-Caveat Lector-

Feds have a leak for all this information to get out and these "souces

Yes I meant "amnesia" June - this item with the police and this
chauffer/bodyguard with the big beer belly pumping big weights on TV
with the massage table in view - made me wonder.

This item his talk is rather strange when he speaks of the torture rack,
etc.    And it was he who introduced Gary to the Hells Angels, and tht
whs no place for a little twerp like Gary Condit to be fooling around as
they re international order and not exactly polite company.

As for the $54.00 check, Gary Condit had a birthday on April 21 or 22 -
Chandra had birthday on April 14.    Condit threw out one gift box and
got caught - that guy is evil.   Like big ugly cat in cat box cover up.


FBI questions Congressman's ex-chauffeur
July 5, 2001 Posted: 3:49 PM EDT (1949 GMT)

CERES, California (CNN) -- A former chauffeur to Congressman Gary Condit
said the FBI asked him whether he believed the California Democrat could
have killed Chandra Levy, the missing former intern who has been linked
to the lawmaker.

Vince Flammini, the former driver, said he told the FBI "no."

"They asked me, 'What do you think happened to Chandra?'" Flammini said
in an interview with CNN. "'Did Gary kill her?' I said, 'Nah. Gary
wouldn't kill her.' I said, 'Not in a million years,' I says,

'But he would drive her to the brink, of making her think that he loved
her so much that she couldn't handle it. She might have been a little
weaker than people think.'"

The FBI confirmed agents had interviewed Flammini, and Condit's attorney
confirmed that Flammini had worked for the congressman. Attorney Abbe
Lowell said the congressman would have no comment about Flammini's

Levy, 24, was last seen April 30 at a Washington gym. Police are
treating her disappearance as a missing person case and said there is no
indication of foul play.

D.C. Police Chief Charles Ramsey said Condit is just one of 100 people
they have interviewed in connection with the case.

(the fact that she had disappeared would indicate maybe foul play - Saba

Condit, through aides, has said he was friends with Levy, who had just
completed an internship with the federal Bureau of Prisons, but the
53-year-old married father of two has denied speculation about an

Flammini, who was recently let go by Condit, said he was not seeking
revenge against the congressman by talking about his former boss.

"I want to know what happened to this girl, just like everybody else,"
he said. "And I pray every day that we find out what happened to her.
But I do not, in my heart, feel that Gary has anything to do with her
disappearance, except that he might have a little bit more information
that might help the police.

And I don't think he'd tell if you'd put him in one of those medieval

(one of those medieval stretchers?   what they into torture games?   And
this guy looked like he spent more time on a bar stool with that big
beer belly than praying in church - Saba Note)

Flammini said he also knew of Condit's relationship with a flight
attendant. That woman, Anne Marie Smith, went public with her story of
an affair earlier this week and said that Condit had asked her to lie
about it.

In a statement Tuesday, Condit did not describe what, if any,
relationship he had with Smith but said he had never asked her to
"mislead the authorities" investigating' Levy's disappearance.

"No doubt in my mind whatsoever that they were having an affair,"
Flammini said, adding that he thought Condit let him go because he knew
of the relationship.

Ramsey, whose department is heading the investigation into Levy's
disappearance and working with the FBI, criticized speculation about
Condit's romantic life.

"We're not the sex police here," he told reporters. "We're trying to
investigate a missing person."

For more US news, myCNN.com will bring you news from the areas and
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