August 1, 2001

Bush's Latin America Nominations Reopen Wounds

Associated Press
Elliott Abrams, shown with President Reagan in 1983, and John D. Negroponte
are two of of the Reagan administration figures chosen by President Bush for
senior posts dealing with Latin America.

ASHINGTON — At a recent party held by the Costa Rican ambassador, a group of
Reagan administration veterans chuckled over the fierce opposition their
names have stirred since President Bush selected them for senior positions
responsible for Latin America and human rights.

The officials, who worked together in the State Department during the bitter
policy fights over Central America in the 1980's, included Elliott Abrams, a
former assistant secretary; Otto J. Reich, the former director of the office
of public diplomacy; and Roger Noriega, who was an aide in the Latin affairs

During the Reagan era the three men were among a handful who personified the
fight on the homefront, when Republicans accused Democrats of being soft on
Communism and some lawmakers chastised the White House for backing murderous

Another colleague, who was not present that day but who worked with them in
the Reagan administration is John D. Negroponte, the former ambassador to
Honduras. He has been named by Mr. Bush as ambassador to the United Nations.

"We were sort of laughing about the fact that the other side is still
fighting the old battles," one participant recalled. "Somebody said, `It's
like Custer going back to Little Bighorn.' "

While they may have been amused, Mr. Bush's decision to hire several former
Reagan era officials has inflamed critics of their actions during one of the
most divisive periods of American policy toward Central America. The return
of these men, they say, threatens to spawn a new partisanship and to
generate a potentially distracting debate for a region saddled with more
pressing concerns where the wounds of civil war remain raw.

Senate Democrats have said they plan to scrutinize the nominees, and in some
cases to delay or even block their confirmations. But as one Republican who
is close to the nominating process said, "The Bush people are picking these
full-octane people to do Latin America, and they're not intimidated by the
fact there is going to be a fracas."

Alongside the confirmation battles, the nominations have revived old
questions over American policy from a time when as many as 140,000 people
died as tiny nations like Nicaragua and El Salvador were swept up in the
cold war.

Did the Reagan administration's support of the Nicaraguan rebels, known as
contras, and its backing of the military-dominated Salvadoran government
against Marxist insurgents rescue the region from Soviet- Cuban aggression?
Or did its proxy wars plunge the area into carnage that might have been

"The Central America conflict was so intense, so bitter, so ideologically
polarized at the time, the only thing comparable was Vietnam," said William
M. LeoGrande, a professor of government at American University who is
critical of the Reagan policy. "Those battles tend to linger."

Some political analysts warn that the tensions may erode an approach to the
region based on support for free trade and the collective defense of
democracy that has had the backing of both Republicans and Democrats.
Familiar battle lines between left and right could be redrawn over policy
toward Cuba, or the war against leftist guerrillas simmering in Colombia,
they say.

George R. Vickers, the director of the Washington Office on Latin America, a
liberal research organization, said the president's selections undercut his
calls for partnership with nations in the region. Many former leftist
guerrillas have joined the ranks of government.

"What's the message that's being sent to Latin America?" he asked. "All
these guys were the face of the unilateral American policy."

The debates may be about policy, but they are also deeply personal.

In Congress, top Democratic and Republican staff members who handle Latin
America refuse to speak to one another. A Reagan White House official
complained that a liberal Congressional aide "stared daggers" at him in a
local restaurant. The careers of would-be ambassadors from both parties have
been crushed by senators who abhorred their views on Central America.

Veterans of the period recall critics who questioned their patriotism,
honesty or intelligence as if the encounters took place last week.

"I feel so strongly on this to this day," said Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, who was
Mr. Reagan's ambassador to the United Nations and was a champion of his
Central American policy. "I can feel my blood pressure rising as I talk to

On the other side, Robert E. White, a former ambassador to El Salvador who
became an ardent critic of the Reagan policy, angrily described watching Mr.
Abrams testify before lawmakers about the illegal effort to resupply the
contras. "I watched in disbelief as Abrams told lie after lie to members of
Congress," Mr. White said. He voiced indignation at President Bush's
appointment of Mr. Abrams to the National Security Council post responsible
for promoting democracy and human rights.

"I just find it passing strange that perjury or lying to Congress can become
a qualification for public office," Mr. White said.

A White House spokesman said Mr. Abrams would not discuss Central America
and was already focused on his new job. The other nominees, who unlike Mr.
Abrams are subject to Senate confirmation, cited protocol in declining to

Of the group, Mr. Abrams, who was a forceful architect of the Central
America policy and an early advocate of American invasions of Nicaragua and
Panama, is the best- known of the returning officials.

In 1991 he pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of misleading Congress
about the Iran-contra affair, a secret effort to finance and arm the contras
in defiance of Congressional restrictions. He was pardoned by the first
President Bush in 1992.

Since then Mr. Abrams has served in research institutes focusing on issues
of ethnic conflict and religious freedom. In recent years he has quietly
forged ties to liberal groups that once opposed him and was instrumental in
pressing the Clinton administration to distance itself from human rights
abuses in Peru.

One of the president's other appointees not only supported the contras, but
was one of them: Rogelio Pardo-Maurer, who is about to take over as deputy
assistant secretary of defense for inter-American affairs, worked decades
ago with the contra political leadership in Washington, associates said.

A third, Mr. Reich, who was named to become the next assistant secretary of
state for Western Hemisphere affairs, was also tinged by the Iran-contra
affair. In 1987 the comptroller general concluded that Mr. Reich's Office of
Public Diplomacy had "engaged in prohibited, covert propaganda activities"
to muster domestic support for the contras.

Since that time, Mr. Reich has run a consulting firm, representing the
interests of Bacardi, the rum producer, and Lockheed-Martin, among others.
But he now faces the sharpest challenge of all the Reagan era nominees.

Two influential Senate Democrats, Christopher Dodd of Connecticut and John
Kerry of Massachusetts, have criticized his nomination, and a coalition of
at least four liberal research and human rights groups is digging
intensively into his record in an effort to derail any confirmation.

"Otto is the low-hanging fruit," said William Goodfellow, the director of
the Center for International Policy, a liberal research group leading the

Some of his critics say Mr. Reich, a Cuban exile and avid critic of
President Fidel Castro, should not be entrusted with control of policy
toward Cuba.

Mr. Reich's supporters have set up a countercampaign. They recently flooded
Congress with copies of a letter that brushed aside the propaganda charge
and said that Mr. Reich's tenure "marked a unique time when the State
Department succeeded in informing the American public about an important
foreign policy issue."

Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee are also holding up the
nomination of Mr. Negroponte, the man known as the consummate fixer who was
nominated to be ambassador to the United Nations, as they probe whether he
minimized rights abuses by the military in Honduras when he served as
ambassador there.

[Even as those challenges have mounted, the nomination of Mr. Noriega, the
former aide in the Latin affairs bureau, to be ambassador to the
Organization of American States coasted through the Foreign Relations
Committee on July 27 and awaits action by the full Senate. The quick action
may have been in deference to his position as a senior staff member on the

As the Central America fight grinds on, Robert A. Pastor, a political
scientist at Emory University, tried to cast it in a positive light. A few
years ago Mr. Pastor watched his nomination to become ambassador to Panama
thwarted by Senator Jesse Helms, who still resented Mr. Pastor's role in
drafting the Panama Canal treaties in the 1970's.

"In one sense it's encouraging," Mr. Pastor said, "because America is a
place that forgets its history very easily."

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