-----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 12:14 AM
To: Bill Murphy
Subject: ESF Manipulations, 1941-48/Excerpt from Blowback, by
Christopher Simpson, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1988


I have been going back and reviewing Reg Howe's lawsuit and the documents on
the GATA trying to figure out how to connect the dots between Treasury's
gold transactions and material omissions and misleading disclosure with what
I believe are Treasury/FED manipulation of government slush funds for black
budget/covert operations at HUD, Social Security and other federal
agencies---and a pattern of material omissions and misleading disclosure at
those agencies.

With that in mind, I was re-reading Christopher Simpson's description of
Dulles and Sullivan & Cromwell's role in working with the Vatican to
influence post WW-II elections in Italy, using the slush funds financed with
Nazi Gold. I first started looking at this in response to trying to
understand the game that Rubin was playing with reparations for Nazi gold
during 1995-97.
(For more information on the reparations "war" during the Clinton
Administration, see
http://www.newsmakingnews.com/catharvarddatadumpnazigold.htm)  It helps as
your read the excerpt below to remember that the US intelligence agencies
(including ONI) worked very closely with the Italian mafia for their help in
the Italian landing and WWII.

Oddly enough it was the Administration's efforts on Nazi gold that enabled
researchers to access the archives for OSS and WWII intelligence operations
that illuminate the extraordinary interconnections between AIG and the CIA
and US intelligence operations. I can forward some of that material if you
are interested.

I believe that much of US history in the last fifty years can be explained
by the process required to replenish these slush funds, as the black budgets
and covert operations grew steadily and hence the hunger for off balance
sheet money grew with it. The Sullivan & Cromwell-Goldman
Sachs-AIG-Treasury-State-Fed dance is not something that sprung up lately.

Here are some excerpts. As roads grew up along cow paths, so perhaps what we
are seeing in terms
of false accounting and missing assets--whether at HUD or Treasury---is
something for which history can provide some clues.

Our thanks to Simpson whose book is truly remarkable. I recommend it highly
for those
who want to understand how the money really works.

Catherine Austin Fitts


Pages 87-92:

Not all the clandestine containment programs were aimed at the USSR and its
Some of the early applications of these tactics began in Western Europe. The
Italian elections of early 1948 marked another important milestone in the
development of US covert operations and in high-level US support for use of
former Nazi collaborators....

The Italian Communist party was favored to score heavily in the 1948
elections, and many
analysts said that the party might democratically win control of the
country's' government.
This prospect created such alarm in Washington that George Kennan--by then
the foremost
long range strategist for the US government--went so far as to advocate
direct US military
occupation of the Foggia oil fields if the voting results went wrong from
the point of view
of the United States.

Washington's apprehension was shared-indeed, was enthusiastically fueled--by
the Holy See.
The church's hierarchy, which was already under severe economic and
political pressure in Eastern Europe, feared a Community takeover of the
very heart of its institution, or at least of
its worldly resources......

The election campaign became a major test of containment and of its
accompanying clandestine political warfare strategy. Allen Dulles, Frank
Wisner, James Angleton, William Colby, and a team
of other top-ranked US intelligence officials put together a crash program
of propaganda, sabotage, and secret funding of Christian Democratic
candidates designed to frustrate the
Italian Communist Party's ambitions. The CIA was a young organization in
those days and was
primarily limited (until June 1948) to simple information gathering and
analysis. Therefore, much
of this campaign was handled on an ad hoc basis out of the offices of Allen
and John Foster Dulles at the Sullivan & Cromwell law firm in New York.
Kennan watched events unfold from
his vantage point at State Department headquarters in Washington, while
Thayer kept up a steady
cannonade of pro-West and anti-Communist broadcasts over the Voice of

Working in close coordination with the Vatican and with prominent Americans
of Italian or Catholic heritage, the CIA found that its effort in Italy
succeeded well beyond expectations. On a public level the United States
dumped $350 million in announced civil and military aid into the country
during this campaign alone. Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Gary Cooper, and a
score of
other prominent Americans were enlisted to make radio broadcasts to Italy
warning against the
Communist electoral menace.......

Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York served as a crucial go-between in
CIA-Vatican negotiations.
"The Vatican [has] been promised that American funds would be available to
assist in the presentation of the anti-Communist appeal to the Italian
public," Spellman wrote following a meeting with US Secretary of State
Marshall. The US government, the cardinal said, had secretly
"released large sums in 'black currency' in Italy to the Catholic Church."
This "black currency" did not come from the American taxpayers. Rather, a
substantial part of the funding for clandestine activities in Italy came
from captured Nazi German assets, including money and gold that the Nazis
had looted from the Jews.

The trail of this tainted money dates back to 1941, when the War Powers Act
authorized the US Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund to serve as a
holding pool for captured Nazi valuables--currency, gold, precious metals,
and even stocks and bonds--seized as the Germans or other Axis governments
attempted to smuggle them out of Europe. The captured wealth, which
eventually totaled tens of millions of dollars, included substantial amounts
of blood money that the Nazis had pillaged from their victims. Indeed, it
was precisely this type of criminal booty that overeager Nazis had most
frequently attempted to export from Europe.

The Exchange Stabilization Fund was authorized to safeguard the portion of
the Nazi hoard that had been uncovered and confiscated by the United States
in the Safehaven program which sought
to interdict the German smuggling efforts. The official purpose of the fund
was to serve as a hedge against inflation and as a bankers' tool to dampen
the effects of currency speculation in the fragile economies of postwar
Europe and Latin America. In reality, this pool of money became a secret
source of financing for US clandestine operations in the early days of the

The first known payments from the Exchange Stabilization Fund were made
during the hotly contested Italian election. The CIA withdrew about $10MM
from the fund in late 1947, laundered it through a myriad of bank accounts,
then used that money to finance sensitive Italian operations.
This was the 'black currency' that Cardinal Spellman asserted was given to
the Vatican for anti-Communist agitation.

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