-Caveat Lector-

Ah yes, he went to England - and to Russia too - remember?   Our
Manchurian Candidate was put in the wings long long ago - then sent to
Holy Land of England by Fulbright - Rhodes Scholar, an honor again he
did not win through his intellect.

He like Powell and a few others including that fascist pig Kissinger are
programmed robots singing out of same song book but when they change the
song, they are nothing more than mocking birds.

Clinton - self appointed leader of the world - oh so loved by his
marxist friends and thief in night?   No he steals right out in the
open.  And I can hardly wait until the sleeping Black Panthers awaken
and find Harlem is lost while they shift the poor around like a bunch of
Palestinians - strangers in their own land?

The news media continues to build Clinton each day.....but fact remains,
I do not want America to turn into cesspool like city of London.....it
is unthinkable that a sodomist would be elected President....wait till
Harlem gets through with him.


Coverups Uncovered
Cecil Rhodes Scholarship in Action
EO #13083 -- Good-bye Congress and States' Rights
excerpt from:
Executive Orders Ushering in Socialist Dictatorship

Executive Order (EO) #13083 is simply entitled "Federalism." It begins
with constitutionally correct language that will put you to sleep before
you discover what is being slipped into place. For those who remain
awake and further examine the EO's benign sounding lawyer-speak, a
fundamental change in the American form of government becomes evident.

In #13083 Clinton revokes President Reagan's EO #12612, also entitled
"Federalism". Both documents contain similar language and to the casual
observer, similar principles. However, when the two documents are
closely compared, the contrast between them is clear. The Reagan EO
reaffirms states' rights by declaring:

The people of the States created the national government and delegated
to it enumerated powers relating to matters beyond the competence of the
individual States. All other sovereign powers... are reserved to the
States or to the people.

The constitutional relationship among sovereign governments, State and
national, is formalized in and protected by the Tenth Amendment of the
Constitution....In Thomas Jefferson's words, the States are "the most
competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest
bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies."

Clinton's revocation of Reagan's EO sheds much light on his own. Clinton
does not mention the Tenth Amendment and when defining the limitations
on federal agencies in their regulation of the states, Clinton uses
phrases like, "there should be strict adherence to constitutional
principles" ... "federal oversight should not unnecessarily intrude on
state and local discretion" ... "agencies are encouraged to comply with
this order... the people of the States are at liberty to define the
moral, political, and legal character of their lives, subject only to
the limitations ... in federal law." (emphasis supplied)

EO #13083 gives federal and "independent agencies" authority to
implement policies which supercede state law if there is a need for
uniform national standards ... if the agency or bureaucracy can govern
more cheaply ... if the federal agency can better "protect" the
individual rights and liberties (by whose definition?) ... or if the
agency thinks the state will be unable to implement the policy.
(emphasis supplied) In other words, federal agencies can issue
regulations that supercede state law whenever and wherever they like.

What's more, states may no longer file claims against the federal
government for unfunded mandates issued by the bureaucratic elite in
these federal agencies.

The June 18, 1998 issue of the USA Journal accurately remarks that EO

...reads like a constitutional death sentence ... the Framers never
intended for the divisions of power within the federal government to be
circumvented by "executive departments and agencies in the formation and
implementation of policies." The President has essentially said that
there is no longer any need for a legislative branch of government, if
all typical lawmaking can be replaced by executive fiat and agency
regulations disguised as federal law.

EO #13083 essentially puts lawmaking power into the hands of the
president and his federal agencies, circumventing the legislative branch
of government, eliminating states' rights as defined in the Tenth
Amendment, all in what amounts to a bloodless coup perpetrated by the
president himself.

Globalist Dreamers and the Urge to Rule

 Doing away with the separation of powers and constitutional government
while elevating a dictator to power might not be so bad if the dictator
were a good man. Human beings are not inherently good, however, and it
is power that tends to elicit the darkest impulses of human nature.
Powerful positions generally attract those most controlled by their own
evil traits of character, as is demonstrated currently in the U.S.
presidency. This is the reason Clinton's secret signing of E.O. #13083
and his current blitzkrieg of imperial decrees should be viewed with
great concern.

It is not just that Bill Clinton has such a violent temper that his
former adviser Dick Morris has reportedly nicknamed him "The Monster",
although his lack of self control should call into question his
qualifications for leadership of a nuclear superpower.

It is not just that he commits adultery with, exposes himself to and
aggressively propositions other women as has been alleged by many,
although this should be sufficient to impeach his character.

And it is not just that many of Clinton's former friends and associates
are dropping dead like flies under suspicious circumstances, although
this should be sufficient to provoke an aggressive and thorough
investigation (not the kind conducted by Independent Counsel Kenneth

It is Clinton's solid Rhodes background that should say the most about
where his trend of executive orders is headed.

Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University and since
becoming president, he has surrounded himself with Rhodes scholars in
his administration.

Much has been written about British diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes,
founder of the Rhodes Scholarship. Briefly, he was dedicated to
establishing a socialist one-world government controlled by a small
group of elite -- a world view he received from John Ruskin, his
socialist professor at Oxford. After making his fortune in diamonds,
Rhodes established a secret society in the form of a scholarship to
promote this ideal should it fail to materialize before his death.
Rhodes biographer Sarah Millin wrote:
[Diamonds stolen from South Africa and now Israelie has billions of
dollars in diamonds?   Saba Note]

"The government of the world was Rhodes' simple desire."

In a letter to close friend and publisher W. T. Stead (fall of 1890)
Rhodes described his plan:

"The key of my idea discussed with you is a Society, copied from the
Jesuits as to organization ... an idea which ultimately (leads) to the
cessation of all wars and one language throughout the world.... The only
thing feasible to carry this idea out is a secret one [society]
gradually absorbing the wealth of the world to be devoted to such an
object.... Fancy the charm to young America ... to share in a scheme to
take the government of the whole world!" Rhodes also told Stead that
scholars should possess the following traits: "smugness, brutality,
unctuous rectitude, and tact."

 Webster's dictionary defines "unctuous" as "oily in speech or manner;
plastic; moldable; characterized by a smug, smooth pretense of spiritual
feeling, fervor, or earnestness, as in seeking to persuade." It is
Clinton's special Rhodesian qualities that gained him the moniker "Slick
Willie." Not only in character but in policy may we see that Clinton is
Cecil Rhodes' man for all seasons.

Rhodes was intimately linked with the one-world money cabal of his time
which was ensconced in New York and England. From this shadowy network
of wealthy socialists emerged Mr. Edward Mandell House, close friend and
advisor to President Woodrow Wilson who said of House, "His thoughts and
mine are one." House penned a schlocky novel entitled, Philip Dru:
Administrator - A story of Tomorrow (1912) which he described as "my
ethical and political faith." It was recognized as a blueprint for a
socialist takeover of America which has been followed nearly to the

Philip Dru embodies the political faith of all one-world dreamers from
earliest times to our present day. While there are many comparisons to
be made, the ideal of an "enlightened despot" is most pertinent to the
subject of Clinton's executive orders. In House's book the fictional
Philip Dru leads a putsch against the constitutional government of the
United States. He arrives in Washington "panoplied in justice and with
the light of reason in his eyes.... the advocate of equal opportunity
... with the power to enforce his will."

With a "quivering heart" Dru contemplates injustice. He assumes "the
powers of a dictator, distasteful as it was to him", abolishes the
constitutional government and replaces it with an omni-competent
"positive" government in which "the property and lives of all were now
in the keeping of one man." Dru decrees that any attempt to restore the
Constitution to be "seditious, and would be punished by death."

The hidden oligarchy behind Dru unites the Western Hemisphere under one
political organization, led by Philip Dru, which is then integrated into
a world government based on spiritually-leavened Marxism.

The Deluded Despot

For those who have eyes to see, it is evident that Bill Clinton is a
product of the ideology that produced Philip Dru. This is evident by his
numerous memberships in secretive one-world organizations such as the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the
Bilderbergers, the Masonic Order of Demolay, et cetera.  [Saba note:
what about Bnai Brith and ADL who stole masonic rituals]

This is also evident by his political agenda which is an expression of
the socialist one-world platform, an agenda he plans to carry out by
executive order if necessary. What some may find most disconcerting is
Clinton's apparent delusional self image as a gigantic paragon of
morality and virtue. If there is a church pulpit nearby, he has to speak
from it.

He quotes the Scriptures. He lectures on tolerance and responsibility as
though he wrote the book on it. He undoubtedly sees himself as
"enlightened", a dangerous delusion for someone so lacking in character,
so compromised, so controlled by his own passions. It is a dangerous
delusion for a leader who is now tightening his grasp on the reins of
power. It is dangerous for America. But, of course, this is part of "the

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