-Caveat Lector-


Pentagon Shuts Down Websites

Associated Press
5:03 p.m. July 23, 2001 PDT

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Pentagon temporarily shut down public access to its
Web sites Monday to make sure they are protected against a new computer
threat known as the "Code Red" worm.

"Most (Department of Defense) Web sites will not be accessible by the
public until this worm no longer poses any threat to DOD networks,"
spokeswoman Lt. Col. Catherine Abbott said.

Pentagon computer security experts were instructed to install repair
programs, commonly known as patches, to make their computers impenetrable
to the worm before making the sites viewable again to the public.

The sites remained visible to military personnel who accessed them from
their work computers, Abbott said.

Some Defense Web sites, such as the DefenseLink hub, remained operational
Monday evening. But others with the .mil address didn't respond.

The worm, similar to a computer virus, has already infected at least
225,000 computers. It defaces Web sites with the words "Hacked by Chinese."
It has spread more quickly than any worm in recent history.

The White House took precautions against it Thursday evening, changing its
numerical Internet address to dodge the attack.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Infrastructure Protection
Center issued a warning, calling the worm a significant threat that could
"degrade services running on the Internet."

Because Code Red spread so quickly, security companies haven't been able to
figure out who wrote and released it.

Code Red exploits a flaw discovered last month in Microsoft (MSFT) software
used on Internet servers. While a software patch was made available to
correct the flaw, many computers haven't been updated.

Vulnerable computers are those running the server software with the
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 operating system.

Only computers set to use the English language will have their Web pages

Since the worm surfaced, another variant has been found that doesn't deface
Web pages but spreads even more quickly.

Code Red also can damage smaller networks by affecting the Internet routers
used for data traffic control.

Since the worm targets Internet servers, mostly used by businesses, few
individual computer users have been affected.

Copyright © 2001 Associated Press

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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