War: Our Proudest Export

by Vin Suprynowicz

It’s a good thing the Social Security and military retirement programs are
actuarially solvent; the armed forces don’t need any more money for live-fire
training; and Americans have seen their taxes fall till they can pay the
remaining federal levies with pocket change (leaving them vast sums to invest
in the modernization of private industry, not to mention pricey prescription

Because if that weren’t the case, one might wonder if our delegates to
Washington had temporarily taken leave of their senses, as the House of
Representatives this week voted to take $15 billion of our tax money, bundle
it up into huge bales, and drop it on harmless peasants overseas.

Note I did not say they plan to take the $15 billion and simply drop it in
the ocean. As a measure to curb inflation, counteracting the overuse of the
currency printing presses in anticipation of that dead-on-arrival "Y2K
crisis" a couple of years back, that might actually do some slight good.

Not so the current plans. No, Congress intends to send $676 million to
(you’re to read this with a straight face, now) "fight drugs and advance
economic and political stability" in Colombia and its neighboring South
American republics ... an enterprise which has proven about as effective to
date as similar efforts in Southeast Asia 35 years ago.

Where most of this money actually goes, of course, is to prop up the
oversized armies of repulsive military dictatorships intent on putting down
local political insurgencies by burning farms and villages, in between
shooting down and killing Michigan missionaries and their babies.

To keep pace with the arms race thus subsidized by U.S. taxpayers, the rebels
need more money, which they get by growing and selling drugs (mostly to
customers right back here in the U.S. of A.), increasing – not decreasing –
both the volume of the drug trade and the ruthlessness of those who control

And that $676 million is actually $55 million less than the Bush
administration (start ital)wanted(end ital) to spend on the CIA’s latest
military-advisor full-employment act.

Congress did at least resist shifting more of these funds to bolster the $100
million which will now be mailed to a select group of entrepreneurial
sub-Saharan kleptocrats who have figured out that (no matter how many times
they’ve defaulted on previous taxpayer-backed loans after diverting most of
that "food and medical aid" into their personal bank accounts in Geneva and
New York), the doors of the international vaults can be made to swing open
one more time if they simply fudge up every traffic fatality as an "AIDS
death," leading to much ululation at the reliably credulous U.N. about an
"AIDS crisis" which is supposedly wiping out the human race on the continent
of its birth.

(Has the population of a single African nation dropped as predicted? Which
one? What reputable European or American accounting firm has actually gone in
and audited these "AIDS death rates" on the ground? If the population of none
of these nations actually drops in the next decade, do we get the money back?
This is, after all, a part of the world where American retailers report you
cannot even reliably mail a (start ital)package(end ital) and expect any
valuable contents to reach their legal recipient.)

Then, as virtual afterthoughts, apparently desperate to shovel out surplus
funds which have piled up hip-deep in the halls of the Capitol, our delegates
tack on $768 million for the surly thugs now in charge of the former Soviet
Union. (What is it they’ve done for us ... or for anyone else ... lately? I
can’t seem to recall. And heaven forfend we should use this loot to
compensate the heirs and descendents of St. Petersburg property owners who
had their stuff stolen in 1917, or to compensate the Hungarians for 1956, or
the Czechs for 1968, or the brave Afghanis for that matter, simply mailing
Mr. Putin a (start ital)receipt(end ital) for his $768 million.)

Oh, and $2 billion apiece in military aid to Egypt and Israel, apparently on
the theory that already heightened tensions in that region aren’t good for
much if we can’t get these two countries to go back to war at least every
couple of decades, providing some live test results for our current weapons

Your U.S. Congress, trying every day in every way to prop up waste, fraud,
and tyranny around the globe.

July 30, 2001

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