-Caveat Lector-

it is true that in latin countries - non verbal communication
is more animated - can you imagine what this shitware could
do turned loose on a multicultural society ??


> From CNET,
> http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-6696914.html?tag=cd_mh
> -
> Software scans crowd movement for trouble
> By Reuters
> July 27, 2001, 10:05 a.m. PT
> Singapore scientists have created new software that may beef up future
> surveillance efforts by distinguishing between people's normal activities
> and suspicious behavior.
> The software, created by researchers at the Nanyang Technological
> University, can tell the difference between people walking, talking and
> acting normally, and abnormal behavior such as a fight or someone
> collapsing.
> The Singapore team recorded and classified 73 features of human movement,
> such as speed, direction, shape and pattern.
> The features were then used with existing "neural network" software, which
> can learn and remember patterns, to create a new program.
> "Each of the features is actually generated from a formula...then the
> learning software will be able to classify certain motion as normal or
> abnormal," associate professor Maylor Leung told Reuters on Friday.
> "It's something new. No one has tried (developing it), and so far we are
> successful," he said.
> Images fed to the software, from a surveillance camera, for example, are
> analyzed almost instantly and with 96 percent accuracy, Leung said.
> The software can trigger an alarm when unusual movements are detected,
> making it well suited for surveillance.
> Creating the artificial intelligence needed to recognize complex human
> motion has been a challenge, Leung said.
> It is difficult for the human eye to accurately judge motion, such as
> and even harder for a software program to do so, he said.
> Leung is looking for partners to commercialize the software. The research,
> which took two-and-a-half years, is pending publication in several
> journals.
> Story Copyright © 2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved
> >

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