The Deer Island that has a relationship with Bones is within the Thousand
Islands of upper NY State. The Bones related Deer Island is in the middle of
the St. Lawrence River on the international border of US & Canada.  The
closest town is Alexandria Bay, NY.


Deer Island Dead End
- Jon Nowinski, SGRA Director

        Not every investigation is as clear cut and simple as everyone would
wish for. And unfortunately there's always going to be misinformation and bad
leads, however, it's important to follow up on every one that our team
receives to confirm the validity. Often times someone may hear something and
send us a lead on an investigation and we may find other information by
following that up, this was not the case with our most recent investigation.

        On Wednesday the SGRA team set out for upstate Connecticut to Bantam
Lake. We were following up a lead that an island on the lake was owned by a
Skull and Bones member and acted as a resort type area for the secret
society. It was also reported that on this island many of the societies
strange rituals were conducted. At our arrival to the lake point the first
thing that struck us was that the island was far from bare. In fact, it was
completely residential. We were able to drive right onto the island via a
well maintained road the only thing that seemed to collaborate with the story
of it being part of the Skull and Bones was it's name and the fact that it
was a private island. While that didn't stop us from driving around the
island there wasn't much to see. And defiantly no mansion-like buildings or
strange areas. In fact, there wasn't an inch of the island that wasn't
residential. But, before calling it a total loss we went in search of the
Morris Town Library to see if we could collaborate any of the information.

        We were informed that the island was owned by The Russell Trust,
which was supposedly a financial backing for the Skull and Bones. However, we
were able to obtain a full owners history of areas surrounding the lake,
including Deer Island, and there was never a mention of any Russell. The only
thing that sparked some interest was a reprint of an article from a newspaper
in the late 1800s in which the paragraph about Deer Island was conveniently
blacked out. While we simply cannot see that Deer Island is now, or has been,
the center of any Skull and Bones activity we are planning on tracing a few
sources of articles that mentioned it to see if we can obtain further
information. We'll keep the page updated on our website with this new

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