-Caveat Lector-


Shakespeare with Shariah

by Daniel Pipes

National Post


A fundamentalist Muslim once said to me, "I listen to Mozart, I read
Shakespeare, I watch the Comedy Channel -- and I also believe in
implementation of the Shariah [Islamic law]." This unlikely combination
may sound eccentric, but it is not. The founder of Islamic Jihad, an
arch-murderous fundamentalist (or, more properly, Islamist) organization,
boasted of reading and enjoying Shakespeare. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the
most powerful figure in Iran's Islamist government, has a well known
fondness for the Bard of Stratford.

More broadly, Islamic radicals tend to be well acquainted with the West
(the main exceptions are those in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan), having
learned its languages, studied its cultures, or lived there. A
disproportionate number of them (such as the heads of the Turkish and
Jordanian Islamist organizations) are engineers. In a statement from his
Manhattan jail cell, the mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing
pointedly cited Newton's laws of physics.

This points to an important, if little known fact: However much Islamists
hate the West, they are deeply connected to it. They are not peasants
living in the remote countryside, but urbanized, thoroughly modern
individuals, often university graduates. As Westernized individuals coping
with modern life, they seek the West's learning and admire its efficiency.

Contrarily, Islamists hardly know their own culture and often disrespect
it. Aziz al-Azmeh, a specialist on Islam, notes that they are "entirely
inattentive to the historical experience of Muslims and to the historical
character of their law." Plans to recreate the prophet's society
notwithstanding, they care little and know less about traditional Islam --
the immensely rewarding faith of nearly a billion adherents. The vast
corpus of Koranic scholarship leaves them cold, as do lyric Persian poets
and beautiful Egyptian mosques. For them, no less than for a Swedish aid
bureaucrat or a World Bank development economist, the Muslim world is a
backward place which urgently needs overhauling through the adoption of
Western ways.

That Islamists seek not a traditional Islamic order but an
Islamic-flavoured version of Western life can best be seen in their views
on religion, politics and the law. Their ideas about women are perhaps the
most striking; despite their insistence on veiling and on punishments for
extramarital sex, Islamists actually espouse an approach more akin to
Western-style feminism than to anything Islamic.

Traditional Muslim men took pride in their women staying home -- in
well-to-do households, females almost never went outside. In contrast,
Islamists proudly speak of "liberating women" and the leading organization
of Muslim states calls for "full respect for the dignity and the rights of
Muslim women and enhancement of their role in all aspects of social life."
A veil once served only to preserve a woman's virtue; today it also
facilitates the feminist goal of pursuing a career.

And it's even more to some Islamist men, who claim to find the veil sexy;
Shabbir Akhtar, a British writer, sees it creating "a truly erotic culture
in which one dispenses with the need for the artificial excitement that
pornography provides." Even Islamist restrictions on women derive from
Western models. As As'ad Abu Khalil of California State University points
out, "What passes in present-day Saudi Arabia as sexual conservatism is
due more to Victorian puritanism than to Islamic mores."

Despite themselves, then, Islamists are Westernizers. Whichever direction
they turn, they end up looking westward. The men wear T-shirts reading
"Islam is the solution." The women wear blue jeans under their chadors and
shout "Death to America." Even while ostensibly rejecting the West, they
accept it.

This state of affairs has two implications. However reactionary in intent,
Islamism adopts not just modern, but Western ideas and institutions. The
Islamist dream of expunging Western ways from Muslim life is doomed.

But, second, the resulting hybrid is more robust than one might think.

Opponents of Islamism, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, too often dismiss it
as a regressive effort to avoid modern life, comforting themselves with
the prediction that it will be left behind as modernization takes place.
This expectation is mistaken, because Islamism appeals most compellingly
to Muslims coping with the challenges of modernity, its totalitarian
utopianism, yet has huge potential to do damage.

Islamism will remain a force for some time to come. Its adversaries cannot
simply sit back and await its collapse, but must actively combat what has
become a nearly worldwide scourge.

Daniel Pipes is the director of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum.

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