-Caveat Lector-

   Jewish World Review June 4, 2001 / 14 Sivan, 5761

   Foxman never tires
   in his search for
   'hate' --- real or

   The ADL pushes ''tolerance"? Why I'm leaving after 25 years

   By Carl Pearlston

   http://www.jewishworldreview.com -- MY love affair with the ADL began
   almost 25 years ago. It has just ended with a curt note from the Board
   President advising me that I haven't shown a sufficient "demonstration
   of commitment to the ADL" to warrant retention on the Executive
   Committee or the Regional Board." How did it come to this?

   I had been nominated to the Board by a judge with whom I had worked
   during the heady civil rights years, and then to the Executive
   Committee by the head of the Speakers Bureau, for which I was very
   active. Not that the romance had not been rocky. I had always known
   that my conservative Republican political views were barely tolerated
   by my overwhelmingly liberal colleagues, and I was tempted to keep
   them to myself. We were nominally a non-partisan organization, but our
   meetings frequently felt uncomfortably like those of a Democratic
   Party club in which it was assumed that all shared a common liberal or
   "progressive" political worldview and none could, or wanted to, hear a
   differing viewpoint.

   Just after the recent presidential election, our Director accosted me
   at a meeting with a vehement "You stole the election!" Our positions
   were usually those of the liberal wing of the Democratic party on
   issues like abortion, school choice, teacher pay, bilingual education,
   affirmative action, the homosexual agenda, gun control.

   I once cited the comprehensive study by Yale University Law School's
   Dr. John Lott on gun laws to the effect that in those states where
   people could legally carry concealed weapons, crimes against people
   actually declined, since criminals do not want to take a chance that
   their victim may be armed. I was met with the sarcastic and dismissive
   response that "Only John Lott, [talk show host and JWR columnist]
   Larry Elder and you believe in that study."


   There was not a great tolerance for diversity of viewpoint nor
   introduction of new information. I was barred from distributing
   written material which was germane and relevant to issues under
   discussion; only material from staff could be disseminated. To be
   fair, a member did once tell me that at least I kept them honest --
   i.e. they were forced to at least be exposed to -- even if not to
   consider, a different view.

   But, it was an uphill struggle.

   When I once confessed to our National Director, Abe Foxman, my
   feelings of just spinning my wheels, he candidly told me that I would
   have to realize that over 95% of those involved in the ADL were
   liberal and would be unsympathetic to my conservative views.

   Lack of sympathy frequently translated into lack of civility. For
   example, at several meetings, there were objections that Dr. Laura
   Schlesinger's radio program and planned TV program was offensive and
   insensitive to homosexuals. I pointed out that her views enunciate
   traditional Jewish values which deserve the support of a Jewish
   defense organization, and was greeted with derision and intemperate,
   hostile responses. When it came to the issue of homosexuals versus the
   Boy Scouts, ADL chose the homosexuals, all the way to the Supreme

   Then, in its otherwise commendable nationwide partnership with Barnes
   and Noble in the program Hate Hurts, which sponsors books and educates
   teachers and young children to fight hate, the ADL endorsed the books
   Heather Has Two Mommies and Steve Has Two Daddies as suitable tools
   for teaching tolerance to young children. Teachers' workshops and
   children's reading groups were organized, using these and other books
   in conjunction with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
   (GLSEN), which had earlier achieved a certain notoriety for its own
   school workshops wherein teenagers were taught the fine points of
   "fisting" and other homosexual practices.

   In this manner, fighting "hate" became a euphemism for an attack on
   sexual morality, the traditional family, and the Jewish view that
   children deserve a loving father and mother, not two fathers or two
   mothers. It is only through a perverse notion of "tolerance" that
   support for traditional teaching about the family is intimidated, and

   When Dennis Prager participated by invitation in a panel discussion on
   church-state issues, some members actually hissed and booed his
   remarks in a hostile display of intolerance. A respected board member
   persistently repeated to all who would hear that Prager was insane.

   When the organization published its harsh attack on the Religious
   Right in 1994, I was distressed as were many politically conservative
   Jews who do not share the ADL view that politically-active
   conservative Christians are our enemy. As (Jewish) syndicated
   columnist and JWR contributor Mona Charen wrote, "The ADL has
   committed defamation. There is no other conclusion to be reached after
   reading its new report, The Religious Right: the Assault on Tolerance
   and Pluralism in America. It is sad that an organization with a proud
   history of fairness should have descended to this kind of character
   assassination and name calling."

   A Board member of another affiliate was forced to resign because he
   publicly expressed disagreement with that report. It seems that the
   term "religious right" is a talisman used to invoke a reflexive
   response of hostility without thought. So deep was the antagonism that
   when Ralph Reed, then head of the Christian Coalition, appeared at an
   ADL leadership conference and gave a heartfelt apology for past
   insensitivity, prejudice, and discrimination by Christians toward
   Jews, the private response by most members to his apology was
   hostility and distrust.

   There was a particular intolerance on the issue of church-state. The
   theory that freedom of religion require "strict separation of church
   and state" was transformed into hostility to any public display of
   religion in general, to Christianity in particular, and even to
   Judaism. I do not understand the logic of a Jewish organization
   expending its time and resources to forbid the public display of the
   chief gift of the Jews to civilization-- The Ten Commandments. Nor
   does it seem appropriate for us to engage in litigation to forbid
   another Jewish organization (Chabad) from displaying a Menorah on
   public property. I was told that such a display would encourage other
   religious groups, including Moslems, to exercise their right to
   similar displays.

   Well, why shouldn't they? It is implicit in the meaning of freedom of
   religious expression and religious diversity, a freedom we have so
   long struggled to attain for ourselves. It is not in our country's
   interest for us to demand a naked public square, devoid of any
   reference to G-d. Our cramped view of religious expression led us to
   oppose even the observance of a moment of silence in schools as being
   likely to encourage prayer.

   The issue of parental choice in education, either by tax credits or
   vouchers, met with unwavering opposition based on what I believe is an
   erroneously perceived constitutional doctrine of "separation of church
   and state," along with a strong commitment to the teacher's unions. At
   one meeting, I questioned Abe Foxman as to what the ADL would do in
   the likely event that the US Supreme Court upheld the
   constitutionality of school vouchers. He said the ADL would never
   agree and would continue to press the court until the decision was
   reversed and the ADL viewpoint was adopted.

   Then, as he passed the table where my wife and I were sitting, he said
   to me, "You shouldn't have asked that question." I then realized that
   the bloom was really off the romance.

   I had always strongly believed in the ADL's mission, as defined on a
   banner frequently displayed at the front of our meetings: "... to stop
   the defamation of the Jewish people, and secure justice and fair
   treatment to all citizens alike...." Our efforts against anti-Semitism
   were without peer. We were a Jewish organization primarily concerned
   with issues affecting the Jewish community, and secondarily with
   equality and fair enforcement of laws for everyone. I recall that many
   times in days past we deferred action on an item on the grounds that
   it was not related to Jewish community, and was thus beyond our

   As years passed, the purview kept increasing along with the budget.
   While overt, and even latent, anti-Semitism was decreasing, our
   traditional mission as defender of the Jewish community was expanded
   to defender of all. We have become just another of many leftist
   "rights" organizations. This realization was confirmed when I saw a
   new banner, displaying an unfamiliar mission statement: "...dedicated
   to translating democratic ideals into a way of life for all Americans
   in our time."

   This grandiose expansion of mission has had other consequences. The
   curbing of defamation---an action that has expanded to curbing of
   hate--a feeling, or emotion, or state of mind. If we can change
   people's minds and the way they think, we will not have to control
   their actions. The program for changing hearts and minds, A World of
   Difference, was created in 1985 to change prejudiced feelings through
   "sensitivity training". It is reportedly very successful, highly
   commended, and widely used by governmental agencies and many

   Unfortunately, my exposure to the program at a leadership conference
   indicated that teaching the values of diversity, multiculturalism, and
   cultural relativism resulted in denigrating the values and
   achievements of Western civilization and the desirability of a common
   American identity. There is now a nationwide industry of multicultural
   activists teaching various "sensitivity" programs which increase
   awareness of racial identity, and result in racial separation and
   racial hostility.

   This focus on eliminating "hate" logically led to the creation of
   "hate crimes," in which, a two-tier system of criminality was created:
   1) those who commit crimes of violence for any reason other than hate,
   and 2) those who do injury solely because they hate the status or
   class of the victim (race, sex, nationality, religion, disability,
   occupation, sexual orientation, etc), Criminals of the latter class
   are punished more severely than those of the former, even though both
   may commit the same violent crime.

   The punishment is levied on the thought, or feeling, or state of mind
   of the criminal and not the action, in keeping with the emphasis on
   eliminating and punishing hateful thoughts and feelings. Creating
   preferred classes of crime victims is not a proper function of the
   American criminal justice system. Nor does it seem desirable to
   federalize and supplant state criminal law enforcement, which is what
   results from enacting "hate crime" legislation at the federal level.

   The concept of "hate crimes" inevitably leads to that of "hate
   speech", in which offensive, insensitive, or hurtful speech is legally
   banned, as it is in Canada where the criminal law punishes offensive
   speech as a form of group defamation. A minister was arrested there
   for publicly preaching, in accordance with the tenets of his faith,
   that the practice of homosexuality was immoral.

   The ADL has properly rejected repeated demands by some of its leaders
   for adoption of similar group defamation laws as violating our free
   speech guarantees. At the same time, the ADL has led the effort to
   abate hateful speech not only in the public, but even the private
   forum in the interest of "tolerance". There have been repeated
   condemnations of various incidents of speech deemed hateful, hurtful,
   insensitive, or embarrassing to particular groups. All too frequently,
   however, free speech and the expression of religious belief have been
   the targets of these condemnations, such as religious references by
   political candidates, Christian prayers at the inauguration, religious
   symbolism in comics, expressions of religious beliefs by sports
   figures, or even expressions of the politically incorrect, as was the
   case when conservative activist David Horowitz was condemned as
   racially insensitive for placing ads in college papers denying the
   wisdom, fairness, and practicality of the growing movement for Slavery

   The ADL has illogically compared those ads to ones denying the
   Holocaust, while ignoring the issue of free speech curtailment in the
   violent reactions by students and compliant acts by college
   administrators to censor the ads and prevent intelligent discussion of
   the significant issue involved.

   The ADL has always been a firm and loyal supporter of Israel, but it
   was also an early and naive advocate of the now-defunct Oslo peace
   process, to the ultimate detriment of actual peace. I frequently
   complained that we concentrated more on the process than the substance
   of peace, and that true peace was unlikely to occur since the root
   problem was not how much land Israel would give up, but Arab refusal
   to accept a viable Jewish state. All of our "insider" briefings on the
   Mideast downplayed the risk to Israel posed by an armed Palestinian
   Authority or Palestinian state, and held out rosy and unrealistic
   prognostications of peace.

   For example, at a leadership conference, we were treated to a talk by
   an Arab Ambassador urging us to take steps for peace, which translated
   into urging support for the election of Labor (Peres) over Likud
   (Netanyahu) in the coming election. It was portrayed, and accepted by
   many attendees, as a last chance for peace that was almost within our
   grasp. Most of us now see, in light of the past year's warfare, that
   the "peace" being urged was illusory and chimerical. So blinding was
   this hope for peace that, as reported, ADL had complimented the PA on
   their new school textbooks without even having read them, completely
   overlooking the virulent anti-Semitism contained therein. When I
   questioned our National Director about this, I became the target of
   attack and public humiliation for bringing up the matter. Nor did I
   endear myself by dwelling on our National Director's central role on
   behalf of the ADL in devising and wangling a pardon for criminal
   fugitive tax-evader Marc Rich.

   When I expressed my views on some of these matters in various letters
   and articles, in which I was not identified as an ADL Board member, I
   was rebuked in a stern letter from our President advising that I had
   publicly taken positions contrary to ADL policy, which was not
   permitted. I had not realized that, as the price of Board membership,
   I had given up my freedom of speech on issues on which the ADL had
   taken a position.

   This was much like the old Leninist doctrine of "democratic
   centralism", in which debate is allowed only before a policy is
   adopted, and no dissent is tolerated thereafter. It seems odd that an
   organization which boastfully espouses and teaches "tolerance" and
   "diversity", will not tolerate a bit of dissent and diverse viewpoint
   in its own lay leadership. [INLINE]

   Carl Pearlston, a national board member of Toward Tradition, writes
   from California. Comment by clicking here.



                           © 2001, Carl Pearlston

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