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Are the world's law-abiding citizens being mind-controlled?
The CIA experimented on people for decades
By Khier Starchyld

The ugly possibility of personal and mass mind control has been the topic of
films and books for many decades. We think of 1984, Brave New World, The
Manchurian Candidate, and Logan's Run, for example, but it's one of those
"It-can't-happen-here" subjects that most of us dismiss as not possible for
our real lives.

However, these films discuss topics that according to many researchers refer
to current realities, namely government-military-industrial control and
manipulation of the masses with both physical and psychological methods.

The coercive techniques have reached such proportions now that commentators
claim that technological bullies can manipulate other human beings from
remote distances of a block away to thousands of miles, and even from

The Nazis blazed trails in mind control. The specifics of remote radio-type
controlling of the brain came in 1934 with E.L. Chaffee's paper, "A Method
for the Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System."
Several researchers followed during the next twenty years, leading to the
momentous demonstration by José Delgado who stopped a charging bull with a
control box ... and an implant.

In the early days of World War II, George Estabrooks, of Colgate University,
wrote to the Department of War, describing the possible uses of hypnosis in
warfare. The Army liked the idea and Estabrooks became some sort of asset to
the burgeoning mind-control community. The true history of Estabrooks'
wartime collaboration with the CID, FBI and other agencies may never be
told: After the war, he burned his diary pages covering the years 1940-45,
and thereafter avoided discussing hiscontinuing government work with anyone,
even close members of the family, according to an Interview with daughter
Doreen Estabrooks. Occasionally, he strongly intimated that his work
involved the creation of hypno-programmed couriers and hypnotically-induced
split personalities.

He was a seminal theorist on the use of hypnosis in warfare, and a veteran
of Project MK-ULTRA which was the vicious CIA project that used American
citizens as guinea pigs for various experiments. He is reported to have
"amused himself during a party by covertly hypnotizing two friends, who were
led to believe that the Prime Minister of England had just arrived;
Estabrooks' victims spent an hour conversing with, and even serving drinks
to, the esteemed visitor" [in Martin Cannon's 'The Controllers,' p. 4].

Such experimenters like Estabrooks had no qualms about manipulating animals
and people with forms of remote hypnosis with various technologies. The
CIA's Project MK-ULTRA utilized these apparently unscrupulous persons to
test weapons and mind-control devices on Americans and Canadian citizens.
Some of this information came out in the 1980s when Congress was reviewing
the CIA, and is still coming forth as files get declassifed.

The CIA through MK-ULTRA perpetrated heinous, documented acts like the
infamous death of Frank Olson. In November of 1953 the well known
mind-control expert Dr. Sydney Gottlieb put LSD in the drink of a biochemist
named Dr. Frank Olson while they and other TSS operatives held an informal
seminar at an isolated Maryland cabin. A few days later, Olson went flying
through the glass of a closed window on the tenth floor of the Statler Hotel
in New York [Lee and Shlain in Robert Guffey's "A Brief History of Modern
Mind Control Technology," p. 2].

Gottlieb and other specialists announced then that they were fighting
communism by experimenting with LSD. Events like Olson's death were usually
called suicide, but Guffey comments, "A more likely scenario is that an
angered Olson threatened to expose the Agency's Nazi-like tactics and was
disposed of accordingly" [2].
More in the background for our study of scurrilous deeds is reported by
Gregory and Rappoport in Guffey who tells us:

Since 1975 the tragedy of Frank Olson has become somewhat of an archetype
for the LSD shenanigans perpetuated by the Agency, but Olson was by no means
the final victim of the cryptocracy's lust for experimentation. In 1964, at
a Los Angeles symposium on biological psychiatry, doctors openly discussed
the results of giving 150 micrograms of LSD to thirty mentally retarded
children on a daily basis over the course of two to three months (Gregory
and Rappoport). Remember, in the early sixties LSD was still legal.

Gross as these CIA behaviors appear, the mind control manipulations in other
areas have been much worse. José Delgado expanded mind control to the level
where he and other power figures took steps to control people to bring about
the kind of civilization that suited them. Dr. Delgado told Congress in the
60s "We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our
society." This is what the popular electric shock therapy and lobotomies
demonstrated, beautifully shown in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's
Nest-mind control of the disenfranchised populous by the rulers.

R.H.I.C. and E.D.O.M. in our lives

Kenn Thomas, the greatly informed editor of Steamshovel Press, has recently
edited and introduced a reprint of the 1965 Were We Controlled?, a
challenging book that examines mind control, JFK's orchestrated
assassination, and José Delgado.

Delgado came to fame when he stopped a charging bull, which he had implanted
with a signal-sensitive device, by simply pushing a button on a box in his
hand (see Figures 1 and 2). He and other experimenters employed Behavior
Control devices in his work: R.H.I.C. (Radio-Hypnosis Intracerebral Control)
and E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory)-two ominous procedures for
controlling people and then making them forget what has been done to them
and/or what they have been directed to do!

Remember The Manchurian Candidate. These controllers are manipulating
people's minds for their own reasons. The accompanying pictures of the
monkeys (Figures 3 and 4) illustrate the experimentation and domination
performed on animals and people. The now rudimentary electric shock
treatment, properly known as E.S.B. (Electric Stimulation of the Brain), has
been considerably improved upon through R.H..I.C., probably to the detriment
of the human species.

Back on May 17, 1965 The New York Times ran a front-page with two photos
(Figures 1 and 2) and this headline, "Matador with a Radio Stops Wired
Bull." Working from Yale University Delgado announced his views of
dominating segments of society for the benefit of those in power:

"We are In a precarious race." he said. "between the acquisition of many
megatons of destructive power and the devciopment of intelligent human
beings who will make intelligent use of the formidable forces at our
disposal." Dr. Delgado's contention that brain research has reached a stage
of refinement where it can contribute to the solution of some of these
problems is based he said on many of his own experiments. These have shown,
he explained, that "functions traditionally related to the psyche, such as
friendliness, pleasure or verbal expression, can be induced, modified and
inhibited by direct electrical stimulation of the brain."

Most deadly was this description of Delgado's manipulations of other

For example, he has been able to "play" monkeys and cats 'like little
electronic toys" that yawn, hide, fight, play, mate and go to sleep on
command. And with humans under treatment for epilepsy, he has Increased word
output sixfold in one person, has produced severe anxiety In another, and in
several others has induced feelings...

The section of the Times I quoted cuts off at this point, but of course
what's so appalling is that he apparently believes it's perfectly fine and
ethical to induce feelings in people, make them go to sleep, and treat
monkeys and people like TOYS.

Another degenerate experimenter from Canada's Magill University, Dr. Ewan
Cameron, also involved in the CIA's quest for mental dominion over citizens,
has been exposed posthumously by many of his victims and researchers for his
incredible practices. Even Canada has made financial reparations for his

Cameron's work on "memory depatterning" and "psychic driving" was brought to
notoriety by the disclosure that the Society for the Investigation of Human
Ecology, Inc., which funded Cameron's research, was an organ of the CIA's
mind-control Project MK-ULTRA. Cameron sought a cure for schizophrenia by
investigating the possibilities of wiping clean his patient's memory slates
in a process he called "depatterning"; thereupon he intended to reconstitute
his patient's personality with "dynamic implants"-subjecting them to
hundreds or thousands of hours of tape-looped messages, or "cues," in a
process he called "psychic driving."

According to well known mind-control researcher Alex Constantine, Cameron's
E.D.O.M. practices were staggering:

Cameron's techniques were nothing if not potent. He succeeded in
obliterating certain of his patient's memories so effectively that by
the time he was done with them they were no longer able to read
or write; no longer able to recognize their spouses, or children;
they would need to be re-toilet-trained; they would have no memory
of the past several decades. I should note that the destruction of
memory was irreversible.

In other words Cameron discarded work on cures for schizophrenia in favor of
inducing the illness and driving people nearly or completely insane-as a
working asset for the CIA.

Mind control alive and well today

Frankenstein work like Delgado's and Cameron's have at last called forth
reactions from victimized citizens who have even approached Congress with
the horror stories of atrocious treatment at the hands of the Agency's paid

Counselor Valerie Wolf has written to and addressed Congress in behalf of
hundreds of victims who are now ready to reveal what's occurred to them,
mostly in their childhood. In a document/address to the Presidential
Commission on Radiation Committee she introduced actual persons to outline
to the Committee what the victims were able to remember was done to them:

I am here to talk about a possible link between radiation and mind-control
experimentation that began in the late 1940's. The main reason that mind
control research is being mentioned is because people are alleging that they
were exposed, as children, to mind control, radiation, drugs and chemical
experimentation which were administered by the same doctors who are known to
have been involved in conducting both radiation and mind control research.
Written documentation has been provided revealing the names of people and
the names of the research projects in statements from people across the

It is also important to understand that mind control techniques and follow
ups into adulthood may have been used to intimidate these particular
research subjects into not talking about their victimization in government

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, mentioned above, and Dr. Martin Orne (connected with
FMSF, False Memory Syndrome Foundation) have come up frequently in
allegations of abuses similar to those of electric shock, use of
hallucinogens, sensory deprivation, hypnosis, dislocation of limbs and
sexual abuse. 

One therapist testified, "Published articles in my files include
descriptions of administration of 150 mcg of LSD to children age 5-10 years
on a daily basis for days, weeks, months and in a few cases, even years."
Next month we'll explore further what these techniques have meant for you
and me. 

Mind Control, Oswald & JFK: Were We Controlled? by Kenn Thomas and Lincoln
Lawrence may be purchased from Adventures Unlimited Press at 815-253-6390 or
ordered at bookstores.

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