Title: redux
some of my mail didn't make it to the list
what's the conspiracy there? so I'm trying to cut and paste rather than resend or forward or redirect
lets see if it gets through this time:

> From: William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 18:46:13 EDT
> Subject: [CTRL] U.S. Aid To Israel Violates 1st Amendment
> Israel is not a secular state. Israel is a Jewish theocracy. One cannot run
> for elected office anywhere within Israel unless one is Jewish. One cannot
> own or lease land in Israel unless one is Jewish. For automobiles, the State
> of Israel issues color-coded license plates; one color for Jews, the other
> for non-Jews. . . .even if those non-Jews are actually citizens of Israel! In
> matters of survival, water is divided based upon religion: Jews give
> themselves 85% of all water resources, with the remaining 15% to be
> distributed to the vastly larger group of non-Jews. Religion in Israel is
           > everything. It defines the state.

I dont think this paragraph is factual which really calls the entire thing into question

there ARE non Jewish elected officials in Israel. there are Arab owned lands in Israel. I cant say I ever noticed differing license plates in predominantly Jewish or Muslim areas, but I wasn't really looking either, but I will next time I'm over there

now do I think religious groups have way to much control in Israel and that is the root of the entire problem? absolutely. ( I think its a great deal of the problem here too, but that is another story). Are there many secular Jews in Israel, who also think there is too much control by the religious, and hate them, and wish they would disappear? again absolutely.  Israel, like the US is an immigrant culture, which means there are many influences and cultural biases and beliefs, across a wide spectrum in the country. that's what can make for a healthy democracy.

now a quick question, other saddam hussein's Iraq (pre-the gulf war anyway), can you name me an Arab nation or leader that does not play the religious card in its own country, and rules it as a secular society, where religion is irrelevant in the making of the laws or the status of a person?

> From: William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 18:54:42 EDT
> Subject: [CTRL] American Values & Israeli Values Are Not Equal
> Let's begin with the First Amendment, which
> advocates freedom of speech and freedom of association.
> This most fundamental freedom has been completely defaced and thrown out the
> window as it pertains to Palestinians. 

actually freedom of speech and the press are curtailed for everyone in israel - whatever their religion or political affiliation

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
                                                           William of Occam

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