Egypt in "Era of Thieves" - they got to be kidding.     What we called
"archeology discoveries" others might call grave robbing but oh the
hidden treasures we found and the things that were stashed away and
where you find gold, you find uranium in same straing - like Desert Fox
(take us the little foxes, please take them) Rommel he headed for the
pyramids with his panzer tanks and it took the USA to root him out.
What this world needs today are 5 George  Pattons but why try to start
another war with Egypt?    You see someone does everything possible to
break up USA friendships with Arab countries?    In Genesis God knew
where all the gold and stuff was and carefully recorded it - like big
geography book.

Remember Sirhan Bishara Sirhan in his diary wrote "Long Live
Nasser" he plotted to murder Robert "Fitzgerald" Kennedy (so
written but his name was Robert Francis Kennedy).....wonder what is
really under that pile of rocks they call, Pyramids?

Lots of gold was stashed by Jesuits and other archeologists of the day
..... buried treasures?  During what was alleged to be the millennium,
the Israelis claimed they really owned the pyramids?

Pyramid on back of dollar bill more equated to King Tuts in Vegas, than
Valley of Kings.

So forward Titanic - somehow I cannot get this High Priestess of the
Temple of Ay who was aboard ship - not in cargo so not listed in most
important books but this High Priestess was in the care of the Captain
and it was said he was acting very strange that night......Code Word
abord Titanic, OLD MAN.......Psalm 69 and OLD Man mean something to
those, in the know.

So now someone trying to stir up more trouble - and Egypt again?   When
the USS Liberty was bombed and napalmed by the Israelis it was said they
would blame the bombing on the Egyptians, but they got caught as they
could not sink this great ship though they tried for over 45 minutes?

As Laborer in Vineyard said - you tend to you business and let me tend
to my business......why is MER attempting to stir up more trouble.

Welcome Back Netanyahu....Man of Peace?


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                    EGYPT TODAY:  "THE ERA OF THIEVES"

                        20,000 HELD IN EGYPT'S GULAG

                   "I am asking the United States and the European
                   countries which give aid to Egypt to form a 
                   committee to evaluate the fortune amassed by 
                   Mubarak and his family.  The Mubarak era will 
                   be known in the history of Egypt as the era of thieves."

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 8/05:
The Egypt of Hosni Mubarak and associates has terribly betrayed itself.   It is a 
regime of sadistic torture and omnipresent corruption.  It is a country of gross 
repression and escalating fear.  And to a certain extent all this is at least in part 
the legacy of the Camp David agreement Egypt was tricked and bribed into signing two 
decades ago, and for which Anwar Sadat was assassinated by his own soldiers on 
military parade.  Among the reasons the Egypt of Hosni Mubarak has fronted all these 
bloody years for the Americans, and even today continues to have diplomatic relations 
with Israel, is because today's Egypt -- unlike the Egypt of Nasser or Sadat, it's two 
other major Presidents since the Revolution in the early 50s that toppled the monarchy 
-- is easily blackmailed into obedience.   Here are some of the reasons why...just the 
proverbial tip of the iceberg however.

                           DEFECTOR:  MUBARAK PERMITS TORTURE
                                                By Andrew Borowiecz
[GENEVA - THE WASHINGTON TIMES - 4 August] -- The most senior official to defect from 
Egypt in recent years has begun a campaign to discredit the regime of President Hosni 
Mubarak, charging it is riddled with corruption and using torture to silence 
While awaiting political asylum in Switzerland, Mohammed Ghanam, former police colonel 
and chairman of the Directorate of Legal Research in the Egyptian Interior Ministry, 
intends to carry his crusade to Belgian courts "against the dictator and his regime of 

In speaking out, Mr. Ghanam joins critics, including leading human rights groups, who 
have long attacked Mr. Mubarak -- the United States' leading ally in the Arab world.

Mr. Ghanam said in an interview that the U.S. Embassy in Cairo "is perfectly aware of 
the situation" but showed no interest in his story.

Prevented from leaving Egypt for two years and twice injured in mysterious attacks, he 
was allowed out in May after strong pressure on the Egyptian government by Swiss 
Ambassador Blaise Gadet and his counselor, Livia Leu.

This, he said, "shows that embassies can do a lot for human rights" if they want to. 
He described the U.S. disinterest in his cause as "unworthy of a superpower."

In Washington, the Egyptian Embassy dismissed Mr. Ghanam's charges and said he may be 
looking for a way to remain legally in the West. "It amazes me that he didn't go to 
court in Egypt, which is well-known for its independent judicial system," a senior 
diplomat said.

Mr. Ghanam's story, told in the picture-postcard setting of a Swiss cafe shaded from 
the summer sun by colorful parasols, is a sordid tale of brutality, officially 
sanctioned corruption and inhuman prison conditions.

"And there is the proof," he said in halting English, pointing to several thick manila 
envelopes. One by one he pulled out photocopies of documents in Arabic, which, he 
said, show that "Mubarak is suppressing opposition by ordering police to use torture."

Mr. Ghanam was removed from the Interior Ministry in 1999 after publishing articles in 
the opposition press on corruption and torture. He said government censors had stopped 
one of the articles destined for an English-language weekly published in Cairo.

A soft-spoken man in a perfectly tailored beige suit, he said he was not afraid of 
Egyptian agents "because they would not risk harming me on Swiss territory," 
Nonetheless, he said he is followed by mysterious men.

He has chosen a Belgian court to begin his legal action because of Belgium's interest 
in crimes against human rights, he said.

Referring to the Egyptian president as "a dictator," Mr. Ghanam listed a number of 
charges that he read out from a prepared handwritten text.

He said Mr. Mubarak "governs Egypt by fear," has "pardoned police officers convicted 
by courts of murder," and has given "important medals to officers convicted of murder 
and torture."

Mr. Ghanam estimated there are 20,000 Egyptians currently "under administrative 
detention," some held without trial for as long as 12 hours (sic - years).  He 
described packed prison cells where there is no room for inmates to lie down, and 
torture sessions including beating, whipping and burning with red-hot iron rods.

He accused some members of Mr. Mubarak's family of selling state property, including 
priceless antiquities. 

Mr. Mubarak, he said, "encourages corruption on a high level to hide the actions of 
his sons." 

He concluded: "I am asking the United States and the European countries which give aid 
to Egypt to form a committee to evaluate the fortune amassed by Mubarak and his 
family. The Mubarak era will be known in the history of Egypt as the era of thieves."

• Nicholas Kralev contributed to this article from Washington. 

                                   For past articles about what is really happening in 
Egypt go to:
                                   and use the newly improved "search" capabilities

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