By: Barbara Stanley

I live on the east coast, in the state of New York and we have toll roads,
tunnels and bridges. Recently the toll has been raised to $6 per trip. The
cost is two dollars cheaper if you use EZ PASS - an electronic monitor that
registers as you go through the tollbooth where the signal is picked up by
the scanner.

For the last few years, as I travel to the New Jersey ocean, I have noticed
that the exact change or token lanes are scattered about in a random pattern
from toll plaza (plaza? -newspeak for parking lot that occurs during many
driving hours as folks try to find the right lane) to next, with more and
more EZ PASS lanes designated. It is interesting that on one particular trip,
the traffic jam was actually from one toll to the next. Yikes. There we sit,
waiting to get chits, or toss coins or tokens, as the EZ PASS drivers move on
by, talk about incentive to switch from money to electronic signals. The EZ
PASS lanes are inconsistently placed from toll plaza to toll plaza, insuring
an that even a greater circus takes place wasting even more time. Soon we can
expect the class warfare of some drivers hating those who are not ‘up to
speed’, (figuratively and literally) and I do not for one minute think this
is coincidental. You want to get to the job on time? Then get in step, get in
line, no talking and if you err, here come the authorities to hold you up for

And now, with the tolls being raised just recently, the enrollment in the EZ
PASS system of tracking is on the rise. What is the commuter to do? Gotta get
to work and so they either pay considerably more or join up in the new age of
monitoring that the socialists foist upon us. In the rush to make a living
and pay the taxman, we are being driven through the cattle gates to the
slaughter of our freedoms and if we don’t wake up and wake up now, we will
all be lost in the flush.

I also learned that some years back, chips were placed in newer cars which
allowed them to be tracked and also allowed an outside source to cut the
engine, effectively denying the freedom of moving from place to place as they
pursue happiness. Now, I am none too happy with having to have a driver’s
license, registration,   insurance and now the switchover to electronic
monitoring either. And it is sold to us as a boon, to help us when we are
lost or to retrieve stolen autos. Gee, who wouldn’t want their car back in a
damn hurry when it is stolen? And, God forbid, what if the car is hijacked
and your little junior is in the back car seat?

Now, this doesn’t really involve me for my cars have a combined total age of
thirty-nine years, not new cars either of them by any stretch of the
imagination. But I was alarmed when I heard the rumours that Christy Whitman,
then governor of New Jersey, was working on legislation that would make any
car over a certain age illegal — and you guessed it — my car won't qualify!
Whereas some believe older cars are major polluters, my cars are kept running
well and do not add any measure of note to the usual emissions.

And now I learn that thumbprints are required in some places and this worries
me. What’s next? Urine sample? DNA via epithelial cells from cheek scrapings?
Can I expect to obtain a driver’s license only after saying ah?
Incrementalism, that’s the ticket! First begin these intrusive practices in
large cities, where all the folks in a hurry live and then spread them out to
the rest of us in the provinces. Not a good sign for the rights of privacy,
the freedom to travel, is it? Soon we can expect to be monitored in all we
do, tracked in all we buy and controlled from cradle to grave. “Papers
please” will soon replace, “have a nice day’ as we go about our daily lives
and living la vida loca will be the tune we hum as blackshirts and armed
border guards patrol all our roads. Did I wake up in the USSR? Seems to me
that communism is not only not dead, but alive and thriving in the sheep’s
clothing of the ‘caring socialist’. Pretty soon “it’s for the children”
will be replaced with “it’s for your own good.” Not bloody likely for our
own good, not at all, but for the good of a police state. Coming soon: taxes
on travel added to the taxes we pay constantly every day. Pursuit of
happiness? Obviously nothing more than a fond memory, if things continue in
this path.

There is more and more reporting, monitoring, high tech oculars that allow
spying through walls and microphones sensitive (and bugging devices small)
enough to spy on us and it looks more and more like ‘Big Brother is
Watching’ and this big brother is a bully.

I recently heard on Infowars (Alex Jones’ radio broadcast) that a man decided
to declare himself a sovereign state, make his own license plate and carry no
driver’s license. When his uniqueness finally got him pulled over by the
highway police, he asked the officer if he swore an oath to protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States. When the officer said he had,
the driver then asked him to delineate exactly where in the US Constitution
was the allowance and regulation for a driver’s license.

When the officer found no answer, the driver then informed him he would be
suing the officer personally and if necessary, the chief, for denying him his
Constitutional rights and their dereliction of duty. The officer let him go
on his way. Wow! Can you imagine if everyone did this? If everyone held their
officials to their oaths, threatened to litigate them personally, not the
business, or department, but hold them each personally accountable, well, it
does make one wonder, doesn’t it?

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