

Sunday, July 15 8:46 PM SGT

Rights group accuses Israeli police of torturing Palestinian youngsters

JERUSALEM, July 15 (AFP) - Palestinian teenager Sultan Mahdi's hands and feet
were tied to a chair leg by Israeli interrogators who later shoved his head
down a toilet, according to a report published by an Israeli human rights
group Sunday.

Mahdi, 15, is one of 10 boys whose case has been examined by the B'Tselem
rights group which said they were abused and tortured at a police station in
the Gush Etzion Jewish settlement bloc south of Bethlehem in the West Bank.

"In most of the cases, the police arrested them at their homes in the middle
of the night and took them to the police station in Gush Etzion, where police
interrogators tortured them until morning," B'Tselem said in a statement.

It said police, who arrested the 10 youngsters aged between 14 and 17 between
the start of the Palestinian intifada or uprising in late September and
January this year, were seeking to extract confessions and information about
other minors.

"These are not isolated cases or uncommon conduct by certain police officers,
and information received by B'Tselem raises the serious likelihood that
torture during interrogations at the Gush Etzion police station continues,"
it said.

It said methods of torture included forcing the minors to stand in painful
positions for prolonged periods, beating them severely for hours, sometimes
with objects, pushing their heads into toilet bowls and flushing and making
death threats.

Mahdi said he was beaten about the face and head during his five-hour
interrogation and decided to confess to throwing five stones at a settler's
vehicle after his head was put in the toilet.

Another boy, Ismail Sabatin, 17, said he was ordered to lean against a wall
with his legs up and head down and later told to stand on a chair and grab a
pipe fixed to the wall.

"They removed the chair from under me and left me hanging in the air with my
handcuffed hands holding on to the pipe and the weight of my body, hanging in
the air, drawing my hands downwards," he said.

Ibrahim Zaul 16, told B'Tselem one officer threatened to kill him, and said
another boy had died under interrogation.

"I was blindfolded. The interrogator said that he was going to electrocute me
and that I would die like Ahmed. I felt the sensation of two iron wires being
stuck on me but nothing happened," he said.

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