-Caveat Lector-


Hudaibiyah Treaty at Center of Clash

By Lawrence Morahan

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
August 08, 2001


(CNSNews.com) - The interpretation of a treaty signed 1,373 years ago
between followers of the Prophet Muhammad and non-religious Arabs outside
the holy city of Mecca has become the center of a dispute in Washington
between opposing sides in the Middle East conflict.

In a March 19 speech to a prominent pro-Israel group, Rep. Tom Lantos
(D-Calif.) said Yasser Arafat walked away from "a dream deal" at Camp
David in July 2000.

"Apparently, [Arafat's] approach to the peace process was based on the
Treaty of 628 at Hudaibiyah, which was a treacherous treaty," Lantos told
members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

"Islamic forces made truce with non-Islamic elements, and they had no
intention of keeping that agreement. They went on to attack, and destroyed
those with whom they had made the treaty," he said.

However, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a prominent
American Muslim group, took strong issue with Lantos' remarks.

"There is not one shred of evidence to back up this false allegation,"
CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad said in a letter to Lantos.

Muhammad and his companions made the agreement with pagan Arabs at
Hudaibiyah in 628 A.D. so they would be allowed to make their pilgrimage
to Mecca, Awad said, citing established historians. Two years later, the
pagan Arabs broke the treaty by attacking and killing 20 of the Muslims,
he said.

"It is internationally recognized that when one party breaks a treaty, the
other party is released from its obligations," Awad said.

Even after the attack, no revenge was taken against those who broke the
treaty, Ahmad said. In fact, when the Muslims finally entered Mecca,
amnesty was granted to nearly all former enemies, he said.

Lantos' remarks defamed the Islamic faith, said Omar Ahmad, chairman of
CAIR. "This demonstrably false smear on the Prophet Muhammad's reputation
is a common 'talking point' promoted by the pro-Israel lobby as
justification for that state's brutal and racist policies," he said.

Lantos, a long-time crusader for human rights worldwide and a founding
co-chair of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, said in an Aug. 3 reply
that he intended no offense to Muslim believers nor any defamation of the
Prophet Muhammad.

His concern was not centered on the treaty as such, he said, but with
Arafat's interpretation of it.

"Mr. Arafat has repeatedly invoked the Treaty of Hudaibiyah in order to
justify to religious Muslim audiences his signing of the Oslo agreement,
which required his recognition of the state of Israel," Lantos said.

"The clear inference has been that he is not forsaking the goal of
conquest of all historic Palestine, rather that he is merely accepting a
truce so as to be better positioned to achieve that goal," he added.

Some saw political motives behind CAIR's letter of protest.

"I think it has less to do with the speech than it does with Mr. Lantos'
concerns about the upcoming conference on racism in South Africa," said a
source in the House International Relations Committee, of which Lantos is
the ranking Democrat.

"Now they've suddenly found his speech and decided five months later that
he was attacking Islam. That's certainly not what was done," the source

But CAIR said Tuesday that Lantos' response came only after "hundreds of
Muslims called, faxed and e-mailed his office to express outrage at his

"While Representative Lantos says he had no intent to defame the Prophet
Muhammad, he does not clearly retract his false allegation that the
Prophet's actions were 'treacherous,'" Awad said.

Awad also criticized representatives of the pro-Israel lobby for
continuing to promote what he called "this slur against the Prophet
Muhammad as an anti-Muslim 'talking point.'" CAIR said it requested a
meeting with Lantos to discuss a full retraction of his allegations.

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