-Caveat Lector-

The Truth Behind Teen Culture

For more background on this topic see: http://www.soundvision.com/teens/

Do you think your teenagers mood swings, anger and rebelliousness are
awful enough representations of "American teen culture".

Think again.

These are only the tip of the iceberg.

A recent Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) documentary has exposed the
reality about whats going on in many teenagers lives. This TV documentary
is an eye into teen culture that you wont see on the whitewashed teen
sitcoms usually seen on Friday nights.

Sex, group sex, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and gangs were once
thought to be a reality found only in the lower class, inner city
neighborhoods of America.

But "The Lost Children of Rockdale County", which aired October 19, 1999
on the program Frontline, has shattered that myth.

The 90-minute documentary starts off describing an outbreak of the
sexually transmitted disease syphilis amongst a number teenagers in the
countys only town, Conyer in 1996.

Seventeen teenagers tested positive for the disease, about 200 others were
treated for exposure and about 50 reported engaging in group sex and other
"extreme sexual behavior."

Upon investigation, parents, public health officials and other
administrators discover the teenagers, who are from middle to upper-class,
church-going families, have been involved in these activities.

Producers Rachel Dretzin Goodman and Barak Goodman interview, among
others, teens, parents, school counselors, a county commissioner and
experts about the outbreak, and on a deeper level, why teens from
seemingly "good" backgrounds, would be involved in such activities.

What becomes evident in interviews with the teenagers is the utter lack of
direction and structure in their lives, which some admit they crave.
Grappling with the fact that their parents are both at work during the day
tending careers and trying to provide the good life materially for their
kids, these teenagers are given little attention.

That also explains why most of the parties permeated with sex, drugs and
alcohol took place between 3 p.m. and 7p.m. and after midnight.

"The sexual activity took place at a number of places. And probably the
two most common places for sexual activity to take place were either at
the home of one of the adolescents. A lot of the adolescents had parents
who worked, were at home alone, had parents who put in 40, 60, 80 hour
work weeks...," noted Claire Sterk, who was a member of the team which
investigated the syphilis outbreak.

"Sometimes a parent would drop off their own children at a home where one
of these sex parties was going to take place but the notion was "this
looks like a nice house, these must be nice people so nothing is going to
happen that I would not approve of," she added.

Parents, on the other hand, talk about the loss of control and discipline
with their kids. Whether its the fear of their violent teenagers, or their
power as parents taken away by authority figures like school counselors
and the police, who encourage permissive attitudes and lax ways of dealing
with rebellious teens.

A breakdown in communication (see www.soundvision.com) between parents and
teenagers also explain why these young adults seek fun and acceptance with
their "surrogate family" of friends, who often pressure them into these

While most reviewers of the documentary praised it for its intelligent and
insightful treatment of the topic, others felt it was too weak on certain

One reviewer for the Atlanta Constitution noted the documentary presented
teens at two extremes: "sex-mad" or "devoutly Christian virgins", while a
reviewer at the Boston Globe felt its treatment of the subject matter was
too superficial.

But no matter what the treatment or portrayal, the fact is that this is a
facet of teen culture in America today. Communities and parents may want
to bury their heads in the sand (as they did in Rockdale when a town hall
meeting was called to discuss the syphilis outbreak) and run away from it,
but this is what their kids face, especially if they attend public
schools. They can reject it, or accept it, but the power of peer pressure
is unmistakably evident .

While some may be tempted to say this represents only a small group of
teens in Rockdale County, some of those involved in the case think

"This is a cross-section of adolescence in the United States in the
1990s," says Sterke. "That even although we might be really shocked to
hear some of the things that took place in many ways the dynamics that
surrounded all this are common for adolescence all over."

To read more about this documentary visit PBS:

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