-Caveat Lector-

Nakano Nakamura wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> --- "Nurev Ind." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The New World Order is crumbling everywhere you look.
>  The world ruling business/political elites are
>  egotistical fools. They almost always fail.
> ____________________________________________________
> Nakano comments:
> Yes..."crumbling" and yes "they almost always fail."
> They are all designed and planned to fail.
> Let me repeat that:
> They were all planned to fail...and they will.
> You point out these failures.
> The UN should be at the top of the list.
>  Middle East.
>  Asian economy.
>  Failure to deal with ecological degredation.
>  South American economy.
>  The Balkans.
>  European economy.
>  American economy.
>  India, Pakistan.
>  US vs Russia and China.

Sorry. I don't buy it. I had an acquaintance who was fairly high up
in the Clinton administration, and is a member of the CFR. We
had serious disagreements about politics and other things. I  can
ASSURE you that these people are not planning for failure. That is
a conspiracy theory which is completely mythological. I told him in
1993 when the Oslo debacle was just being made public, that it didn't
have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding. We even bet a quarter
on it.

I won. He still owes me the quarter. Asshole.

He would always say the he was glad that he never took on the ME.
His " baby " was the EU. He worked on it and his reputation is based
on its success. I told him that the EU would never work either. He got
really upset that anyone could doubt him and he had that knowing look
of an insider which says " hey schmuck, what do you know?" We have the
brains, the resources, the power, the institutions, and all the time in
the world.

But it's 2001, and the EU is about as solid as Jello. And, it hasn't
yet faced a real capitalist downturn since coming together. That is
happening right now. We'll see if it holds up.

> The UN and all of the above are designed to fail.
> It's quite intentional.
> When the UN and the various other international
> structures and organizations (WTO, World Bank, IMF)
> prove they are incapable of handling growing
> international crisis (especially war

Wrong. War is part of Capitalist dynamics, and often ( but not always )

> and ecological
> disasters)....

This is correct. And this is what they are most afraid of. They
know that they can't beat nature. They know that aside from some fools
on this list, most people understand that if they screw up the evironment
their children will die or suffer for it. Most people don't want to do that
to their offspring. And most people don't have a financial stake in the
oil business.

They can't win this one either.

> then the Ruling Cabal will have a
> very convincing case.

There is no ruling Cabal. There are ruling elites defined by wealth who
work with each other all across the world when needed. They are not single
minded on all things. The largest and most powerful countries have the most
powerful elites. We just saw them fail in Genoa. We saw them fail in Seattle.
We saw them lose their secret identity at the last Bilderberg meeting.

They are losing their " democratic " credibility all across the developed
world. Voter participation is dropping like a lead balloon in the US and
the European democracies. Every one knows that these political systems are
controlled by the rich and their corporations. It's getting harder and
harder to fool the masses. Only inertia is keeping it going.

> All the failure will be
> "proof" that a really strong One World Government
> (one with real power to enforce its will)is necessary
> to take care of these problems.

This is silly and unrealistic. The reason they are failing is because it
is hard to organize big operations. It is harder still if you don't get
cooperation from the masses of people who actually do the real work.

more easily achieved than the less complex one that failed. This is naive
and silly.

> After all, lesser
> measures will have "proven" to be ineffective.
> So...they will fail. They were all doomed from the
> start.  When they do fail, then the people of the
> world will agree to give up national sovereignties in
> favor of a central global government which will take
> precedence over all national governments.

More fantasy. The opposite will happen. As globalization deteriorates,
people will naturally fall back on the institutions that have worked.
The ones they grew up in. This is already happening. The Militias are
a symptom, as are the resurgences of fundamentalist religions. Especially
Islam. MacDonald's vs Jihad. Statism will rise again.

> There will be a "New World Order"

Not the one your thinking.

> There will be one world law.


> It will be the only way left.

That's a ridiculous statement. There's never only one way.

> After all..."we have tried everything else,
> and it didn't work."
> It's coming soon to a planet near you.
> What's happening now is just the
> Previews of Coming Attractions.

What's happening now is the unraveling of the Corporate Capitalist
Globalization. Now we all pay for the evil stupidity of the Elites.


>      Regards to All
>        Nakano

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