-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Chamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 8:27 PM
Subject: Har Shefi Pardon


By Barry Chamish

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 19:46:06 +0200
From: Joel Bainerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


President Katzav has pardoned Margalit Har Shefi and is receiving endless
accolades from her supporters, praising him for his wisdom and goodness.
When will they learn that there is no goodness left in Israeli politics,
just stinky deals?

Katzav has never had an original thought in his life, nor has he once acted
upon his own initiative. Har Shefi's pardon was part of a program to make
certain that the Shabak inciter Avishai Raviv never has his day in court.
The first signs that such a plan exists were revealed two weeks ago when
charges of incitement against three Eyal members were dropped. They were
accused of participating in a filmed initiation ceremony, broadcast over
the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Channel One television station. Of
course, the inflammatory ceremony was organized by Raviv himself and
stage-directed by Channel One's Shabak director Eitan Oren. Now, thought
the authorities, we wouldn't want those nasty facts emerging from a trial,
so let's get rid of this problematic exercise in legal malpractice. And
since the charges were dropped against the Eyal boys, well, we'll just drop
the same charge against Avishai Raviv.

That left just one charge against Raviv; failure to prevent the
assassination of the prime minister, why the very same crime Har Shefi was
convicted of. And if she gets a pardon, well so will Raviv, even before his
trial begins. Now how do we know this was the deal? Because Katzav as good
as told us. He explained he reached his pardon decision after consulting
with Carmi Gillon and Edna Arbel. Now why, oh why, would they want Margalit
Har Shefi pardoned? Could it be because Arbel, as state prosecutor, dropped
numerous police complaints against Raviv and prevented Eitan Oren from
standing trial for directing the infamous Eyal initiation ceremony? (for
full details, look at the chapter called Gagging On The Protocols from my
book, The Last Days Of Israel). And could it be, because Gillon was Raviv's
ultimate superior officer and his role in the incitements leading to and
including the Rabin murder would inevitably be exposed in a fair trial of
Avishai Raviv? Could it also be because Rabin's real murderer, the Shabak
bodyguard Yoram Rubin, has to be protected at all costs.

Recall a similar episode. In 1974, a soldier, Rachel Heller, was murdered
by her boyfriend, a Shabak officer named Aharon Bichovsky. To protect their
man, the Shabak had State Attorney General Meir Shamgar sent an innocent
dupe, Amos Baranes, to prison for life. As public awareness of the
injustice spread, Supreme Court Judge, Haim Cohen, begged Baranes,
literally on his knees, to accept a presidential pardon and be released.
Baranes refused because one can only be pardoned for a crime actually
committed. He would not go through life a convicted criminal. He chose
prison over letting the state get away with murder. Margalit Har Shefi was
just as innocent as Baranes and if she had a fraction of his integrity she
would have turned down Katzav's phoney pardon.

But she didn't and watch the consequences; Raviv will be pardoned as well
even before he steps into the courtroom.


But since stinky deals are a way of life in Israel, let's take the
opportunity to look at a few more:

1. Covering Up The Enemy's Crimes

Yippee doo. The source of the ammonia poisoning in the Gush Dan water
supply last week has been solved. The water authority Mekorot found an
ammonia leak at a filtration station in Bet Netofa in the Jezreel Valley. A
hydrology student wrote: "That means the ammonia-polluted water flowed 80
kilometers undetected before entering the Gush Dan network...like that
could happen."

A nature-loving shepherd was murdered by the PLO and our government told us
he was shot dead. Why didn't they want the public to know the truth, as
explained by another writer:

"It was told to me this evening that the government version of the murder
of Yair Har Sinai being shot by automatic fire from a distance was a
fabrication. The fact as reported to me by an army officer is that he was
surprised and caught by a number of assailants and tortured before death.
His body was cut from the area of the navel up towards the throat, his
innards being removed as well as other mutilations. It was the opinion of
the officer that he suffered greatly before his unfortunate death which was
ended with a bullet in the head at close range."

2. Trojan Horses

Last month Pal. leader Faysel Al-Husseini was murdered in Kuwait by his own
CIA-trained bodyguards. The motive reported by Arab sources was a power
struggle between him and PLO Security chief Jibril Rajoub for the takeover
of power when Arafat goes to the great casbah in Hell. However, a much
better motive has emerged. Husseini started blabbing about the real purpose
of the Oslo Accord: to plant a totally corrupt Arafat within Israel's
gates, like a Trojan Horse, then destroy the country in stages. To say the
very least, this was a non-no on several counts and the penalty had to be a
quick murder.

Here is a sample of Husseini's ego getting him killed:

On his way to Kuwait, where he later died of a heart attack, PLO senior
Faysal Al-Husseini gave what turned out to be his last interview to the
Egyptian (Nasserite) daily, ´Al-Arabi´.

"Had the U.S. and Israel not realized, before Oslo, that all that was left
of the Palestinian National movement and the Pan-Arab movement was a wooden
horse called Arafat or the PLO, they would never have opened their
fortified gates and let it inside their walls."

"Despite the fact that we entered these walls in order to build, unlike the
Greeks who entered in order to destroy, I now tell you all, all those to
whom I spoke in a secret meeting during the days of Oslo: ´Climb into the
horse and don´t question what type of material the horse is made of. Climb
into the horse, and we shall transform your climbing into that horse into a
beginning of a building era rather than an era of the end of hope."´

"And indeed, there are those who climbed unto the horse and are [now]
inside [the PA territory] whether they supported the Oslo Accords or not."

The PLO are hardly the only Trojan Horse in Israel. Thanks, initially to
the Debka File (debka.com), the world learned that Saudi Arabia is calling
America's shots in the Middle East. Subsequent reports sent to this address
insist that the Saudi Foreign Minister is threatening the Bush family oil
interests if Israel's disintegration isn't speeded up.

The Trojan Horse planted in Israel by Bush is the new American ambassador,
Daniel Kurtzer. He is being painted by the media as an orthodox Jew, with a
son studying Torah in Mevasseret Zion, who, of course, could mean no harm
to his own people.

Well look who controls Daniel Kurtzer! Look at the company he keeps! Why,
it's the notorious Henry Seigman, who was exposed by Maariv reporter Yoav
Yitzhak for taking, what amounts to, a $200,000 bribe from the EU to run a
smear campaign against Israel. And look where they like to meet; why at CFR


Ad Hoc Meeting

December 18, 1997, New York, NY "The State of U.S.-Egyptian Relations"

Speaker: Daniel Kurtzer U.S. Department of State

Presider: Henry Siegman Senior Fellow and Director, U.S./Middle East

Project Ad hoc meetings on the Middle EastOther Meetings in this Series:

The Middle East Process After the Israeli Elections: An Egyptian

Israel's Elections and Middle East Peace

The State of the American-Israeli Alliance

Three Perspectives on Peace

After May 4: Palestinian Options and Strategies

The Middle East after Oslo

Current Developments in the Middle East

Orthodox Perspectives on the Peace Process

What Now? The Aftermath of Secretary Albright's Visit to the Middle East

The Middle East Peace Process at a Crossroads: A Palestinian View

Promoting the Middle East Peace Process

The Peace Process after Hebron: A Palestinian Perspective

Update on the Peace Process and U.S.-Egypt Relations

Israeli-Palestinian Relations

The Future of Jerusalem

An Israeli Perspective on Radical Islam and the Peace Process

Is the Peace Process in Crisis?

Perspectives on the Middle East Peace Process

Website Guide | About the Council | Council Highlights | Foreign Affairs
Magazine | Council Publications | Search | Home Copyright 2001 by the
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. All rights reserved.

3. The Media - And if you're wondering why you've heard of none of these
stinky deals, maybe it's because the mainstream media isn't telling you.
Here's a little example of why, sent by Toronto journalist Marshall

"It has come to my attention that Ms. Wafa Amr, senior editor at CNN and
senior writer at Reuters, is an officer of the Palestinian Authority
security forces. Wafa's husband, the head of Arafat's Voice of Palestine
PBC radio station, also plays an essential role in the security forces of
the Palestinian National Authority."

For those who believe that President Katzav's pardon of Margalit Har Shefi
was a unilateral act of decency which deserves high praise, think again. It
was just another stinky deal which the Israeli public will soon pay for
many times over.



Why Should The Israeli Public Listen

To What Joel Skousen Has To Say?

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 19:46:06 +0200

From: Joel Bainerman

I am arranging a visit to Israel of Joel Skousen, a conservative columnist
and political analyst from the US. Mr. Skousen is not Jewish however is a
stalwart supporter of Israel. What is different about Joel Skousen than all
the other political commentators and Middle East analysts is his frame of
reference. He claims the Oslo peace agreements were concocted by the State
Department and the elite group, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and
that these two unelected entities aim to weaken Israel militarily and strip
the Jewish state of its national sovereignty. As an expert on the
mechanisms behind the State Department's treacherous dealings with Israel
and other nations for the past 50 years, Mr. Skousen has a unique message
to relay to the Israeli public that could help Israelis better understand
the forces of work that are against it in the world and how to combat these
nefarious elements... Joel Skousen is coming to Israel to explain to us
just how horrible our situation is, who is responsible for this nightmare,
and how the Israeli public can battle these devious forces...

More information is available on his website at [edited. AZ. More details,
from Joel Bainerman please]

Joel Skousen will be visiting Israel from September 5th-15th. If your
group, organization, synagogue, or yeshiva would like to arrange a lecture
to hear his important message, please be back in touch with me. He is not
charging any lecture fees for his talks and is financing the entire cost of
his trip to Israel as part of his deep commitment to Israel and its
continued survival.

Yoel Bainerman, Zichron Yaacov, Israel 30900, Tel: 04-639.6673, Mobile:
052-867.113, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Two sites well worth visiting:



My book, THE LAST DAYS OF ISRAEL is available through:


www.bn.com, www.borders.com ,

www.booksamillion.com ,


The new e-mail address for the 2nd edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin


The Hebrew and English editions are available from the author as well.

Please visit http://www.webseers.com/rabin

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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