-Caveat Lector-

Well Amelia today in France the eating of horse meat is very popular and
where are all these animal lovers now?

Why are horses victims of HIV/AIDS - this was in one report and it is
said horse flies can carry this disease.......horse flies go after
cattle as well, I presume but yet it is said these little mosquitos who
have little hypodermic needles do not carry disease?

See how England wants to destroy the farmer and blame them for their
crimes for at this point in time it sure does look like criminal
negligence or criminal activity on the part of those who want to - well
take on Prince Charles maybe with the genetically engineered food he
battles for it appears soon, on the wealthy will be able to afford
steaks while the public will be eating Bilderbergers - and Henry
Kissinger will have accomplished his goal that of destroying US farmers,
cornerning market on food and the USA will be in a predicament similar
to the Palestinians for now note they are going after the water already?

Maybe there are afraid there will be another Timothy McVeigh with a load
of fertilizer for you see back to the Revolutionoary War, that Farmer
was the Minute Man - peaceful farmer by night, and by day modern day
RAMBO without all the fanfare.

Who is murdering the animals.....this is also done in the bible -
remember Job?   They murder the animals as well.

Why do I think of the movie where it was supposed to be so cute - the
Mafia stuff (and all the time I thought they were Italian) - the man
woke up in bed with the head of his horse, on a platter like John the

Kentucky Derby the real horsey set never permitted organized crime
figures in - and now they find the best of the horses something is
happening.   And the pedigreed cattle being put to death.

It is massive sabotage and about time the Minute Men of Old awakened -
for as they say they are not dead they merely sleepeth?


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