-Caveat Lector-


The British Eugenics Establishment

The British Race Scientists

A critical piece of information unearthing the dark origins of the Council
for National Policy is the fact that Nelson Bunker Hunt (financier and
executive officer of SIL's ILC, the Religious Roundtable, Campus Crusade
and JBS, and main funder/second president of the CNP) and Jesse Helms
(whose top political operative, Tom Ellis, was director of the racial
eugenics Pioneer Fund and second CNP president) were members of a racial
eugenics society -- the International Association for the Advancement of
Eugenics and Ethnology. The IAAEE, which is headquartered in Edinburgh,
Scotland, established a branch in the U.S. through the personal agency of
Lord Malcolm Douglas -- a member of the British Cliveden Set which
supported Hitler during World War II.

"[Lady Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton's] deceased husband, part of the British
aristocracy, was the brother of the host of Rudolph Hess when, in 1940,
Hess made his secret flight to England. Hess, a top aide to Hitler and Nazi
Party official, sought to meet with the British aristocratic circles known
as the Cliveden Set. Sympathetic to Hitler's war aims, the Cliveden Set
tried to get England out of the war it had declared against Germany in
September, 1939, after Germany invaded Poland. Hess was arrested and
imprisoned. After Lord Malcolm Douglas came to the U.S., he established an
American branch of a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland. The
oil billionaire Hunt brothers and Senator Jesse Helms are members of this
group. It was headed by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind
Quarterly until Roger Pearson took it over in 1978." 53.

"For an overview on 'race and intelligence,' Murray and Herrnstein
recommend two books by three Pioneer Fund recipients: Audrey Shuey, Frank
C. J. McGurk, and R. Travis Osborne. McGurk is the main authority they cite
to 'prove' that IQ tests are not racially biased.

He was one of the 'scientific' mainstays of the segregationist movement in
the southern US. In 1959 McGurk and Shuey became leading members of the
International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics,
first publisher of Mankind Quarterly. Other members included Senator Jesse
Helms and the oil billionaire Hunt brothers." 54. Carroll Quigley's
Anglo-American Establishment identifies the Cliveden Set as the British
elites who later formed the Rhodes-Milner Round Table. Cliveden was the
home of Lord Astor, a decisive voice in the Milner Group:

"During this period of almost sixty years [1889-1940], this society has
been called by various names. During the first decade or so it was called
'the secret society of Cecil Rhodes' or 'the dream of Cecil Rhodes.' In the
second and third decades of its existence it was known as Milner's
Kindergarten' (1901-1910) and as 'the Round Table Group.' Since 1920 it has
been called by various names, depending on which phase of its activities
was being examined. It has been called 'The Times Crowd,' 'the Rhodes
crowd,' the 'Chatham House crowd,' the 'All Soul's group,' and the
'Cliveden set'. . ." 55.

The late Walter Lippmann was not only a member of the Mont Pelerin Society
and of the Council on Foreign Relations, but also of the American Round
Table. Walter Lippmann, George Louis Beer, Frank Aydetlotte, Whitney
Shepardson, Thomas W. Lamont, Jerome D. Green, Erwin D. Canham were part of
the American delegation to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 after which
they founded the CFR with members of the British Round Table. 56.

Thomas Lamont was chairman of the Anglophile J.P. Morgan & Co. In 1926,
Lamont secured a $100 million loan for Mussolini, whose success as fascist
dictator of Italy and aggression against Ethiopia would inspire Adolf
Hitler. 57.

"The Morgan partners subscribed to an idea expressed by Walter Lippmann in
1915 that U.S. foreign policy would experience a 'crowning disaster' if
uninformed by a 'vision of the Anglo-American future.'" Quigley
acknowledged the Round Table's appeasement policy dating back to the Treaty
of Versailles:

"Those who are familiar with the activities of the 'Cliveden Set' in the
1930s have generally felt that the appeasement policy associated with that
group was a manifestation of the period after 1934 only. This is quite
mistaken. The Milner Group, which was the reality behind the phantom-like
Cliveden Set, began their program of appeasement and revision of the
[peace] settlement as early as 1919." 58.

The Order of St. Lazarus

Jesse Helms is also linked with the Knights of the Military and Hospitaller
Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, which was founded in Britain by Robert
Gayre (publisher of the racialist Mankind Quarterly before Roger Pearson).
The Order of St. Lazarus was also established in the U.S. by Lord Malcolm
Douglas of the Cliveden Set: "In the 1960s, a Briton named Robert Gayre had
succeeded in founding a branch of the Order [of St. Lazarus] in Great
Britain, accepting many non-Catholics as members.

(The same Robert Gayre was involved...when an International Commission on
Orders of Chivalry was created, with the main purpose of providing
legitimacy to the Order of Saint Lazarus.) The duke of Nemours decided to
open the order to them, but this led to another split, and Nemours was
himself deposed and replaced by the duc de Brissac who, in 1980, abandoned
the denomination of 'Order' and gave the association new statutes, calling
it simply 'Hospitallers of Saint Lazarus'" 59. "[Lady Malcolm] Douglas
Hamilton is related to a British family that supported Hitler's war aims.
When she and her husband came to the U.S., he helped establish a branch of
the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, an obscure
racist-led network based in Scotland and tied to Jesse Helms." 60. Scholars
examining the relationship between right-wing politics and racial research
have drawn on a 1979 work by social psychologist Michael Billig,
Psychology, Racism, and Fascism, which argues that the origins of racist
and neo-Nazi movements of the 1950s to 1970s are to be found in British
social science. Robert Gayre's Mankind Quarterly is based in Edinburgh,
Scotland, the location of the Order of St. Lazarus:

"Since it was established in 1960, The Mankind Quarterly has had the same
overall editor -- Professor R. Gayre, M.A., D.Phil., Pol.D.Sc., D.Sc., a
physical anthropologist trained at Edinburgh University. He was formerly
Professor of Anthropology at the University of Saugor in India, but now is
resident at Edinburgh, where The Mankind Quarterly is published ...Gayre's
contacts with British fascists came to light when five members of the
Racial Preservation Society were prosecuted in 1968 at Lewes under the Race
Relations Act for publishing racialist material. At the time of the offence
the Racial Preservation Society was an independent body, but by the time of
the trial it had officially merged into the National Front." 61.

It was not by coincidence that the cloning of Dolly the sheep occurred at
the Roslyn Institute in Roslyn, Scotland located 7 miles south of
Edinburgh. Situated directly between Roslyn Institute and Edinburgh is
Roslyn Chapel, the famous shrine of the Knights Templar that is
geometrically designed as a copy of the ruins of Herod's Temple. Near
Roslyn Chapel is the home of the St Clair or Sinclair family 62., which
have historically been revered as prominent Freemasons of Britain and a
sacred family of the Merovingian bloodline. The esoteric interpretation of
Dolly compares the white sheep to Christ, whose divine and immortal state
the racial eugenicists hope to duplicate through biotechnology. According
to news reports, the cloning of the first human embryo occurred in 1999 on
June 24, which is the Masonic feast of St. John the Baptist, patron saint
of Freemasonry. 63.

Roger Pearson

Roger Pearson became chairman of the World Anti-Communist League and was
responsible for flooding European chapters with Nazi sympathizers and
former Nazi SS officers. Searchlight credits the Pioneer Fund, under the
direction of the second CNP president, Tom Ellis', with financing the work
of numerous Anglo-American "race-scientists" such as Pearson:

"Indeed, most of the leading Anglo-American academic race-scientists of the
past several decades have been funded by the Pioneer, including William
Shockley, Hans J Eysenck, Arthur Jensen, Roger Pearson, Richard Lynn, J
Philippe Rushton, R Travis Osborne, Linda Gottfredson, Robert A Gordon,
Daniel R Vining Jr, Michael Levin and Seymour Itzkoff - all cited in The
Bell Curve.

"But the Pioneer Fund's importance in the history of postwar race science
far exceeds its size or the size of its grants. With almost laser-like
precision, the Pioneer Fund has been at the cutting edge of almost every
race conflict in the United States since its founding in 1937. . . An
article in the New York Times on 11 December 1977 characterised it as
having 'supported highly controversial research by a dozen scientists who
believe that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites'...The
fascist ideologist Roger Pearson, whose Institute for the Study of Man has
been one of the top Pioneer beneficiaries over the past 20 years ($869,500
from 1981 to 1996) is the clearest example of the extremist ideology of the
Fund's leadership. 64.

Pearson, who published The Mankind Quarterly after Robert Gayre and served
on editorial board of Heritage Foundation's Policy Review, is a Briton who
obtained his master's degree at the London School of Economics. 65. The LSE
was founded in 1894 and financed by the British Fabian Society as a
long-term investment to educate and train an elite workforce to carry out
the schemes of socialist reform, the London School of Economics is now one
of the largest schools of the University of London and has an international
reputation. Over half of its 5,000 students and academic staff are from
outside of the United Kingdom.

Five of its former staff members have won Nobel Prizes and its Journal of
International Studies, Millennium, enjoys world-wide circulation and

The L.S.E. also provides consultants to many organizations, including the
U.K. government, international bodies such as the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund and the United Nations. 66. The Ford
Foundation, which funds and whose members serve as trustees on the Council
of Foreign Relations, 67. provided a grant in 1967 to the LSE for a Centre
for International Studies. The European Institute of the LSE participates
actively in the European Series conferences on issues concerning the
European Union.

In his book, The Committee of 300, former British MI6 officer John Coleman
revealed that a high level Fabian Society member and agent of the Tavistock
Institute also managed the Heritage Foundation. There is no mention of Sir
Peter Vickers Hall on the Heritage website, but then Heritage has covered
its fascist tracks on other occasions: "[Roger] Pearson's tenure on
Heritage's Policy Review editorial board was short lived. . . due to a
Washington Post expose of the racist and fascist undercurrents of a World
Anti-Communist League chaired by Pearson in May 1978 in Washington, D.C."
68. Dr. Coleman's remarks are worth including as supportive of other
sources which locate the origins of the "right-wing" Council for National
Policy in the British Round Table and Fabian Society, which has the
reputation of being a "socialist" organization.

"The Committee of 300 through its many affiliated organizations was able to
nullify the Reagan presidency. Here is what Stuart Butler of the Heritage
Foundation had to say on the subject 'The right thought it had won in 1980
but in fact it have lost.' What Butler was referring to was the situation
in which the Right found itself when it realized that every single position
of importance in the Reagan administration was filled by Fabianist
appointees recommended by the Heritage Foundation. Butler went on to say
that Heritage would use right-wing ideas to impose left-wing radical
principles upon the United States, the same radical ideas which Sir Peter
Vickers Hall, top Fabianist in the U.S. and the number one man at Heritage,
had been openly discussing during the election year.

"Sir Peter Vickers Hall remained an active Fabianist even though he was
running a conservative 'think tank.' As a member of the British
oligarchical Vickers armament manufacturing family, he had position and
power. The Vickers family supplied both sides in the First World War and
again during Hitler's rise to power. Vickers' official cover was the
University of California's Urban and Regional Development Institute. He was
a longtime confidant of British Labour leader and Committee of 300 member
Anthony Wedgewood Benn. Both Vickers and Benn are integrated with the
Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, the premiere brainwashing
institution in the world." 69.

The British Eugenics Societies

Although the Fabian Society has a reputation of being a pioneer of the 19th
century socialist movement, the truth is that the Fabians were neither
right nor left wing, but elitists. The Fabian Society was founded in 1883
by members of the Society for Psychical Research, which was a creation of
the Cecil Bloc of the Rhodes Round Table. A brief history of these
immensely influential organizations will show how the parent organizations
of Great Britain masterminded and modeled the very sophisticated
dialectical operation which their progeny are now perpetrating worldwide.

Those in whose purview is the control of information about the Religious
Right must stop all investigation at the point where Rockefeller or the
Nazis or the CIA are identified as the culprits. At all costs, the point of
origin must not be identified as Great Britain. However, the proper place
to conclude our inquiry is to identify the British societies which have
reproduced their counterparts in the U.S.

Among these they have also planted organizations for the purpose of
indoctrinating the Christians to look somewhere else for the conspiracy
while they are being ushered into the New World Order via the back door by
their leaders.

Great Britain functions in a caste system which values heredity above all
else. Research on heredity as the determining factor of successful living
is common in English and Scottish academic institutions. Interlocking
families of high social rank have considered themselves to be the saviours
of mankind. Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities have especially
been the province of the sons and daughters of the elite, whose parents
belong to the upper echelon of British high society. The intellectual
capital of these universities and their elite societies would find a way to
eliminate "human weeds" and populate the earth with a "race of
thoroughbreds"--terms invented by the founder of Planned Parenthood,
Margaret Sanger, who frequented the eugenics societies of Europe and Great
Britain in her heyday of Rockefeller-funded racism.

Spiritualist Church for Intellectuals

One of the early pioneers of nineteenth century Spiritualist inquiry was
the Ghost Society at the University of Cambridge. In 1851, Edward White
Benson, who would later become the Archbishop of Canterbury, founded the
Cambridge Ghost Society with J.B. Lightfoot, B.F. Westcott, and Fenton John
Antony Hort. The Society for Psychical Research: An Outline of its History
and The Life of Edward White Benson by his son, Arthur Benson, document the
distinguished founders of the Cambridge Ghost Society:

"Among the numerous persons and groups who in the middle of the nineteenth
century were making enquiries into psychical occurrences may be mentioned a
society from which our own can claim direct descent. In the Life of Edward
White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, by his son, A. C. Benson, will be
found, under the year 1851-2, the following paragraph:

'Among my father's diversions at Cambridge was the foundation of a 'Ghost
Society,' the forerunner of the Psychical Society [meaning the S.P.R.] for
the investigation of the supernatural. Lightfoot, Westcott and Hort were
among the members. He was then, as always, more interested in psychical
phenomena than he cared to admit.'"Lightfoot and Westcott both became
bishops, and Hort Professor of Divinity. The S.P.R. has hardly lived up to
the standard of ecclesiastical eminence set by the parent society." 70.

[Of Westcott and Hort, much has been written, yet the entire story is
rarely told. All who venture into this forbidden territory receive swift
retribution! Gail Riplinger's book, New Age Bible Versions, drew fire not
only for its exposure of counterfeit bibles, but also for her
identification of the secret societies of England and their elite
membership who hatched the wicked scheme.]

Edward White Benson married Mary Sidgwick whose brother, Henry Sidgwick
married Eleanor Balfour, the sister of Arthur Balfour, who became Prime
Minister of England. The Anglican clergymen who founded societies for
Spiritualist inquiry became dignitaries in the Church of England. However,
the younger Cambridge intellectuals whom they had discipled in Spiritualist
endeavors worked to establish a scientific basis for Spiritualistic
investigation and proceeded to develop psychical research into a respected
branch of knowledge.

"Of these (groups) the most important was that centered round Henry
Sidgwick, Frederic Myers and Edmund Gurney, all Fellows of Trinity College,
Cambridge and deriving its inspiration from the Cambridge University Ghost
Society, founded by no less a person than Edward White Benson, the future
Archbishop of Canterbury." 71.

In 1882, the Cambridge scholars, Henry Sidgwick, Frederic Myers, Edmund
Gurney, Arthur and Gerald Balfour founded the Society for Psychical
Research. Sidgwick who became the first president of the S.P.R. continued
in this position for nine years. His prestigious connections and influence
at Cambridge drew a number of distinguished persons into the society, which
James Webb speculates in his volume, The Occult Underground, fulfilled the
function of "Spiritualist church for intellectuals." Future Prime Minister
Arthur Balfour who was Sidgwick's ablest student at Cambridge would serve
as president of the S.P.R., as did his brother, Gerald Balfour, and sister,
Eleanor Sidgwick. The record shows:

"In 1887, Council Members and Honorary Members of the SPR included a past
Prime Minister (William Gladstone)…and a future Prime Minister (Arthur
Balfour); …2 bishops; and Tennyson and Ruskin, two of the outstanding
literary figures of the day;…'Lewis Carroll'…with a surprising number of
titled persons." 72.

William Gladstone, Prime Minister from 1865-74, called psychical research,
"The most important work, which is being done in the world. By far the most
important work." William James, the famous psychologist, philosopher and
father of author Henry James, became president of the American S.P.R. in

However, in its industry and operation, "… the driving force of the S.P.R.
came very largely from the group of younger Trinity men of the 1870's
mentioned previously (p. 64), as having turned, often with reluctance,
towards agnosticism.

Among the eleven who were named, six -- Sidgwick, Myers, Gurney, the two
Balfours, and Walter Leaf became not merely members of the S.P.R., but its
principle organizers, its very engine room. Closely linked with them was
Sidgwick's wife, Nora, and one of his former students, Richard Hodgson."

The Society for Psychical Research: An Outline of Its History, by W.H.
Salter, President in 1947-8, mentions this detail as to Nora [Balfour]
Sidgwick, who became principal of Newnham College, Cambridge in 1892:

"Mrs. Sidgwick…did not join the Society till 1884, for fear, apparently,
that an open connection with so unorthodox a venture might prejudice
Newnham College, in which then recent foundation she held a responsible
position." 74.

The original objective of the S.P.R. was to conduct research into "that
large group of debatable phenomena designated by such terms as mesmeric,
psychical and spiritualistic." Committees were organized to examine
telepathy, hypnotism, mesmeric trance, clairvoyance, ESP, apparitions,
haunted houses, and to determine the laws of physical spiritualistic
phenomena. In recognition of the important work accomplished by Benson,
Westcott and Hort -- the leaders of its precursor, the Cambridge Ghost
Society -- the S.P.R. Historical Outline posits:

"It would hardly have been possible for the new Society to undertake an
enquiry of such a kind or on such as scale if several of its leading
members had not already gained previous experience of the difficulties
attaching to that type of investigation." 75.

Lord Salisbury, who became Prime Minister of England from 1885-1902, was
brother to the mother of Gerald and Arthur Balfour, whose government became
a continuation of Lord Salisbury's. Lord Salisbury was the title given to
Sir Robert Gascoyne-Cecil whose powerful family expanded to form the Cecil
Bloc, the nexus of power from which the Rhodes-Milner Round Table evolved.
In The Anglo-American Establishment, Carroll Quigley credits the Cecil
Bloc, of which the Balfours were high ranking members, with the creation of
the S.P.R.

"'The Toynbee group' was a group of political intellectuals. . .dominated
by Arnold Toynbee and Milner himself. . .The Cecil Bloc was a nexus of
political and social power formed by Lord Salisbury and extending from the
great sphere of politics into the fields of education and publicity. . .The
'Rhodes secret society' was a group of imperial federalists, formed in the
period after 1889 and using the economic resources of South Africa to
extend and perpetuate the British Empire. It is doubtful if Milner could
have formed his group without assistance from all three of these sources. .

"One of the enduring creations of the Cecil Bloc is the Society for
Psychical Research, which holds a position in the history of the Cecil Bloc
similar to that held by the Royal Institute of International Affairs in the
Milner Group. The Society was founded in 1882 by the Balfour family and
their in-laws, Lord Rayleigh and Professor Sidgwick. In the twentieth
century it was dominated by those members of the Cecil Bloc who became most
readily members of the Milner Group." 76.

Arthur Balfour's brother, Gerald, who also served as president of the
S.P.R., was brother-in-law to Emily Lytton Lutyens, a disciple of
Theosophist Annie Besant and the granddaughter of Bulwer Lytton, the
Imperator of the Internal College of the Rosy+Cross from 1849 to 1865.

"She herself had been born Emily Lytton, the granddaughter of the occultist
Bulwer Lytton, and was the sister-in-law of Gerald Balfour, who with his
brother Arthur became president of the Society for Psychical Research. The
Balfours' sister, Nora, married Henry Sidgwick, whose own sister, Mary,
became the wife of Edward White Benson, and the mother of Robert Hugh.
Within this family connection, it is quite natural to find at least one
devoted Theosophist." 77.

Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton in [1803-73] who was also educated at Trinity
College Cambridge brought to England the practice of alchemy, the most
secret occult science to which study and practice the Order of the Rose
Croix was dedicated. As planned all along, the "science" of alchemy is now
evolving from the transmutation of base metals into gold to the
transmutation of human genomes cannibalized from aborted babies into new

"Many of biotechnology's specific products and areas of research are aimed
at creating new forms in reality---new species--- by asexual means, that
reflect esoteric doctrine, such as Rosicrucian alchemical precepts as
androgyny and man's transcendence of all moral absolutes and even physical
fixity; perfectibility as preached by the Cathari; and Valentinian
gnosticism's teaching regarding man's return into the 'one' via gnosis and
enlightenment. All of these are part of the same centuries' old Gnostic
streams. The esoteric goal of the 'new world order' is a contra-Genesis
anti-civilization whose emblem is a Gnostic garden of Eden in which man is
perfect and incorruptible. Some of the newest technologies, such as organ
farming using totipotent stem cells of human embryos are aimed at
immortality, at least for the few." 78.

Emily Luytens was also foster-mother of Jiddu Krishnamurti, who was
promoted as Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher of the new age. "Lady Emily
Lutyens, the wife of the architect, is interesting in this context. .
.Converted by Mrs. Besant, Emily became for teen years the devoted
"foster-mother" and adherent of Krishnamurti. . . even among the highest
reaches of society the crisis of consciousness made itself felt. The
supernatural was no stranger to the family of Emily Lutyens. 79. In its
early stages, the S.P.R. held séances in the townhouse of Arthur Balfour of
which his sister Eleanor was the principle organizer.

Various mediums of reputation were investigated with the purpose of ruling
out charlatans and determining if entities from the spirit realm or
deceased persons did in fact communicate with the living. In 1884, Madame
H.P. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, was interviewed by a
committee of the S.P.R. Although Richard Hodgson later would report "the
tangle of fraud, intrigue and credulity" associated with her work in India,
the S.P.R. was at first --

"…considerably impressed by the evidence of Mme Blavatsky and her friends,
and in a report, circulated within the Society but not published, declared:
'On the whole (though with some serious reserves) it seems undeniable that
there is a prima facie case for some part at least of the claim made.'" 80.

Later investigations yielded positive results in the area of mental
phenomena from prominent mediums, such as Mrs. Thompson and Piper, who were
able to conduct "cross correspondences" devised by the spirits of deceased
S.P.R. members to communicate with their colleagues. 81. Edmund Gurney and
Frank Podmore, Secretaries of the S.P.R., investigated and classified
information on numerous mediums and, with Frederic Myers, wrote Phantasms
of the Living. Alan Gauld notes in The Founders of Psychical Research that
Myers and Podmore, who wrote the classic Modern Spiritualism, may have been
practicing homosexuals. 82. Gurney died unexpectedly in 1888 from an
overdose of chloroform and there was considerable speculation of suicide.
Frank Podmore was found drowned in 1910. 83.


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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