Now this is a nice little story on Jim Traficant and the only reason
this guy is in office is simply this - he dislikes the same people I
dislike, he goes after the IRS (not the Federal Reserve) and he stands
up for the American Farmer and this guy is too good to be true and in a
lot of trouble - so as Jim Says "Beam Me Up Scottie" for what is this
Congress anyway but considerable cats paw for Murder Inc.

Note this "contractor" of course, is J.J  Cafano......who may go to
prison for a long long time - Cafano is the one again, this contractor
mentioned in this story, who gave $500,000 to this park where Chandra
used to "job" and then it is said her computer that night she
disappeared or was it morning - she looked up Klingle Mansion - now this
is where JJ's daughter went to school, where he gave the money, and an
area in which all are familiar......and is connected only by minutes to
Adams Morgan area where Condit lives.

So JJ Cafano who gave million or so to democrats - he goes to trial soon
and is going to rat fink on Traficant - to help sink same.

So JJ who gave all that money to the Democrats might get off a little
easier but
GORE LOST....JJ attended the Barbara Streisand party as one of the big
fish contributors......but that $500,000 to Klingle area school who
parks on land of Klingle Mansion - someone who knows where all the
bodies are buried and as Washington police said - oh this park no doubt
we would find bodies in it if we kept on going going - and thennow, they
will be gone.......

JJ Cafano reminds of this loud mouthed contractor who built homes in our
area years ago - a multi million dollar man - he once told me the only
difference between a Republican and a Democrat, was the cost - the
Repubican's cost a little more....and JJ Cafano by the way, he wants or
wanted his daughter to run for Congress?   From what district and where?  

Well maybe this guy was not correc abut the price of a Republican as
compared to the price of a democrat - but he should have stressed a
crooked Republican costs more than a crooked democrat - so where does
Condit hide his diamonds?

Thnk this bic rich J J Cafano will go to jail?   No not by the hair of
his chiny chin chin.......for if he does, they will huff and will puff
until they blow the house to hell and back?

No for the are digging Traficant's grave for he knows where all the
bodies are buried;  Cafano playing a canary who cannot fly, will not go
down so good with his own board of directors.
But then  that is family matter - remember Angelo Gyp DeCarlo and Sam
the Plumber - for they sang on the telephone knowing it was virtually a
party line to the FBI?   So they hanged a fiew thieves, but Nixon
pardoned them as the do all "made men".


Traficant's Horse Trainer Sent to Prison
Charles Broad convicted of obstruction of justice

 Join the Discussion  "The congressman is a slick man. He is also dumb
like a fox! He puts on his 'regular guy' persona as easy as he breathes.
The bad haircuts and polyester bellbottoms are just part of his 'regular
guy' look. He adores being known for his outrageous remarks and

[saba note - love this name, the canary that cannot fly] 
 Related Resources• Organized Crime in Ohio
• Jim Traficant and Ohio's Mahoning Valley
• Jim Traficant Threatens to Sue USDOJ
• Traficant: FBI, Youngstown Sheriff Have Mob Ties

 From Other Guides • Minute Man Begs "Beam Me Up!"

- US Government Info
• Radio Hall of Shame: James A. Traficant, Jr.
- Pirate/Free Radio
• Political Quips  - Political Humor
 Elsewhere on the Web • Traficant's 12/7/2000 press release
• One-Minute Speeches
• Ohio Congressman Dies Mysterious Death
• The House of Crooks presents Jim Traficant

Dateline - February 18, 2000

A man who used to train horses for Rep. Jim Traficant is headed to
prison. Clarence Broad was sentenced last week to 27 months in prison
for plotting to harm a grand jury witness who was scheduled to testify
about the Congressman.

At the February 13 sentencing hearing, U.S. District Judge Solomon
Oliver Jr. told a remorseful Broad that he undermined the criminal
justice system by talking about "wiping out someone who would give
testimony detrimental to a public official."

In addition to allegations of bribery, extortion and tax fraud, the
federal grand jury in question is said to be investigating whether
contractors did work for Traficant at his horse farm for reduced prices
in exchange for favors from the congressman. One contractor has already
pleaded guilty and is now cooperating with federal authorities.

According to sworn testimony and FBI audiotapes, Broad stated several
times that he sought someone to "take care of" Sandra Ferrante last
August for "the man," referring to Traficant. Ferrante at one time
considered herself Traficant's friend and worked at his Salem horse farm
for 17 years.

Another farm worker, who heard Broad's threats firsthand, reported the
incident to the ,authorities. Broad repeated his plans to an undercover
FBI agent. Days later, federal agents approached Ferrante with an
audiotape of a conversation in which she heard Broad and another male
hatching a plot to have her killed.

Specifically, the tape disclosed that Broad sought to pay someone
$10,000 to "take care of" Ferrante, and that he was willing to pay the
right individual $3,500 up front and the balance "after the job was
done." Ferrante believed the conversation alluded to a plan to have her

FBI agents took her into protective custody shortly before she was
called to testify before a Cleveland grand jury in August. Broad pleaded
guilty in November, and Ferrante remained in protective custody until
December, at which time she resigned and moved out of Traficant's farm.

Ferrante later said that when she spoke to Traficant in December, he
laughed off her concern. On December 7, he released a statement that
said Ferrante was still his friend. He blamed federal authorities for
manipulating her and other witnesses "to elicit information in an
attempt to gain a conviction against me." Ferrante now refers to the man
who once called her his "best friend" as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Broad was convicted of obstruction of justice, and on February 13 became
the first individual to be sentenced in the two-year federal grand jury
investigation of Traficant. The Cleveland grand jury in question is
reportedly hearing evidence that involves Traficant and allegations of
bribery, extortion, RICO violations and tax evasion.

A contractor who worked at Traficant's farm, A.
David Sugar, is cooperating with authorities after pleading guilty last
fall to charges of obstruction of justice, perjury and tampering with
another grand jury witness. Sugar's sentencing date has not been set.

Broad's attorney, John S. Pyle, maintains that his client is mentally
ill, and that he simply went too far in his desire to help "an important
person." Pyle went on to say that because Broad had no money, he never
would have succeeded in "taking the next step."

The Cleveland grand jury that is the object of all this witness
tampering continues its two-year investigation of the Congressman.
Traficant has said repeatedly that he expects to be indicted, but has
not commented on Broad's sentencing.

SABA Note:   Such is the way of the life and death of a witness - for
where there is a testimony, there must by necessity be the death, of the
testator......and this is bible calendar code talk for knock off the
witnesses....and make it look like accident?

Murder will out

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