-Caveat Lector-

>  By: Michael Freund
>  For many Jews around the world, one of the most frustrating aspects
> of the
> current violence in Israel is the seeming inability to do something
> about the
> situation. Dazed by daily reports of terror, concerned Jews are
> largely at a
> loss as to how they can help, even in some small way, during this
> difficult
> period.
>  Such feelings are entirely understandable, for one often gets the
> sense that
> no matter what Israel seems to do, its predicament only grows worse.
> But such
> thinking is neither productive nor beneficial, because the last thing
> the
> Jewish people need right now is despair. Instead, we must all focus
> our
> energies on doing what we can to lift Israel's spirits and help it
> contend
> with an increasingly volatile and uncertain situation.
>  Though far from revolutionary, here are some simple and practical
> suggestions as to what you can do to help. They are what I refer to
> as the "S
> even 'P's" of Jewish activism:
>  1) Point and Click
>  The first task is to better educate ourselves and our communities
> about
> events in Israel. The Internet provides a range of useful sources for
> getting
> a more accurate picture of what is really happening in the Jewish
> state. A
> few useful sites are:
>  the Jerusalem Post (http://www.jpost.com) and IMRA
> (http://www.imra.org.il).
> Visit such sites and recommend them to friends -- you will be amazed
> at how
> people's eyes can be opened when they start to get the real picture
> about
> what is going on.
>  2) Publish Your Views
>  Once you have a better grasp of the facts, don't hesitate to speak
> out. No
> Jewish organization or Israeli consulate can fight the propaganda war
> on
> every front, so don't assume that they will. Pick up your pen, or
> your
> keyboard, and start writing. Whether it is a letter to the editor of
> your
> local newspaper, or an ongoing dialogue in a chat room, you never
> know how
> your contribution may affect someone else's views. Share your success
> stories
> with others, and turn yourself and your friends into roving
> ambassadors on
> Israel's behalf.
>  3) Protest Media Bias
>  The mainstream media is replete with anti-Israel bias and sloppy
> reporting.
> Don't let them get away with it. If you see something that offends
> you, let
> the editor know, tersely and politely. For resources and ideas on
> combating
> media bias, check out:
>  Honest Reporting (http://www.honestreporting.com),
>  CAMERA (http://www.camera.org) and
>  CNN-Watch (http://www.cnnwatch.org).
>  4) Provide Assistance
>  If you able to provide financial support, there are many worthwhile
> organizations working to address the problems caused by the intifada.
> The
> Israel Crisis Management Center, based in Tel Aviv (phone:
> 972-3-544-5161),
> assists new immigrants who have been victimized by terrorist attacks,
> including the families of those killed in the Tel Aviv disco bombing,
> with
> grants, loans and volunteer counseling.
> A group called Helping Israel (http://www.helpingisrael.com) has an
> extensive
> list of medical and security supplies required by Jewish communities
> that
> have borne the brunt of the Palestinian violence, such as those in
> Judea,
> Samaria and Gaza. Sending money, even in small sums, is a tangible
> and
> meaningful way of demonstrating your support.
>  5) Pressure Representatives
>  Wherever you live, your views as a citizen need to be heard by your
> elected
> representatives. In many instances, American congressional offices
> keep tabs
> on the quantity of mail they receive on particular issues as a way of
> measuring their relative importance to their constituency. Find out
> who your
> elected officials are and urge them to publicly express their support
> for
> Israel during these difficult times.
>  6) Pay A Visit
>  The recent flap over the cancellation of Israel summer programs had
> a
> sharply negative impact on relations between Israel and the Diaspora.
> There
> is no better way to demonstrate your solidarity than by boarding a
> plane and
> paying a visit to the Holy Land. Yasser Arafat needs to know that he
> cannot
> succeed in scaring Jews away, and your visit will help to send him
> that
> message.
>  7) Pray for Help
>  The Jewish people have always turned to their Father in Heaven as a
> source
> of strength and support. No prayer goes to waste, and regardless of
> your
> level of observance, consider adding a request for Israel to your
> regular (or
> even irregular) prayer regimen. Whether in the privacy of your home
> or on the
> pews of your local synagogue, make the crisis in Israel the focus of
> your
> thoughts.
>  While these suggestions may not offer a panacea to all of Israel's
> ills,
> they do provide each of us with a practical means of fending off
> frustration
> and doing something concrete to improve the situation. Even if our
> actions do
> not appear to influence the overall outcome of events, by getting
> more
> involved on behalf of the Jewish people we do succeed in changing
> ourselves.
> And that, in and of itself, is already an important victory.
>  ADDENDUM: Everyone wounded in a bombing attack suffers in manifold
> ways: in
> addition to the internal injury, often complicated by nails and
> bullets which
> the terrorist put into the bomb to maximize injury, there are
> inevitably
> painful burns on the skin, fragments of shrapnel lodged in the body
> too
> numerous to be removed, hearing damage from the boom, and
> psychological
> trauma which lasts for years.
>  Prayer helps.. Jews identify souls according to their mothers'
> names. Thus,
> we pray for: First Name, Son or daughter of, mother's first name.
>  Below are some of the dozens of terror victims still lying in
> Israeli
> hospitals. The standard prayer is:
>  "May it be Your will, Adonai, My God and the God of my forefathers,
> that you
> quickly send a complete recovery from the spiritual plane, a healing
> of the
> soul and a healing of the body to ____________ daughter or son of
> _________
> among the other patients of Israel. "
>  Note: Many names can be inserted in this one prayer. Try to say this
> prayer
> at least once a day for the following victims of terrorist attacks:
>  From the suicide bombing outside the Natanya Mall:
>  Alissia bat Tatiana - a young mother whose husband was killed in the
> bombing
> and her five-year-old son injured. She is still in very serious
> condition.
>  From the suicide bombing at the Dolphinarium discotheque:
>  Alona bat Irena - Age 17. In critical condition.
>  Emma bat Larissa - Age 16. A bullet is lodged in her brain which
> cannot be
> removed. Danger is that it will move to a critical part of her brain.
>  Nadia bat Lydia - Age 16. Her leg exploded; she is in a wheelchair.
> Has
> nightmares.
>  Polena bat Irena - Age 18. Leg wounds, needs plastic surgery.
> Polena aspires to be a child psychologist. She is plagued by the
> philosophical issues raised by the catastrophe: Does God hate us? Why
> does
> the whole world hate us (the Jews) and love the Arabs?
>  Oksana bat Galena - Age 17. Serious leg injuries; she is in a
> wheelchair.
>  Ziva bas Leeza - Serious orthopedic problems. After a month's
> hospitalization, she is the last one (except for Alona) to not have
> "graduated" to the rehabilitation dept.
>  Anna bas Irena
>  Katya bat Galina - Age 17. Both legs shattered and head injured.
> Doctors
> told her it would be two years until she can walk, but she took her
> first
> painful steps last week. She is in tremendous pain.
>  Victoria bat Svetlana - Age 16. One arm and one leg shattered. She
> says it
> hurts her all the time "except when I have visitors."
>  Fyek ben Anastasia - Age 18. Arm burned, shrapnel in stomach. He is
> the last
> boy still in hospital.
>  Natasha bat Lydia - Age 17. Her parents are older, father has
> suffered two
> strokes.
>  Alexander ben Svetlana - Age 18. Burns. He is a soldier.
>  Anna bat Irena
>  Tanya bat Ludmilla
>  Sonia bat Oleg
>  Larissa bat Anya
>  Author Biography
>  Michael Freund served as deputy director of communications and
> policy
> planning in the Prime Minister's Office from 1996 to 1999.

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