-Caveat Lector-

          'King Leopold's Ghost': Genocide
          With Spin Control


              Joseph Conrad's "Heart of
              Darkness" is frequently read as an
              allegorical or Freudian parable,
          while its murderous hero, Kurtz -- the
          renegade white trader, who lives deep
          in the Congo jungle behind a fence
          adorned with shrunken heads -- is
          regarded as a Nietzschean madman or
          avatar of colonial ambition run
          dangerously amok.

          As Adam Hochschild's disturbing new
          book on the Belgian Congo makes clear,
          however, Kurtz was based on several
          historical figures, and the horror Conrad
          described was all too real. In fact,
          Hochschild suggests, "Heart of
          Darkness" stands as a remarkably
          "precise and detailed" portrait of King
          Leopold's Congo in 1890, just as one of
          history's most heinous acts of mass killing was getting under way.

      Under the reign of terror instituted by King Leopold II of Belgium (who
      ran the Congo Free State as his personal fief from 1885 to 1908), the
          population of the Congo was reduced by half -- as many as 8 million
       Africans (perhaps even 10 million, in Hochschild's opinion) lost their

          Some were beaten or whipped to death for failing to meet the rigid
          production quotas for ivory and rubber harvests, imposed by Leopold's
          agents. Some were worked to death, forced to labor in slavelike
        conditions as porters, rubber gatherers or miners for little or no pay.

          Some died of the diseases introduced to (and spread throughout) the
       Congo by Europeans. And still others died from the increasingly frequent
          famines that swept the Congo basin as Leopold's army rampaged
          through the countryside, appropriating food and crops for its own use
          while destroying villages and fields.

          Although much of the material in "King Leopold's Ghost" is secondhand
          -- the author has drawn heavily from Jules Marchal's scholarly
          four-volume history of turn-of-the-century Congo and from "The
          Scramble for Africa," Thomas Pakenham's wide-ranging 1991 study of
          the European conquest of the continent -- Hochschild has stitched it
     together into a vivid, novelistic narrative that makes the reader acutely
          aware of the magnitude of the horror perpetrated by King Leopold and
          his minions.

    It is a book that situates Leopold's crimes in a wider context of European
    and African history while at the same time underscoring the peculiarly
     modern nature of his efforts to exert "spin control" over his actions.

          As depicted by Hochschild, the people in "Ghost" emerge
          as larger-than-life figures, the sort of characters who
          might easily populate a Victorian melodrama were it not
          for the tragic and very real consequences of their actions.

          Leopold himself comes across as a cartoon-strip
          megalomaniac -- a mad, greedy king obsessed since
          adolescence with the idea of running a colony of his own
          and intent throughout his career on covering his lust for
          money and real estate in honeyed talk of philanthropy and
          human rights.

          As for Henry Morton Stanley, the world-famous explorer whom Leopold
       retained as his agent, he is depicted as a Dickensian bully and chronic
       liar who allowed his own monumental celebrity to be used by Leopold for
          the worst possible ends. He eventually persuaded hundreds of Congo
       basin chiefs to sign over their land and their rights to the king of the

          With the sheaf of treaties Stanley had acquired firmly in hand, King
          Leopold embarked on a worldwide lobbying campaign to win diplomatic
          recognition of his new colony.

       He succeeded in winning this recognition, Hochschild argues, by playing
       one great European power against another and by portraying his control
       of the Congo as a kind of benevolent protectorship that would bring a
   civilizing influence to the continent while thwarting the malign designs of
          Arab slave-traders eager to exploit the same region.

          In actuality, Leopold saw the Congo as his personal domain (his power
        as sovereign of the colony was not shared with the Belgian government)
        and as a rich source of rubber, ivory and other natural resources that
          could fatten his coffers at home.

          Marchal, the Belgian scholar, estimates that Leopold drew some 220
  million francs (or $1.1 billion in today's dollars) in profits from the Congo
          during his lifetime. Much of that money, Hochschild suggests, went to
       buying Leopold's teen-age mistress, a former call girl named Caroline,
          expensive dresses and villas, and building ever grander monuments,
          museums and triumphal arches in honor of the king.

      Those profits came at the price of terrible suffering by the Congolese
      people. Not only was their land summarily annexed -- most of the chiefs
    who signed Stanley's "treaties" had no idea what they were signing -- but
          they were also coerced into the arduous job of gathering rubber for
          Leopold's men as well.

      Those who refused or failed to meet their quotas were brutally whipped,
      tortured or shot, Hochschild reports; others saw their wives and children
          taken hostage by Leopold's soldiers.

     According to Hochschild, hostage-taking and the grisly severing of hands
          (from corpses or from living human beings) were part of the
          government's deliberate policy -- a means of terrorizing others into

          As the "rubber terror" spread through the Congolese rain forest,
          Hochschild adds, entire villages were wiped out: Hundreds of dead
       bodies were dumped in rivers and lakes, while baskets of severed hands
          were routinely presented to white officers as evidence of how many
          people had been killed.

       Hochschild writes about these horrifying events with tightly controlled
       anger, and he brings equal passion to his account of the small band of
          protesters who orchestrated resistance to Leopold's rule.

          Those protesters include Edmund Dene Morel, a British
          shipping-company employee, who brought the king's crimes to world
       attention; George Washington Williams, a black American journalist who
      chronicled the grisly conditions in the Congo in an open letter to King
          Leopold; and Roger Casement, an Irish member of the British consular
          service, who sent home a torrent of dispatches condemning specific
          atrocities and the entire way the colony was run.

       The efforts of these men and others helped bring international pressure
       to bear on Leopold, and in 1908 he turned over the Congo -- in effect,
          sold it -- to the Belgian government.

      Leopold, in the meantime, tried to ensure that his crimes would never
      make it into the history books. Shortly after the turnover of the colony,
      Hochschild writes, the furnaces near Leopold's palace burned for eight
     days, "turning most of the Congo state records to ash and smoke." "I will
     give them my Congo," the king is reported saying, "but they have no right
          to know what I did there."

    With this book, Hochschild, like other historians before him, ensures that
    King Leopold has not gotten away with his efforts to erase the memory
          of his brutal acts.

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