XXX Joyce Chiang Case Reclassified as Homocide! XXX

7.29.01 UPDATE:

In a surprising secret move late in the week police have reclassified the
Joyce Chiang missing person case as a homicide, Ms. Chiang was another
missing intern who worked close to Rep. Condit in his Capitol office and
whose body was found months later dead after a massive missing person search.

On the Chandra front the almost quarter of a million dollar bounty is
catching the eye of many, including a Federal Express Employee who works in
the national distribution plant who has noticed quite a few packages going
back and forth from Condit's Modesto California office and Washington D.C.

Police marked "Confidential secret bio-hazard" and requiring no usual checks
or paperwork from the Federal Express delivery system. The worker in question
feels that in good conscience he cannot be silent if there is evidence being
covered up that is coming from Rep. Condit's office and is being held by the
D.C. Police and not being turned over to the FBI.

This brave observer has seen the packages that have been mailed from
California being shipped back to the Modesto authorities soon after they have
been mailed in the same container. When the Condit staffers go public for
immunity, as they are lining up now to do, this evidence could come in handy.

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