Invitation to listen/call in: 3 talk shows on Political Control

I will be featured guest on three different talk shows in the near
future.  The topics are not set in concrete but because of the
international success (there is talk of translating into other
languages) of the special newsletter issue on Political Control
Technology (for info or your free copy -
<>) topics are very likely to include
aspects of political control technology.  This includes the subsets we
call mind control and media control, and privacy invasion (see Echelon,
below) - which leads to possible discussions of OKC and Flight 800 - for
both of which I have late breaking investigative findings to share -
which are now available on my updated Web site if you want a sneak peak.
There will also likely be the usual discussions about personal privacy
and safety.

With three shows, the odds are all these topics will get some air time.
Listen to them all and the odds are you will get a chance to hear me
crash and burn with a dumb 'Bush' quality answer! Spread the word to all
you think have interest - visit the Web sites for lists of local radio
stations, or listen in to Webcast via Real Audio.  Don't forget most
show hosts accept email, fax, and telephone questions/comments (in
advance or during air time) - more info at their respective Web sites:

     July 31 (this coming Tuesday) 10 am Pacific - my first show
     with Alex Jones <http:///>

     Aug 17 (Friday) Noon EST - my fourth show with Louie Free
     (date/time may change - check my Web site at
     <> for latest info)

     Oct 30 (Tuesday) 7 pm Pacific - my second show with Jeff Rense

Don't forget Echelon day is coming - a great opportunity to educate
people about this dangerous political control technology.  The
government is between a rack and hard place.  They want to come after
anyone like myself who promotes publicly such an event as threatening
the national security apparat. But if Echelon is as they claim it is
(not used to spy on Americans) then our efforts are in vain and there is
no threat to what they call national security.  If they are listening
and Echelon is impacted, then they are not protecting national security,
but their own illegal acts of tyranny.  For more information, visit


As usual, you may ask to be removed from my list <mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I know some of you are on my list twice with
different addresses, so you may want one of those removed - up to you!

H. Michael Sweeney, author
The Professional Paranoid:
How to Fight Back When Investigated, Stalked, Harassed, or Targeted by
Any Agency, Organization, or Individual

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