Well Ashley here is the easiest way to explain Milton William Cooper who
used name William C. Cooper, etc., and his Behold the Dead Horse I have
yet to read.

He speaks of people that I met with a young girl at garden parties for
it was always summertime when I visited Washington where my brother in
law knew and worked with many of these people, last assigned worked with
Werner von Braun.   Charles Wilson I remember came to this one party
where General Nathan Twining and a General Edwin Booth were present- and
the last Commodore of the Navy, an elderly man, was there who would slip
me glasses of ginger ale.   Memory vague in some areas here, but my
relative worked for Vandenberg and went on to assist in setting up
Vandenbers wand the race to the moon and missile raace, was on.

These underground secret bases were missile sites; simila sites were set
up throughout the world, and in Thailand - let us say I followed the
paper trail, for my relative would send me gifts from many different
countries - Siamese Silver jewelly, two rings - one blue emerald and one
yellow saphiare the former stolen, the latter which I wear unto this
day....remember Twining had snow white hair.

So these were the days when the race had begun and it was imperative
that the USA reach the moon first, and there were so many UFO stories it
ws almost funny.   In 1955 approcimately I saw my first major UFO - a
huge object like a falling big harvest moon racing through the sky -
these recent reports of objects where they also see the trail - it is no
doubt China experimenting for we see many reports now from China
involving UFO's.   Nobody starts at the top and everything old to us is
new to them.

One summer two days straight I saw huge fireballs only they were icy
blue with little riddish tails which had to be rocket fuel burning and
the next one the next night - I would walk outside exactly as these
things were set to go, and they went right over my house......the second
one, I rote Phil about who was at Vandenberg  then - and he laughed and
said change your brand of whiskey = but my former boss lived next door
and as I told him what I saw the nightbefore, sudden zoom - this thing
which you felt as though you could touch, zoomed over and I said hey,
there is it again.....only this time it went from west to east whereas
night before, it went from south to North......this latter one was
directly overhead.    So my boss said if I ever told anybody about this
that he saw it, he would deny it - for no way he would become a UFO
fruitcake.    So it was then I knew for sure these things were ours -
and my brotherinlaw was involved....

This one story tells of Forrestal was  it ending up in the funny farm; I
recall a story of this one scientist on a plane who suddenly went
berzerk and thought he was being  hi-jacked and they had to
return....always wondered if it was this man.

This Cooper it seems to some, and as I recall by his own admission, he
had access to but was not actually part of working on this program.

Etc, etc, etc....but Ashly I have a feeling you know all about this
stuff anyway - right?

When you see the word "alien" as used by Cooper remember the show The
Invaders and when one died, they turned red and disappeared?   It is
symbolism - the aliens, are true Aliens from in particular at this time
the Soviet Union for we were not playing war games then - the Nazis had
secret experiments crash and this was the reason we put out for the Nazi
scientists as did Russia.    We got von Braun, and this man had been
house guest of my relatives at Red Stone or Huntsville, before he died.
Two weeks before he died von Braun had been scheduled to come to this
area, and my relative was going to try to arrange for me to meet him but
he had a heart attack.   He was a great man and had he gone to the
Soviets it might have been them looking down from the moon as us,
instead of a fine Irish boy like Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong the
All American Boy and former Boy Scout.....

Also to the moon - a Gideon placed bible and the astrologocal
predictions of one Jean Dixon, the Tokyo Rose of Washington Square, and
this was a Red Rose for sure.....for as she had said, over and over
again Russia Will Beat Us to the Moon - she was nothing more than a
communist spy.   And J Edgar did zing the old bat.   I might add my
sister believed me about this old bat when I nailed her on a soothsaying
without license charge and chased her out of Columbus for over 10 years
- she sent me her two books autographed which I found ridiculous, but
she made a mistke - she used Children to Children Foundation postage and
material to send same which was a No No and later Hoover had to be the
one behind nailing her on tht, for he got himself put on her Board of

I left a paper trail all over this country re this horrible psuedo
religious political propagandist.....so since you seem more than curious
thought I would submit the following .....I believe in UFO's but they
are of this planet - and I sure as hell believe in spooks for I have
worked with one, and known a few - one of whom was my own brother in

So - Cooper was an inside outside man.....but with him you must read
between the lines.....he had to be military and the manner in which he
wrote was disguised to tell the truth of the matter but only those with
some knowledge in this area, would interpret wht he actually said.

Note he was on this list for a period of time - so would the real Milton
Cooper stand up - if he is still alive and well - and I bet we had a
feew acquaintances, in common.   If you call them common folk.

Might add remember poor Elizabeth Taylor a movie star used for
propaganda purposes; she lived on the Mellon farm (and all Mellons and
Mellon heirs are CIA) with Warner when they were married - her one
husband Michael Todd died in a plane crash.   I recalled at this time,
in this same area - automobiles sometimes would stop running, and small
planes would be effected and at that time as young as I was I knew there
had to be secret experiments some of which caused an energy drain or
whatever, but I always thought this was what downed Mike Todd's

Majestic 12 - you better believe it for these were all brave men who
dared to go where angels once had tred for if you think Jesus Christ got
here on wings of wax and feathers - think again for he was our time
traveler - with h im a day is as a thousand years and once when asked
how he would get back up there, he said the same way I got down, stupid
for the next book of Importance will be - Return of the Ancient
Astronauts...the time is near and things will be as they were say 25,000
years ago - wish I knew more about this stuff.

Reading Cooper is like reading the bible - in Ezekial we can see the
murder of JFK and at the same time take a look at the fate of Israel and
maybe the war with Russia but only if we permit stuff like this to

Guess we go either to the stars or down under with the Aussies.....

What you think...

O'Saba who has been there, done that and now some of it all makes

For in 1954 it is carefully recorded the Rusian Guard took a watchword
bible calendar code from the Baron who was in Spandau prison, with Hess
and Speer - the 7 Men of Spandau who communicated to their families
using bird codes, bible code but the Russians got onto it.   The Cold
War was begiing and as Patton said they were all "commie sons of
bitches" and in my opinion, they still are red swine.


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