One of them there accidents...kinda like letting that dead race car driver's
kid win...........what's his name???

Like who gives a rats arse anyway....if you know his name and CARE I can only
say that I---------

A-Don't like you.

B-Certainly don't think you ought to be around live ammo.

C- Betcha' think the ACLJ is "da bomb", and also the antidote to the ACLU.

D- I'm sure you prefer monikkers like "Bud", "Junior" or "Spanky", to your
given names...

E- (C'mon now...that ain't no grade!!)

F- Like yer' report cards...

G- Well we awl' no' that staynzzz fer' "gawd"!!!!!

H- "Hayyyyyyyyahhhhlllll" 'have't we gibben'  'dis poindy' hayded'
layyyyberal' ayenuff' ayre-thyme???

I- I don't thayyyyyyyyynk sooooooo there Goober!!!

J- Well "J" is fer' jackin' you prefer...(and really who could
blame you with a "wife" like THAT...eccch!!)

Would prefer the ol' belt sander ifin' I were yeeeeeeeewwwww!

Okie, again, this ONLY pertains to fans of that dead dickwipe that seems to
be Christ on the track......yeah, you

Everyone else, I love ya'.....

This odd deification (and no fellers, that's NOT defecation so hold it in
there) is sickening, likely totally off-topic, and simply the manifestation
of my rage at losing my MP3 feed of the legendary Uriah Heep tune THE
MAGICIAN'S  foookin' sue ME now!!!!

Ahhhhhhhh...that familiar Johnny Walker BLACK....ahhhh....

Pacification has been reached...hope I haven't offended
anyone.....LOL!!!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!


BTW, Earnhardt...<belch>...TOTAL ass--le and total loser......all I can say
at this time......all I wanna' say is BUGGER OFF DIC***PE!!!

The collective IQ of the planet   has just been raised, and for that we all
grant you a big thank-eeeeeeeeee!!!!!

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