area of the Americas
(FTAA), in preparation for the April actions in Quebec in protest of the
FTAA summit.
"The Last Frontier"
Public Citizen's website on the FTAA
"The FTAA and the Threat to Social Programs, Environmental
Sustainability, and Social Justice in Canada and the Americas": <
Alliance for Democracy
Alliance for Global Justice
Alliance for Responsible Trade
Global Exchange
Institute for Policy Studies
Rainforest Action Network
On-site logistics in Quebec:
Legal questions [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
Medical questions [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Flight information or
DC Statehood Green Party
DC Statehood Green discussion list  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Association of State Green Parties
Maryland Greens
Northern Virginia Greens, (703) 818-0794
The Progressive Review (news & views you won't find in
the Post, courtesy of Sam Smith)
Lots of Green links
Green Scrapbook
Useful links on Green organizing and fundraising
Stand Up for Democracy in DC Coalition
DC Watch (citizens' watchdog reports on DC government)
ACT UP Washington DC
The Washington Peace Center
20 Citizens ("Adams vs. Clinton")  DC democracy
DC-Independent Media Center
Center for Voting and Democracy (proportional
representation, instant runoff voting, other election
ONEDC.ORG (network of local DC environmentalists)
Common Dreams
Washington Regional Network
Good Food DC and Community Harvest
SUSTAIN campaign for Palestinian refugee rights

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