-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday, July 17, 2001

FBI agents claim DOJ fixed probe

Reno, aides worked 'hand and glove' with White House to protect Clinton

Editor's note: This is one in a series of exclusive WorldNetDaily
investigative reports on the Justice Department's still-active criminal
probe of 1996 Clinton-gore fund-raising abuses.

By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- The day after the Thompson committee hearings on Chinagate
kicked off in the Senate, a lawyer driving a white Lexus pulled up to Yah
Lin "Charlie" Trie's home in Little Rock, Ark.

It was July 2, 1997, and FBI agents conducting surveillance on Trie's house
watched, powerlessly, as Trie's secretary, Maria "Dia" Mapili, and the
lawyer loaded the car with four boxes, which agents later confirmed
contained documents under subpoena by both a federal grand jury and the

Earlier that day, agents thought they had a green light to search Trie's
home to stop the further destruction of evidence that they'd discovered
while sifting through Trie's garbage cans.

Mixed in with fish heads and other garbage were bits of key records that
investigators had sought in their criminal probe of 1996 Clinton-Gore
fund-raising abuses.

After drying out and piecing together the shreds of paper, they restored
checks from Asian donors to President Clinton's legal defense fund,
Democratic National Committee donor lists, travel records for Chinese money
men and statements from Chinese bank accounts. There also was a FedEx slip
showing the White House had sent two pounds of documents to Trie just two
months earlier.

But, at the last minute, Justice officials denied their request for a
search warrant. In fact, FBI special agent Kevin Sheridan was back in
Washington arguing against the high-level punt at the same time Mapili and
her lawyer, who'd been tipped off to the scheduled search that day, were
carting off documents.

Scrambling to recover the documents, special FBI agent Daniel Wehr asked
for permission to stop the Lexus as it sped off. Justice officials turned
that request down, too.

Agents learned later that Mapili, who had no prior counsel, had quickly and
conveniently lawyered up with one of Arkansas' best -- W.H. Taylor, who is
Don Tyson's personal lawyer. Tyson, the chicken king who heads
Fayetteville, Ark.-based Tyson Foods, is a big Clinton supporter.

Remarkably, Taylor had driven almost four hours to Little Rock from
Fayetteville to help Mapili cart off subpoenaed documents.

"That's just not a coincidence," said I.C. Smith, the special agent in
charge of the FBI in Arkansas at the time.

"Here you've got lawyers stepping over one another there in Little Rock,
and of all the people, she hooks up with Don Tyson's personal lawyer,"
Smith said in an exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily. "She didn't make
that decision herself."

So who hooked her up with Tyson's lawyer? Again, Justice officials weren't
interested in investigating.

Before subpoenaing Mapili for Trie's records, Smith had tried to get a
device installed to record the numbers pulsed to and from Mapili's phone to
see who she was talking to. But Washington objected.

But that's not all.

After agents complained about the boxes of documents taking flight from
Trie's house, Justice sent a lawyer, William Corcoran, to Little Rock to
meet with Taylor to review the documents.

Only, the meeting never took place.

"Corcoran overslept the morning of the meeting, and Taylor left and went
back to Fayetteville with the documents," Smith said.

In sworn statements on Oct. 21 and 22, 1997 -- after the Senate hearings
had ended -- Mapili confirmed agents' worst fears by admitting she
destroyed and hid documents on orders from Trie, who had fled to China. She
hid some documents in a credenza, and others under Trie's bed.

Finally, on Oct. 23, 1997, Justice officials OK'd a search warrant, and
agents obtained documents sufficient to indict Trie. (The indictment was
scheduled for November 1998, but officials postponed it until January
1998 -- after the election.) Trie was later convicted in a plea deal that
spared him jail for his cooperation in further investigations.

All told, Trie gave $640,000 in illegal donations to the DNC and
Clinton-Gore reelection effort, and $460,000 more in illegal donations to
Clinton's legal defense fund. He made the donations to buy access to
Clinton for Chinese benefactors such as Ng Lap Seng, a shady Macau tycoon,
and Wang Jun, a Beijing arms dealer. They got the access, and possibly

Even so, Clinton was never a target, and agents were blocked from following
any leads back to him.

"I was told by Laura Ingersoll that we would not pursue any matter relating
to the solicitation or payment of funds for access to the presidency," Wehr
testified before the Senate Sept. 22, 1999.

Why? "That's the way the American political process works," Wehr said
Ingersoll told him.

"I was scandalized by that answer," Wehr said.

Ingersoll, who does not recall the conversation, was the first of many
supervisors of Justice's campaign finance task force. A relatively green
prosecutor, she was hand-picked by Lee Radek, who runs the task force as
Public Integrity Section chief.

Radek, who privately told FBI officials at the outset of the probe in 1996
that he was under political "pressure" to throttle the probe to save
then-Attorney General Janet Reno's job, was the intellectual muscle behind
Reno's stubborn refusal not to turn the case over to an independent

Roberta Parker, lead FBI agent in Washington on the Trie case, also was
compelled to testify in 1999.

She swore: "I was told [by Ingersoll] that we would not take into
consideration the Presidential Legal Expense Trust [PLET] issue, and that
we would not take into consideration the Senate subpoena obstruction issue
for the search warrant."

She said Ingersoll wouldn't let agents use the illegal PLET checks from
Trie as evidence for probable cause to search Trie's home.

'No doubt about' cover-up

All this begs the question: Did Justice prosecutors, under the orders of
Reno and Radek, fix the investigation in favor of Clinton?

"There's no doubt about it," Smith said in a lengthy phone interview from
his Virginia home.

He claims that Justice and White House lawyers worked "hand and glove" to
bury the investigation.

"When you have W.H. Taylor driving all the way from Fayetteville to
represent a little Filipino woman [Mapili] who can hardly find Fayetteville
on a map, there's no question there was collusion," Smith charged.

Added another veteran FBI agent who worked on the case, but wished to go
unnamed: "The setbacks were too orchestrated to write off as high-level
incompetence. It was intentional obstruction. We were all dumbfounded."

"And the cover-up continues," the agent said.

Republicans such as Sen. Fred Thompson and Rep. Dan Burton, who have
conducted Chinagate hearings, have charged that Reno and her aides were
"blocking" for the president or "covering up" evidence that pointed to the
White House.

But this is the first time street agents on the case have gone that far.

Ingersoll, who eventually was removed from the task force, says she denied
agents' requests for search warrants because they lacked "probable cause."

For his part, Radek argues that he's handcuffed by toothless
campaign-finance laws, and is "desperately looking for crimes to accuse
these people of and bring them to justice."

Reno still maintains she conducted a "fair," "honest" and "thorough" probe.

The operational plan

But Smith doesn't buy it and points to a written "operational plan" as a
potential source of leaks to the White House on task force strategy.

He says the plan, which is about a quarter-inch thick, was the playbook for
task force prosecutors.

"There was at least the potential for it to be shared with the White House
counsel's office," which closely monitored the probe for the president.

Smith also says the plan, which took a long time to put together, delayed
the launch of the probe in 1997.

"It was a nuisance, because instead of agents going out there interviewing
people, they were putting together this operational plan," he said. "And
the decision-making on the plan was tortuous in itself."

"So weeks and weeks went by there when very little investigating was being
done," Smith added. "Everybody was trying to come up with this operational
plan," which was finally completed in mid-1997.

Agents also charge that senior Justice officials did not want them to
succeed, and did everything in their power to trip them up.

Unlike other investigations involving the FBI, Justice lawyers had
unprecedented control in this case. Agents had to clear every move through

"This wasn't the typical FBI investigation where you follow the leads
yourself," Smith said. "You had to clear all your interviews through the
Justice Department."

Veteran agents were told who they could interview as witnesses, how they
should interview them and when they could put them before the grand jury.

For example, Smith recalls Ingersoll initially turning down an April 23,
1997, request by his team to subpoena Arkansan Lorin Fleming, a potentially
key witness in the Trie case.

Smith says department lawyers even sabotaged the testimony of a key witness
cultivated by his agents in Little Rock.

Dwight Linkous, an Arkansas "mover and shaker," was a critical Trie witness
who Smith said was "treated shabbily by department lawyers."

Duffle bags full of cash

Linkous, a former Little Rock city director who helped install Clinton pal
Webster Hubbell as mayor, was prepared to tell the grand jury of how Trie
smuggled briefcases and duffle bags full of $100-dollar bills from China.

In one instance, he told agents Trie offered cash to Little Rock business
leaders to help Ng and other Chinese buy the old Camelot Hotel in Little
Rock. In another, he paid $30,000 to Clinton aide Mark Middleton to help
broker the Camelot deal (which eventually fell through). And in yet another
example, Trie gave $100,000 in Chinese cash to the DNC in 1994 so that Ng
and other Chinese could dine with Clinton.

Yet before presenting Linkous to the grand jury in Washington, Justice
lawyer Corcoran "hadn't even read the 302s we'd written" summarizing the
FBI's deposition of Linkous.

Instead of massaging Linkous for information on the stand, Corcoran
questioned his credibility, Smith said.

"It was a conscious effort to discredit this guy before the grand jury and
not ask any of the pertinent questions," he said.

The witness just "clammed up after that," Smith said.

"We had many stumbling blocks in this investigation," agreed FBI agent
Sheridan, who got so fed up he left the case.

The politicized probe convinced Smith, a 25-year veteran, to retire in

The task-force personnel turnover, both at the bottom and top, has worked
in Clinton's favor.

When it came time to work out sentencing for Trie, the investigators
squeezing him for more information weren't even involved in his
investigation, agents say.

'Didn't even read file'

"They didn't even read the case file," one agent said. "How can you debrief
Charlie Trie without reading the case file?"

Most of the dozen agents and lawyers who deposed Trie in 1999 were new to
the case and had "less than a year in," the agent said. "That's kind of

Smith, who can translate both Mandarin and Cantonese, says the new
investigators mistakenly thought Ng Lap Seng, Trie's Chinese benefactor,
and Mr. Wu were different people. They didn't realize they are the same
name in different Chinese dialects.

As time went on, fewer investigators knew much about the president's
friends from Arkansas and how they were connected in a web of

"They didn't have the wiring diagram," Smith said. As a result, interviews
with witnesses and perpetrators were "poorly done" and "incomplete."

"There's a rhythm to investigations," he added, "and there was never any
rhythm developed in the campaign-finance investigations."

Adding to the lack of continuity, the task force has gone through six chief
prosecutors in less than five years.

Ingersoll was replaced by Charles LaBella, who Reno ousted for David
Vicinanzo after LaBella complained about political foot-dragging. And
Vicinanzo, in turn, was replaced by Scott Fredericksen, who backed out at
the last minute and was replaced by Robert Conrad, who was replaced in
February by Michael Horowitz, a Justice bureaucrat.

"Clearly there was no real interest in pursuing this thing at the
department, particularly after Chuck LaBella was removed," Smith said.

LaBella, who left in 1998, urged Reno to turn the case over to an outside

In a departing memo to her, he complained: "If these allegations involved
anyone other than the president, vice president, senior White House or DNC
and Clinton-Gore '96 officials, an appropriate investigation would have
commenced months ago without hesitation."

'Agents of a communist state'

It's one thing to fix a public-corruption case for political reasons. But
this one doesn't just involve politicians. It involves a foreign country
and the likely compromise of national security, since illegal donations
came from Communist China while policy toward China softened dramatically,
and that particularly bothered FBI agents.

"People at the department didn't take a lot of the intelligence and
national security stuff very seriously when it came up," complained one FBI
agent who worked on the case. "We screamed and yelled and screamed and
yelled, but they wouldn't see the forest for the trees."

"Yet," the agent added, "this conspiracy involves agents of a communist
state who got unfettered access to the White House. I mean, they were in
the White House all the time."

The agent, who asked not to be identified, called Chinagate "the mother of
all the Clinton scandals" -- and Americans don't know the half of it.

"Let me put it this way," the agent said, "what the public knows is just
the tip of the iceberg."

COMING THURSDAY: Public Integrity Section Chief Lee Radek, criticized for
steering the Chinagate probe away from the White House, has a friend in
Robert Mueller, President Bush's pick to replace FBI Director Louis Freeh.

NEXT TUESDAY: Did the Washington Post assist in the cover-up? Editor's
note: If you would like to let Justice Department officials know how you
feel about their handling of the Campaign Financing Task Force
investigation, you can contact them at the following phone numbers or
e-mail addresses:

Lee Radek
Public Integrity Section chief
(202) 514-1412

Joseph Gangloff
Public Integrity Section deputy chief
(202) 514-1412

Michael Horowitz
Campaign Financing Task Force supervisor
(202) 353-8579

David Ayres
Chief of staff for
Attorney General John Ashcroft
(202) 514-3892

Mindy Tucker
Press secretary for
Attorney General John Ashcroft
(202) 616-2777

You can also contact the congressional committee leaders who have oversight
over the Justice Department:

John Cardarelli
Press secretary for
Rep. Dan Burton, chairman,
House Government Reform Committee
(202) 226-5309

Brian Walsh
Communications director for
Rep. Bob Barr, member,
House Government Reform Committee
(202) 225-2931

Mark Corallo


Josie Duckett
Press secretaries for
House Government Reform Committee
(202) 225-5074

Leslie Phillips
Press secretary for
Senate Governmental Affairs Committee


Joyce Rechtschaffen
Staff director for
Senate Governmental Affairs Committee
(Chairman Sen. Joseph Lieberman)
(202) 224-4751

Mimi Devlin
Press secretary for
Senate Judiciary Committee
(Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy)
(202) 224-7703

Jeff Lungren
Communications director for
House Judiciary Committee
(Chairman Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner)
(202) 225-3951
Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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