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The Center for an Informed America
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and information from the radical left
  This is Nuremberg, Germany ...                                   This is
Los Angeles, California ...
  ... in September of 1937
... in August of 2000
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Quote of the Month
"Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence
properly reached."
U.S. Supreme Court Injustice Antonin Scalia

News, Commentary, Analysis, and Wild Speculation
In which your intrepid host attempts to pierce the myriad levels of
disinformation being orchestrated by the media by wading waist-deep into the
muck in search of a few nuggets of truth, or at least a good story to tell.
The Spin Cycle
An alternative look at some recent stories that have been unmercifully
flogged by the mainstream media

*   Death, Taxes and Education
*   The LAPD Rages Against Democracy
*   The Terrorists are Coming! The Terrorists are Coming!
*   Sony's Magic Cameras
*   Anatomy of a School Shooting
*   Why the Other Elian Photo is a Fraud
*   The Convict and the Guard: A Tale of Two Trials
*   The 'Rule of Law' and Perjury

    Lifting the Rug ...
... to see what sordid affairs have been swept under there lately

*   Would You Mind If We Fingerprint Your Brain?
*   Ruminations on Littleton, Mind Control, and JFK
*   Genomes and Eugenics
*   Lies My Psychology Professors Taught Me
*   Wagging the Moondoggie
*   There's Something About Henry (with a new update added March 17, 2000)
*   CNN - The CIA News Network?
*   Where Have All the Mars Probes Gone?

Election 2000
A fond look back at the stealing of a presidential election by the
ever-popular Bush family

*   The Unelectable Son
*   The Unelectable Son, Part II
*   The Unelectable Son, Part III
*   A Supreme Injustice
*   A Supreme Injustice, Part II
*   A Supreme Injustice, Part III
*   The Bush Coup in Perspective
*   America Under a Bush

    NEW   The Pedophocracy  NEW
“From our comfortable seat in life … we never could have imagined that
thousands of well-off adults, integrated and even cultured, find pleasure in
seeing children tortured and killed.”
>From a front page editorial in Italy’s Corriere della Sera

*   Part I: From Brussels ...
*   Part II: ... to Washington
*   Part III: Uncle Sam Wants Your Children (coming August 7)
*   Part IV: McMolestation (coming August 14)
*   Part V: It Couldn't Happen Here (coming August 21)
*   Part VI: Finders Keepers (coming August 28)

Books By The Host of this Website
Click here to read the introduction and table of contents
"The greatest book of the year."
William Blum, author of Killing Hope and Rogue State
"A shocking revelation, a rich treasure of taboo information and criticism
about the undemocratic repression, militarism and aggression perpetrated by
U.S. elites at home and abroad. Every American should read Derailing
Michael Parenti, author of America Besieged and History as Mystery
"This book goes a long way toward derailing duplicity. David McGowan throws
the usual media doublethink into disarray by shining a bright light on
inconvenient facts and extreme hypocrisies. If you want to stay within the
delusional bubbles provided by U.S. mass media, do not - repeat, DO NOT -
read Derailing Democracy."
Norman Solomon, author of The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media and winner of
the George Orwell Award
"Oh yeah! This sometimes surreal armory of facts, figures and quotes is as
humorous as it is useful."
Christian Parenti, author of Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age
of Crisis   Understanding the F-Word is now available for purchase from
barnesandnoble.com. Click on the cover art for more information.
Click here to read the table of contents and sample chapters
The stories contained within this book are true, though they may come as
something of a shock to many readers, given the remarkable level of control
exerted over the country's 'free press.' The book is fully referenced, though
footnotes and sources are not included in the sample chapters.
None of the names have been changed so as not to protect the guilty. Read
only with an open mind and a willingness to consider the possibility that the
world may not operate as it appears to.
Click here to read an interview with the author and host of this web site
that covers some of the issues raised in Understanding the F-Word (the
interview is posted under the title: Political Entanglements #16).
(Note that clicking on the Derailing Democracy cover art will take you to
Amazon.com. This is provided so that interested readers can check the reviews
posted by others, and not to encourage purchasing from this book vendor.
Support your local independent bookstore. There aren't very many left.)

Recommended Reading Constructing an accurate representation of American
history and of the current political situation is akin to putting together a
puzzle in which many of the most important pieces are kept from view. The
books listed here will provide various pieces of the puzzle that are left out
of most history and political science texts, although many of these works
contain varying levels of disinformation and/or misinformation as well. Most
of these books are no longer in print, and some are exceedingly difficult to
find. Click here for assistance in locating those titles that appear in purple
U.S. History - The Essential Trilogy:
David E. Stannard American Holocaust, Oxford University Press, 1992
Far and away the best pre-Columbian history of the Americas, documenting the
almost incomprehensible level of genocide perpetrated on these shores over
the last five hundred years.
Howard Zinn A People's History of the United States, Harper and Row, 1995
The definitive populist history of the United States by America's premier
historian [click here to read chapter 1 of Zinn's book - Columbus, the
Indians, and Human Progress].
William Blum Killing Hope, Common Courage Press, 1995
U.S. foreign policy is laid bare in this exhaustively researched and
documented accounting of U.S. covert and overt military interventions around
the world since WWII.
U.S. Ties to Nazi Germany:
George Seldes Facts and Fascism, In Fact, Inc., 1943
They just don't write them like this anymore; this vitally important work is
essential for understanding exactly what fascism is, and what it isn't (all
other titles by Seldes are recommended as well).
Ladislas Farago Aftermath, Simon & Schuster, 1974
Notable for being the first book to document the role played by the Pope, the
Vatican, and various other elements of the Catholic Church in collaborating
with Western intelligence services to help Nazi war criminals escape justice,
including the infamous Martin Bormann.
James and Suzanne Pool  Who Financed Hitler, Dial Press, 1978
This book answers the question posed by the title, covering the rise of the
Nazi party from 1919-1933 and the political machinations and the funding that
brought it to power.
Charles Higham Trading With the Enemy, Delacorte Press, 1983
Documents the complicity of numerous U.S. corporations in trading with and
arming Nazi Germany both before and during World War II, including Standard
Oil, AT&T, ITT, Chase Bank, Ford Motors, General Motors, and others [click
here to read a recent article from The Nation on this subject].
Charles Higham American Swastika, Doubleday, 1985
Traces the Nazi connections and funding of numerous American pro-fascist and
anti-war activists during WWII, including Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin,
Errol Flynn, and numerous others.
Lenny Lapon Mass Murderers in White Coats, Psychiatric Genocide Research
Institute, 1986
Traces the parallels between the psychiatric and eugenics movements in Nazi
Germany and the United States from early in the century through the present
Tom Bower The Paperclip Conspiracy, Little, Brown, 1987
One of the essential books on Project Paperclip, the CIA program (actually
several parallel programs) that actively recruited Nazi scientists,
academics, military and intelligence personnel, chemical and biological
warfare specialists, etc. for use as intelligence assets around the world.
Christopher Simpson  Blowback, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1988
Another essential book on the Paperclip project, focusing primarily on the
recruitment of fascist émigré groups for use as stay-behind 'anti-communist'
guerrilla armies, disseminators of pro-Western propaganda, etc.
Linda Hunt Secret Agenda, St. Martins Press, 1991
Yet another essential book on Project Paperclip - and one that is
particularly difficult to find - reveals that countless Nazis were brought to
the U.S. and placed in military installations, universities, and private
corporations, regardless of their wartime records.
Burton Hersch The Old Boys, Charles Scribner's Son's, 1992
Traces the origins of the Central Intelligence Agency, providing a wealth of
detail about Dulles, Helms, Donovan, Bullit, Wisner, Casey, Colby, and the
rest of the old boy elite.
Christopher Simpson The Splendid Blond Beast, Grove Press, 1993
Relates how international law and international finance, which Allen and John
Foster Dulles played key roles in crafting, have thwarted efforts to prevent
acts of genocide and prosecute war criminals from WWI through the present day.

Martin Lee The Beast Reawakens, Routledge, 2000
Though perhaps inaccurately titled (the beast never actually went to sleep),
this book provides a wealth of information on the post-war international
fascist infrastructure and its connections to western intelligence services.
'Conspiracy' Anthologies:
The National Insecurity Council  It's A Conspiracy!, EarthWorks Press, 1992
Along with The CIA's Greatest Hits, one of the best bathroom readers ever
written, with a wealth of information in an easily digestible format.
Mark Zepezauer The CIA’s Greatest Hits, Odonian Press, 1994
Clever, concise summaries of some of the CIA's more dubious accomplishments
of the last fifty years [click here to read chapter 1, The Gehlen Org, which
summarizes some of the U.S. intelligence community ties to Nazi Germany].
Doug Moench The Big Book of Conspiracies, Paradox Press, 1995
Don't be fooled by the comic book format - this book contains a wealth of
information on various assassinations, U.S./Nazi ties, and of course the
obligatory UFO/alien nonsense.
Jonathan Vankin Conspiracies, Cover-Ups and Crimes, Illuminet Press, 1996
A comprehensive overview of a wide range of conspiracy theories, hidden
history, scandals, and cover-ups.
Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time,
Citadel Press, 1998
An encyclopedia of conspiracy theories, some more credible than others, many
with an impressive amount of documentation.
Other Noteworthy Titles:
Herman C. Morris and Harry B. Henderson  World War II in Pictures, Doubleday,
1942 & Greystone, 1946
A Time/Life style three volume series that was written and published as
events unfolded (i.e. without the benefit of cold war revisionism) and
therefore presents a decidedly different version of the war than what now
passes for history.
Alfred W. McCoy  The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, Harper and Row,
The definitive work on the global drug trade and the key role played by the
Central Intelligence Agency (A newer, updated version is currently in print
under a slightly different title).
Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman  A Higher Form of Killing, Hill and Wang,
The most accurate history available of chemical and biological warfare from
World War I through 1981, including decades-old efforts to develop ethnically
specific biowarfare agents.
Douglas Valentine The Phoenix Program, William Morrow, 1990
An in-depth look at the CIA's notorious torture and assassination program
that claimed tens of thousands of civilian victims during the Vietnam war,
including the connections to other death squads both before and after.
Leonard Mosley Dulles, The Dial Press, 1978
Ridiculously disinformational in its analysis and tortured rationalizations
of the actions of various members of the Dulles clan, but a valuable work
nonetheless for anyone with the ability to read between the lines.  The
MK-ULTRA Project: [click here for a crash course]
George H. Estabrooks  Hypnotism, Dutton, 1943
Long before the MK-ULTRA project officially existed, and before the CIA
itself even existed, Estabrooks spilled the beans on the intelligence
community's experiments with, and successes with, the creation of
hypnotically controlled agents (written by one of the agency's pioneer
'spychiatrists') [click here to read an excerpt of a Science Digest article
penned by Estabrooks in 1971].
Jose M. R. Delgado  Physical Control of the Mind, Harper and Row, 1969
Another agency 'spychiatrist,' recruited from fascist Spain, revealed how his
experiments with electromagnetic control of the mind had met with resounding
success (bonus points: the book ends with a chapter entitled "Toward a
Psychocivilized Society") [click here to read a 1965 NY Times article on
Donald Bain The Control of Candy Jones, Playboy Press, 1976
The story of Candy Jones, one of America's favorite pin-up girls, who
discovered that she had been programmed as a CIA courier and possible
assassin [click here to read a recent article concerning women with similar
Paul A. Verdier Brainwashing and the Cults, Wilshire Book Company, 1977
A classic in agency disinformation, Verdier's book acknowledges that hypnotic
mind control is a real phenomenon, but attributes its use only to
'Communists' and cult-like groups (bonus points: the book ends with a chapter
entitled "Benevolent Brainwashing in the Future").
Walter Bowart Operation Mind Control, Dell Publishing, 1978
Probably the most difficult to locate book on the MK-ULTRA program ever
published, and well worth searching for (but expect to pay a premium price
for any copy you can locate).
Peter Watson War on the Mind, Hutchinson, 1978
Written by a British journalist and published in the UK, this book only
indirectly addresses the MK-ULTRA program, but is valuable nonetheless.
Peter Schrag Mind Control, Pantheon, 1978
This book does not focus specifically on MK-ULTRA research, but rather looks
at how the entire field of psychology/psychiatry was developed and is used as
an agent of control and repression, particularly through the use of behavior
control drugs.
John Marks The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Times Books, 1979
This book is readily available and is a good start for anyone unfamiliar with
the CIA's MK-ULTRA program, though the story told here is nowhere near
Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain  Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985
Provides further details on the CIA's MK-ULTRA projects as well as a look at
how the 60's counterculture was co-opted from early on by the acid gurus,
virtually all of whom had extensive connections to the CIA.
Gordon Thomas Journey Into Madness, Bantam, 1989
Yet another hard-to-find book that is essential reading both for information
on MK-ULTRA as well as background information on Dulles, Helms, Colby, Casey,
Gottlieb, Buckley, and various other key players in the CIA.
David Black Acid: The Secret History of LSD, Vision Paperbacks, 1998
Not particularly well written and with poor production values, this book
nevertheless makes a nice supplement to Acid Dreams, filling in some more of
the details on Ron Stark.
Satanism, Satanic Crime, and Fascism:
Yes, Virginia, there are Satanic cults in modern day America, committing the
most heinous of crimes. The books listed here primarily approach the issue
from a secular viewpoint, for the most part avoiding fundamentalist Christian
dogma. In the words of Carl Rashke, Satanism should be seen not as a
religion, but as a "sophisticated and highly effective motivational system
for the spread of violence and cultural terrorism."
Ed Sanders The Family, Dutton, 1971
A much different take on the Manson Family than was presented by hack
prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi in Helter Skelter, detailing the numerous Satanic
cult connections of the Family.
Dusty Sklar Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult, Crowell, 1977
Sklar traces the occult roots of the Third Reich in a book that is very
difficult to find, but well worth searching for; expect to pay a premium
price for any copy you can locate.
Jan Hollingsworth Unspeakable Acts, Congden and Weed, 1986
Hollingsworth provides a lengthy and exceptionally well documented look at a
multiple perpetrator/multiple victim childcare ritual abuse case in Florida
that was successfully prosecuted.
Maury Terry The Ultimate Evil, Dolphin Doubleday, 1987
A well documented account of the Son of Sam and Manson murders, and why they
weren't what they appeared to be. Read this in conjunction with Acid Dreams
and The Family and try to connect all the dots.
Larry Kahaner Cults That Kill, Warner Books, 1988
Investigative reporter Kahaner talked to law enforcement personnel across the
country about their experiences investigating occult crime; many of them had
stories to tell.
Kevin Marron Ritual Abuse, Seal Books, 1988
Journalist Marron followed the 'Canadian McMartin' case for eighteen months
before writing this expose of a ritual abuse case that ended in convictions.
Carl A. Raschke, Ph.D. Painted Black, Harper & Row, 1990
The director of the Institute for Humanities at the University of Denver
looks at occult crime and traces the intricate connections between key
members of the Satanist, White Supremacist, and Fascist movements.
Gordon Thomas Enslaved, Pharos Books, 1991
This book, written by a well respected author of dozens of better-known
titles, tells "The chilling modern-day story of abduction and abuse in the
global trafficking of men, women and children."
Henry Scammell Mortal Remains, Harper Collins, 1991
A well documented case of Satanic ritual crime in a small, picture-perfect
Massachusetts town (and former home of Lizzie Borden). Like the other books
listed here, this is a deeply disturbing work.
John Decamp The Franklin Cover-Up, AWT, 1992
Nebraska State Senator DeCamp documents the crimes of a pedophilic cult
composed of Omaha's political and business elite, and the cover-up that left
a trail of dead witnesses.
Michael Newton Raising Hell, Avon, 1993
Author Newton has structured his book as an encyclopedia of Satanic crime,
providing a valuable reference book for any serious student of the occult
Linda Blood The New Satanists, Warner Books, 1994
A former mistress of Temple of Set founder and U.S. intelligence asset Col.
Michael Aquino details the Nazi connections and ideological basis of Anton
LaVey's  Church of Satan and its various offshoots.
Peter Levenda Unholy Alliance, Avon, 1995
An invaluable book that details a rarely noted aspect of the Third Reich -
its occult underpinnings, including the connections to American and British
occult groups and to modern day neo-Nazi, skinhead, and Satanist groups.
Daniel Ryder Cover-Up of the Century, Ryder Publishing, 1996
Ryder provides an overview of a variety of documented cases of Satanic cult
crime, and the massive cover-ups that have kept these stories under wraps.
Judith Spencer Satan's High Priest, Pocket Books, 1997
A revealing look behind the scenes at the day-to-day workings of the Satanic
cult infrastructure of a small town, told by the daughter of the cult's high
Closing Thoughts
"And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next
generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their
servitude, and producing … a kind of painless concentration camp for entire
societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from
them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any
desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by
pharmacological methods."
Aldous Huxley, 1959
"Through clever and constant application of propaganda people can be made to
see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most
wretched sort of life as paradise."
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1935
"If ignorance is truly bliss, then why do so many Americans need Prozac?"
Your Host, 1999

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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