Intelligence Insider
Former CIA Operative    

How did you get interested in the realm of mind studies and trance induction?

That’s the easiest question I have ever been asked. My mother and I were
riding a horse when I was six years old. She fell off and received enormous
brain damage. I didn’t feel I was smart enough to become a brain surgeon or a
doctor but I wanted to find out why she was the way she was. So hence I
seized every opportunity I could to learn as much as I could. And the more I
learned the more popular I became with my employers and the more I learned.

Do you think we, as a society, have a lot to learn about the mind?

Everything to learn. Mind sciences, or the study of human behavior in
relation to the mind, is the newest of all the arts. It’s less than one
hundred years old. And it is, by far, the one that is most cloaked in

Has there been, in the past, a tendency for military science to abuse the
minds of its civilians?

I believe that the military use of what is known about mind sciences
(including psychological warfare) has been around since the earliest recorded
history. Wars are not won on the battlefield. They’re won in the minds of the

Define the term ‘psychological warfare’.

Psychological warfare is nothing more than a series of well-planned and
well-executed, invisible programs all working in tandem - none of them
knowing what the other one is doing - to manipulate the minds or our enemies
or our adversaries into believing something quite different than what reality
is. So they are misled and we in turn win the war that’s actually never
fought on a battlefield.

Explain where the origins of ‘mind control’ stem from.

Mind control research has been around since the Egyptian Book of the Dead was
recorded. You can see the entire formula for trauma-based mind-control right
there in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It has escalated from there through
various religions, or cults as they are called, for thousands of years. And
as a result of that, Hitler gave Himmler the charge to research the
multi-generationally incest abusing families of Northern Europeans. Because
Himmler had found out that these people had incredible, what Hitler termed,
‘superhuman’ traits as a result of this mind-control.

Give us a little history lesson. As World War II was ending, there had been a
lot of research done by the Nazis. How did the Allies feel about these people
and their research?

Well what the United States was concerned with was that these Nazis, these
scientists that had all this information and data we couldn’t seem to
prosecute them. We couldn’t even find them. Because they had already, a lot
of them, scattered out to various countries like Russia, Italy and South
America. So what the CIA convinced Congress to do to pass this Project
Paperclip, as a legal means of importing these people into the United States
and introducing them into our military industrial complex, including our
colleges and universities. Their statement was simply this: If we don’t bring
these people into our country and contain them, then our enemies, the Soviet
Union, will get them. So it was the same old bugaboo game when, in fact, I’ve
often made the statement and I still make it flippantly: The Nazis didn’t
lose the war, they just had to move.    

So give us a definition. What was the exact nature of Project Paperclip?

Project Paperclip was a United States’ government sanctioned (by Congress)
CIA project that actually began in 1947 - it was approved by Congress in 1946
- for the importation of Nazi and fascist scientists into the United States.

What were the basic mechanics of Project Paperclip?

Project Paperclip was nothing more than a transport operation. The airline
that I worked for Capital International Airways (C.I.A.) was a large
contributor to this. Every airline that I know of in the United States was
used, whether they knew it or not. But Capital, along with a couple of other
carriers, were the primaries. Capital was actually put into business in 1947
because of Project Paperclip. And it was just the transportation of moving
these people and their families around the world, wherever they wanted to go.
But mainly, the first wave, was to bring these scientists. There were 700 odd
scientists that were propulsion scientists that they brought in. And then
there were some 600 and some odd who were not propulsion scientists, they
were psychiatrists. Or mind sciences people. I wouldn’t distinguish them by
calling them psychiatrists.

Interesting. So when they got here, what were some of the duties that these
Project Paperclip scientists had to work on?

Well I think, to give you an example, Werner Von Braun, is the most famous of
them all. Most people recognize him because he was put out front as the
pretty boy put in charge of this National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) to develop what Hitler had already developed, the V2
rocket, into something that could carry people or individuals into outer

Was this propulsion research linked to mind control? And were these Nazis
carrying out any extension of the Nazi ideology in their work?

Of course we’re talking about two separate sciences. Mind control and we’re
talking about propulsion sciences. Both of them were part of the Hitler war
machine. Some of these people were dedicated Nazis. Most of them that I knew
were dedicated scientists and really didn’t have any political persuasion.
And you could call them a Nazi you could call them a Baptist. It didn’t make
any difference to them. And ethnic had nothing to do with it - some of them
were Jewish. Some of them were Gentiles. Some of them were Austrian. It was a
whole cross-section of people. These were just people. But they were involved
in some of the highest technologies known at that time which included
propulsion sciences and mind control.

So when did the CIA pick up on mind control and where did it go from there?

Well the ‘CIA’ was actually working on it in the 20’s. But there was no CIA
in the 20’s. So it was really being done in private laboratories and quite
openly and by 1931 there were a couple of articles that actually hit the
national papers like Doctor Skinner’s work and him putting his daughter in
what was known as the Skinner Box. And, of course, you have photographs of
that. The CIA’s interest in it became piqued when, after World War II, they
found more research had been done by Hitler on mind control of not only the
masses but individuals more research was dedicated to that than even the
rockets. And as a matter of fact Werner Von Braun commented to a reporter one
time that if the money had been spent on rockets and not diluted in some of
these other areas, they probably would have won the war.

So there was a huge interest for Hitler in mind control

Huge. Hitler didn’t believe that a nuclear holocaust was the answer for
winning the war. He did not believe in nuclear weapons. For obvious reasons;
he did not want to spoil his spoils. So he believed that first of all the V2
rocket was even outfitted with whistles so that it would begin to terrorize.
It was a psychological warfare weapon combined with an ordinance delivery
system that had never been seen before on the planet. So he was overwhelming
Northern Europe, particularly Great Britain, with these rockets as a
psychological thing more than any sort of damage they could do. But the mind
control aspect of it was a hidden science that Hitler had beliefs steeped in
mysticism, steeped in - he had sent a whole troop of his scientists all the
way to Tibet to discover what, he felt, they knew with regards to mind
control. And whether he went away disappointed, I really don’t know. History
doesn’t really tell us much on that though we’ve got the videos and the
tapes of that trek of sending these scientists up the side of these mountains
in Mongolia. I mean this is major stuff that he would stop right in the
middle of the war to send valuable scientists into such an extraordinary

Ok and then what about the U.S.?

Mind control research in this country for war purposes psychological warfare
purposes it started out really for the military. And for espionage. That is
where their main interest lied. So around 1952 the CIA’s reporter over in
Korea released the term ‘brainwashing’ to introduce the whole idea and
concept to the American people that there was something else at play in the
arsenal of weaponry with the Chinese.

So what do you think it is about the mind sciences that make them so
appealing to groups who want to dominate and control other people?

Well going back to the earlier statement that all wars are won in the minds
of the people, not on the battlefield. I believe this is the basis for the
United States as well as all other governments who are actively engaged in
mind control research and application. In fact, that’s their belief.

What was the thinking behind the CIA’s initial desire to create MK-ULTRA?

Well, I believe that the thinking of the OSS at that time, and the OSI and,
of course, that became the CIA The CIA (or Central Intelligence Agency) was
given the responsibility of actually placing the individuals out of Project
Paperclip these Nazi and fascist scientists dealing with the mind control
sciences into the military industrial complex for other development of this
secret technology that Adolf Hitler regarded as the world’s most dangerous
and absolutely the best war tool that anyone could have for taking over the

So what was it called?

The name for the mind control research in this country was MK-ULTRA and the
earliest that we know about through Freedom of Information documents is 1952.

Is that the only name we have for mind control operations in the United

MK-ULTRA evolved in actually Project Bluebird was the first project to spin
out and that was in 1947. Actually, some people say that was in ’49 but
documents prove it was 1947. So it started immediately upon these scientists
being brought into this country. They immediately dovetail into Bluebird and
then it went to MK-ULTRA and then MK-SEARCH, I mean it’s changed names so
many times that nobody knows what it’s called now.

Who were the first subjects exposed to MK-ULTRA?

The first subjects that the CIA was interested in were people who were coming
out of the battlefield and people who had actually been exposed to primitive
forms of brainwashing by the Russians as well as the Chinese, Japanese, and,
from my knowledge then in Korea, of course. In 1952 it was announced by a CIA
news person who was reporting from the front that we had soldiers coming back
who were saying what great people and what a great country North Korea was.
And that was just unheard of at that time. So they were seeding the
population of the United States with the idea: "Hey, we got another problem
that we need to dump tons of money into and tons of research but you can’t
know what it is."

After they studied soldiers, who were their next targets?

Well, I believe that the next targets were people that were incarcerated
within penitentiaries and mental institutions as proven by the Dr. Ewen
Cameron research.

And how did the government use the law to protect themselves?

In 1947 after the President of the United States told the Pentagon and told
Congress that he’d made a mistake signing this Project Paperclip into law,
there was of course an exemption on that Project Paperclip which said that
"no person that was a part of the Nazi party could be brought into this
country." Or professed Nazi. Well, that just about eliminated everybody they
could have brought in on Project Paperclip. So, what they did was, they
established the 1947 National Security Act which took over the rules of
ethical military conduct which the military had been using for years to
protect our country’s secrets. What actually happened was we have never had
such a flood of loss of national secrets, intelligence secrets, technology
secrets since that time. Never. It’s been unprecedented in American history
that we have lost this much information. But the National Security Act is not
I don’t believe and anyone else who has worked under it we all believe it was
just to cover crimes. It was not to cover secrets.

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