-Caveat Lector-

[Just how many more times are the police going to interview this freak?  I
say it's high-time for a Grand Jury to be convened...Felony Obstruction of
Justice in a missing persons investigation, AT LEAST!  --MS]


Police May Interview Condit a Fourth Time

Fox News'
Rita Cosby and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Discussions are underway between Rep. Gary Condit's attorney and
Washington, D.C. police to set up a fourth interview regarding missing
federal intern Chandra Levy, law enforcement sources tell Fox News.

Police see some discrepancies in the timeline/schedule the California
Democrat verbally shared with them, and they also want to ask him about a
watch case he disposed of in a trash can hours before police were to search
his apartment, sources said.

Condit, 53, who has admitted to police he had an affair with Levy, was
observed "acting suspiciously" by a man walking his dog in Alexandria, Va.,
a city along the Potomac River several miles south of Washington.

The box was traced to a California woman who told police she had given the
congressman a watch as a present and had a romantic relationship with him,
a law enforcement source told Fox News.

The U.S. attorney's office is probing this latest possible case of the
congressman obstructing the investigation of the missing former Bureau of
Prisons intern. After first being interviewed by Fox News, flight attendant
Anne Marie Smith told the U.S. attorney's office that Condit urged her not
to talk to authorities and asked her to sign an affidavit denying what she
said was a yearlong affair.

Law enforcement officials wonder what else Condit may have disposed of, not
just the night of the voluntary apartment search, but in the weeks prior to
that, and are very interested in questioning him.

Meanwhile, police will talk to hundreds of taxi drivers at a scheduled
event in the city's RFK Stadium Saturday.

They will look at drivers' daily logs and pass out flyers to see if any one
of them may have picked up missing federal intern Chandra Levy.

There is no evidence that Levy rode in a cab the week she disappeared, but
police know she doesn't have a car, said Asst. Police Chief Terry Gainer.

Gainer said investigators have also completed an electronic background
check of virtually everyone enrolled at the 24-year-old's health club,
where the woman was last seen on April 30.

A few club members had questionable backgrounds, which police are
investigating. But none of them seem to be tied to Levy, Gainer said.

On Friday, Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., filed a seven-page formal complaint with
the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct outlining specific
allegations of misconduct against Condit and reiterating his request for an

The committee previously stated it would defer an investigation due to the
ongoing law enforcement investigation.

Two other Republicans have called for Condit's resignation. Michigan Rep.
Fred Upton said the Californian "has not cooperated with authorities
investigating this tragic case." Condit's attorney has said that the
congressman has cooperated fully.

Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., said Condit should resign if
it's shown he lied about an affair.

Also on Friday, D.C. police found two more bones in the city's Rock Creek
Park. The two dogs brought in to check out the bones did not react to the
remains as if they were human, but they will be sent to a police lab

Investigators have discovered animal bones at the park during previous
searches for clues in the missing person case.

Police say Condit, one of more than 100 people they have interviewed, is
not a suspect in Chandra's disappearance.

Levy canceled her health club membership on the evening of April 30 and has
not been seen since. However, she spent several hours the following day
using the computer in her apartment, police said.

Condit, who is married, admitted to having had an affair with Levy during
his third interview with police, a police source said.

Police Chief Charles Ramsey said the search for Levy, who is from Condit's
Modesto, Calif., district, is the most extensive missing person
investigation ever mounted by Washington police.

"We've had some high-profile missing persons cases, but this one has gone
on so long," Ramsey said.

As the search for Chandra continues, Ramsey is rejecting criticism that the
Levy case is hurting his department's murder investigations.

"Crime goes on, and we've got to be able to walk and chew gum at the same
time," Ramsey said.

And, in an interview published Friday, Ramsey said there was a "fairly
significant" chance Levy will never be found.

"We have not found anything that points us in one direction or another," he
told USA Today, noting that detectives haven't turned up any evidence that
she is alive or dead. "At this point in any missing-persons investigation
... it's unusual not to even have that path. That's not a good sign."


Current Events

Condit Case Theory #21,693

Published: Thursday, June 28, 2001
Posted on 06/28/2001 20:44:01 PDT
By John Huang

"W A S H I N G T O N, June 28 - Following is a timeline of what sources
close to Gary Condit say his movements were in the week leading up to
Chandra Levy's disappearance. Levy was last seen on Monday, April 30, when
she canceled her membership at a Washington health club.

Saturday, April 28 Carolyn Condit, the congressman's wife, arrives from
California at 7:30 p.m. ET. Rep. Condit, with a staffer because he has no
car, picks her up at the airport. They go to a Xando coffee shop.

Sunday, April 29 Rep. Condit has brunch with his wife, and they go shopping
in his Adams Morgan neighborhood. At noon, the Condits go to his office.
They leave the office and take the subway to an Italian grocery in the
Dupont Circle neighborhood, where they buy food, go home and cook dinner.

Monday, April 30 Staff pick him up for work. At 11:30 a.m. ET, he goes to
the White House with other members of Congress for lunch and the
announcement of a budget agreement. At 1:30 p.m. ET, Condit and the other
members of Congress head back to their Capitol Hill offices. At 5:30 p.m.
ET, Condit leaves work, heads home and eats dinner with his wife.

Tuesday, May 1 Condit rides with staff to the office in the morning. At
12:30 p.m. ET, he meets with Vice President Dick Cheney. He returns at 3:30
p.m. for meetings and phone conversations with constituents. At 5 p.m.,
Condit has a doctor's appointment. At 6:30 p.m., he votes on the House
floor. From 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., he meets with a reporter at the Tryst
restaurant in Adams Morgan. Later, he and the wife stay home and eat

Wednesday, May 2 Condit rides into work with staff and attends Agriculture
Committee and Select Intelligence Committee meetings.

At 11:30 a.m., Condit casts votes on the House floor. At noon, he
participates in a meeting with Democratic congressional leaders. At 2:30
p.m., he returns to the Intelligence Committee. Later, he casts several
votes on the House floor before heading home for dinner with his wife at
5:30 p.m. After dinner, they go shopping at an "Off The Wall" store.

Thursday, May 3 Condit checks into the office at 9:30 a.m. before heading
off to an Agriculture Committee meeting. At 10:30 a.m., he participates in
a conference call on California water issues before heading to the House
floor. At noon, he meets with Minority Whip Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Sometime around 1 p.m., a staffer takes Mrs. Condit to the airport. A
half-hour later, Condit arrives for a Commerce Committee meeting on energy
costs. Later that day, Condit attends an Intelligence Committee meeting at
2:45 p.m. From 4 p.m. until perhaps later than midnight, Condit goes back
and forth between his office and the House floor for budget votes."

"Condit's Calendar: Congressman Gives Timeline of Activities Around


Minister Recants Story About Condit

Man Told FBI His Daughter Had Affair With Congressman

By Allan Lengel and Petula Dvorak
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, July 21, 2001; Page A01

MODESTO, Calif., July 20 -- A Pentecostal minister who told the FBI of an
affair between his then-18-year-old daughter and Rep. Gary A. Condit
informed investigators this week that he had fabricated the story, a law
enforcement source said today.

The account provided by Otis Thomas, published by The Washington Post on
July 12, was widely circulated in the media and increased the pressure on
the California Democrat. A note signed "Jennifer Thomas" that appeared on
the front door of the Thomas residence that same day dismissed the
minister's story and said: "I never met the congressman who's involved in
all of this."

It is unclear whether the minister disavowed all or parts of his account,
which he provided to the FBI in May. But one law enforcement official said
that the FBI had been trying to interview Thomas's daughter and that Thomas
"backed off" the story in the last few days.

Condit's representatives, who called The Post's July 12 story "reckless and
deplorable," did not return telephone calls seeking comment today.

In another development, two law enforcement sources confirmed that police
retrieved a watch case from a trash can in an Alexandria park, apparently
deposited there by Condit in the hours before his Adams Morgan apartment
was searched by police. The report, first broadcast Thursday night by
WUSA-Channel 9 in Washington, said investigators had traced the box to a
California woman.

One law enforcement source said Condit apparently was trying to hide an
affair with the woman, who has not been identified. Another law enforcement
source said that the watch was from someone else and that it did not appear
to be related to the investigation into the disappearance of intern Chandra
Levy, 24.

Thomas, 54, was approached by the FBI in May, after Levy's parents told
investigators that Thomas had told them in mid-April that his daughter had
had a relationship with Condit. In six lengthy interviews, Thomas, a
part-time gardener at the Levys' California home, told The Post that his
daughter had broken off the relationship with Condit and that Condit had
warned her at the time not to tell anyone of the affair.

A spokesman for the Levys said today that the family did not understand why
Thomas would fabricate a story in mid-April, weeks before their daughter

"The conversation between Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Levy took place just as it
was reported, and Mrs. Levy had no reason to doubt whether he was telling
the truth," family spokesman Mike Frisby said today. "When I spoke to her
this morning, she even recalled that Mr. Thomas had tears in his eyes when
he told the story. . . . I don't believe the Levys, who are only interested
in finding their daughter, would pressure anybody to say something that
wasn't true."

Thomas said he told the FBI of the relationship during an interview
conducted here by Special Agent Todd M. Irinaga. Four law enforcement
sources confirmed that the minister had been interviewed and that
authorities were interested in talking to the daughter. For several weeks,
Thomas said he tried to persuade his daughter to talk to the FBI, but he
said she refused and even traveled out of the state to avoid coming

Susan Levy, Chandra Levy's mother, confirmed Thomas's account in interviews
in May and June. She said she called her daughter in Washington, told her
what Thomas had relayed and urged her to break off her relationship with
Condit. About two weeks before she vanished, Chandra Levy called her mother
and told her Condit had "explained it all," Susan Levy said.

She said that after her daughter disappeared, she asked Thomas again about
his daughter's relationship with the congressman, specifically requesting
details about why and how it ended. After that, the minister was under
intense pressure to come forward. At one point, his name was made available
to other media, prompting a stakeout at his home.

In a brief interview with The Post before the story appeared, Thomas's
daughter was asked whether her father's account to the FBI was true. She
replied that she did not want her photograph in the newspaper and then
said, "I don't want to talk about that."

Thomas, who left the Modesto area after the story was published but has
since returned, stood by his initial account in an interview earlier this

"Why would she lie about that? Why would I lie about that? I have nothing
to profit from this," Thomas said. Of his daughter, he said: "She's so
angry with me, she doesn't even want to talk to me. She's scared. She's a
very quiet and shy person to begin with, so she doesn't want all this

Details of Thomas's latest interview with the FBI were scant today. WUSA
and other media, citing unnamed sources, said Thomas told authorities that
he fabricated his account but did not provide specifics. Chris Murray, a
spokesman for the FBI's Washington field office, and Channing Phillips, a
spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office in Washington, declined to discuss

For weeks, the Levy family has been pressuring Condit, urging him to be
more forthcoming. Chandra Levy had told relatives of an affair with the
congressman, but Condit, through his aides, had denied any romantic
involvement. He acknowledged an affair during a third interview with
police, according to two sources familiar with the meeting.

Meanwhile, law enforcement sources said a male friend of Chandra Levy's who
had been interviewed several times took and passed a polygraph test on
Thursday. The person said in an interview that he had also provided police
with credit card and airline records showing he was out of town near the
end of April. Levy was last seen April 30.

D.C. police also revealed 30 Web sites visited by Levy on May 1, when she
spent about 3 1/2 hours on her computer. In addition to visiting the sites
of several media outlets, Levy called up the site of the House Agriculture
Committee, of which Condit is a member, and several travel sites.

[And finally, part of the following article mentions "Donald Vance, a
Modesto attorney who is a close friend of the parents of Chandra Levy . . .
."  I heard him interviewed an a Los Angeles talk radio show today and he
said that the pro-Condit rallys in Modesto are being organized by the
California State Democratic Central Committee.  I think somebody in the
press might want to look into that if it has not already been
eported.  --MS]


Emotions get better of one man at pro-Condit rally downtown

By Jeff Jardine and Garth Stapley
Published: Friday, July 20, 2001

   Police arrested a Gary Condit supporter during a pro-Condit rally at
noontime Thursday outside the congressman's district office in downtown

   Sardik Morad, 43, of Turlock was later released, with no charges filed.

   Police spokesman Doug Ridenour said officers took Morad into custody
after he brushed against an anti-Condit protester while reaching for the
man's sign.

   The sign was being held by Donald Vance, a Modesto attorney who is a
close friend of the parents of Chandra Levy, the Modesto woman who was last
seen April 30 in Washington, D.C. Condit has not discounted recent reports
that link him and Levy romantically.

   Officers arrested Morad to pre-empt further physical contact at the
rally, Ridenour said.

   One side of Vance's sign called for Condit's resignation. The other side
read "Inexcusable and Unforgivable," and those were the words that bothered
Condit supporters the most, rally organizer Kenneth Sutherland said.

   Ridenour said Vance declined to press charges.

   "We respect his right to protest," Sutherland said. "That's what America
is all about."

   The rally drew about 40 to 50 supporters -- similar to the pro-Condit
crowd Wednesday. Sponsors had predicted that the second rally would include
200 supporters.

   CURB APPEAL -- The NBC News crew staked its claim to a spot directly in
front of Condit's office by spelling out "NBC News" in black electrician's
tape on the curb.

   CITY HEARS COMPLAINT -- Condit's problems came before the Modesto City
Council this week, in the form of a complaint about crowds around his
district office at 920 16th St. "This is kind of ridiculous," resident
Cliff Meyer told City Council members, referring to a hearty band of news
hounds camped in front of the office. Meyer said he was concerned that
patrons of businesses in the area would not find parking because of media
vehicles. Police Chief Roy Wasden said officers arranged for the media to
use a nearby alley and the journalists had not caused a problem since the
first two or three days of intense scrutiny.

   CONRAD GETS P.R. HELP -- Modesto Councilman Bill Conrad, who says he
will be a candidate to replace Condit in Congress, has hired a public
relations firm. "I'm trying to keep tons of national media away from me so
I can focus on the city," Conrad said. "There have been overwhelming
amounts of calls." Conrad recently appeared on a national news show focused
on Condit and the missing Levy. Conrad's secretary is referring press calls
to the Sacramento office of Gillard-Blanning & Associates. The firm helped
with Conrad's 1999 City Council re-election campaign, which he easily won.
Conrad challenged Condit in 1996, capturing 32 percent of the vote.

   FAMILY'S ANGUISH -- On many of the sleepless nights since Levy vanished,
her mother slips into her daughter's small bedroom, full of memories, and
curls up in the little bed. She tells herself she does so to escape a
snoring husband and a snoring dog. But she also admits that it is her way
to feel closer to her daughter. In the 11 weeks since Levy was last seen,
the room has become a sanctuary of sorts for her family, taking on a state
of disorder that the 24-year-old neatnik never would tolerate. "It's just
the most painful thing," Susan Levy told The Associated Press. "It's been
11 weeks of torturous craziness. Some days I just want to collapse, just do
nothing. I shouldn't say 'some days.' It's almost every day."

   LENO TAKES ON CONDIT -- Jay Leno zeroed in on Condit during the opening
monologue of his "Tonight Show" on NBC television Monday night. A sampling:

   "Last week, Gary Condit's lawyers said Gary took his own lie-detector
test and passed it with flying colors. What are the odds of that?"

   "Condit finally admitted during his third interview with police that,
yes, he did have an affair with the intern Chandra Levy. Typical
congressman. You have to ask him the same question three times before you
get a straight answer."

   AN UNDERSTATEMENT -- This from the top of Condit's official House Web
site biography, last updated July 5: "Life in politics has been anything
but dull for Gary Condit."

For more on this story, see our special report

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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