-Caveat Lector-


> >> During the following decade (of "greed" and other mean-spirited
> >> Republican policies), Mary Daly, associate professor at Boston
> >> College, published her Wickedary, a feminist lexicon,
> >> incorporating the wicca point of view, that defines all men as
> >> "cockocrats" and all priests as sadists.
>This is most definitely NOT 'the wicca point of view'....
>Wicca honors BOTH male and female and does not push one gender over the

 From what I've been able to gather from a Wiccan friend, this statement is
correct. It is also correct from the standpoint of my own limited
understanding of Wicca.  I would add, however, that just as there are many
denominational "factions" within any given belief system, Wicca, too,
appears to have its own comparatively militant fringe.

>While the article raises valid points regarding PC speech, I notice that
>those who always bemoan its encroachment the most never, ever address the
>ISSUE of women's rights that brought it about.

True, but then most of us who object to the current brand of political
correctness focus on one component of PC or the other. In other words, a
sensitivity to others as expressed in the usage of PC as a means of respect
is fine, but using it to squelch opposing/dissenting opinion is
not.  Additionally, I'm not convinced that Feminists have a corner on the
PC market. Both the PC language and governing concepts have been adopted by
several segments of society including, but certainly not limited to, Feminists.

>Maybe if the entrenched power system didn't fight so strongly to hold onto
>its power system
>instead of embracing women's equality, the PC fanatics never would have
>gained a foothold...

Perhaps, but then the entrenched power system would not have been true to
it's nature. Power is an opiate; once one has become used to the privileges
inherent in a position of power, he OR she is scarcely likely to give it up
without being dragged away kicking and screaming.

Edward   ><+>

"The desire to rule is the mother of heresies." ~ St. John Chrysostom

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