More on Dr. Strom - his hand written background and his speciality tends
to lean towards drugs - where the stock market thrives, above all - for
America will lead the world in legal drugs for viagra, abortion pills
(at least providing same), oral contraceptives, and the usual garbage.

Loved this bit on gastrointestinal bleeding - guess Elvis Presley had
had some problems there too as if this wasn't a good example of a little
self medication with drugs?

If one reads between the lines we see where the interests are
here.....why cows are being slaughtered in favor of a can of soy milk?

When they come up with a good soy ice cream let me know.

No offense Steve - but this stuff of Willow where it will be used in a
new stick deodorant as in Ezekial - the day will come with baldness
"instead of well set hair" and even Hollywood is so stupid they cannot
see over medicating, hair sprays, and aspirin may - well may just be a
leading cause of thinning of the hair in particular, when willow barks

I do not like this Brian Strom for he is one of the experimentors on
babies - we see now what Nazi Germany is all about - suffer little
children, in particular those of the 55 million while the "doctors" did
their jobs?


Here is Dr. Strom - wonder how he feels about the Chinese manufacturing
the new abortion pills (used by France who now feels the multicultural
life values by how many murders as of late beginning to edge into the
more affluent quarters>) sit back, and take an aspirin, and a
viagra and then find your nearest Chinese abortion pill should you be
naughty like Gary Condit - for you see that pill is so deadly it is made
in China where you cannot sue the hell out of them?   But,  at least the
likes of the hero Eric Rudolph prevents them from profitteering over much for "planned parenthood:.....and the baby murderers.

May they all go bald.

    Brian L. Strom, M.D., M.P.H.
Director, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB)
Chair, Department of Biostatistics and

Professor, Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Professor, Medicine
Professor, Pharmacology

B.S. Yale University (Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry)
M.D. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
M.P.H. University of California, Berkeley (Epidemiology)

Brian L. Strom, M.D., M.P.H. was appointed Founding Director of the new
interdisciplinary and interdepartmental Center for Clinical Epidemiology
and Biostatistics (CCEB) in February 1993. Previously named the Clinical
Epidemiology Unit (CEU), Dr. Strom served as CEU Co-director and then
Director, in the School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
for 13 years.

To date, since the CEU/CCEB inception, and under Dr. Strom's leadership,
the Center has grown from two faculty and five staff to 101 faculty and
more than 300 staff and students.

Dr. Strom's clinical and research training is in general internal
medicine, clinical pharmacology, and epidemiology. He is board certified
in Internal Medicine and Epidemiology. Internationally known for
multiple areas of clinical epidemiology, Dr. Strom's major career
interest is pharmacoepidemiology, and he has written the major textbook
in this field, now in its Third Edition. Additionally, he has authored
over 275 publications. Lecturing in all parts of the world, Dr. Strom
has shared his research at more than 300 lectures, including annual
meetings, world conferences, varied symposiums, committees, and
universities. For more information regarding his specific research, see
his most recent Biosketch.
Selected Grant information

[Saba Note:   Grants from whom, the Feds or the Drug Peddlars and Canned
Milk Companies say like Ross Labs?]

As principal investigator for over 150 grants since 1981, Dr. Strom has
initiated research and studies, both nationally and internationally,
supported by the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
(now the Agency for Heathcare Research and Quality), foundations, major
pharmaceutical companies, and private industry. ****So is he a drug
pusher for the druggies and druggors?   Saba Note****

Furthermore, Dr. Strom has served as consultant to the FDA, the Centers
for Disease Control, foreign governments, the majority of pharmaceutical
companies, and law firms. A small sample of research grants include:
Biochemical Epidemiology of Biliary Tract Cancer; Etiologic Study of
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; Risk Factors for Infective Endocarditis;
Breast Cancer and the Birth Control Pill: Case-Control Study of
Perimenopausal and Past Oral Contraceptive Use; TRH and the Prevention
of Chronic Lung Disease; Effectiveness of Retrospective Drug Utilization
Review; Postmarketing Surveillance Study of Parenteral Ketorolac;
Postmarketing Surveillance Study of Oral Ketorolac; Postmarketing
Surveillance Study of Naproxen Sodium; Follow-up Study of Subjects Fed
Soy-Based Formula During Infancy; and Molecular Susceptibility to
Hormone-Induced Cancer. He is also Principal Investigator for several
Training Grants.
[Note his interest in birth control pill - ever see a woman on the
"pill" in the 60 period - some ended up in hospitals, some turned into a
hulk that looked like they were 9 months pregnant from effects of "the

Selected Membership/Affiliations
Dr. Strom's numerous and varied affiliations include elected membership
into the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the Association of
American Physicians, and American Epidemiologic Society.
As of January, 1998, Brian Strom assumed the role of Regional Editor for
the Americas for Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (PDS), the
official journal of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
and the European Society of Pharmacovigilance.
Representative Recent Publications
Strom BL, Carson JL, Schinnar R, Sim E, Morse ML. The effect of
indication on the risk of hypersensitivity reactions associated with
tolmetin sodium vs. other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Journal
of Rheumatology 1988; 15:695-9.
Strom BL, Carson JL, Halpern AC, Schinnar R, Snyder ES, Stolley PD, Shaw
M, Tilson HH, Joseph M, Dai WS, Chen D, Stern RS, Bergman U, Lundin F.
Using a claims database to investigate drug-induced Stevens-Johnson
syndrome. Statistics in Medicine 1991; 10:565-76.
Strom BL, Carson JL, Schinnar R, Snyder ES, Shaw M, Waiter SL. No causal
relationship between transdermal scopolamine and seizures: methodologic
lessons for pharmacoepidemiology. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Strom BL, Carson JL, Schinnar R, Snyder ES, Shaw M, Lundin FE Jr.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and neutropenia. Archives of
Internal Medicine 1993; 153:2119-24.
Strom BL, Reidenberg MM, West S, Snyder ES, Freundlich B, Stolley PD.
Shingles, allergies, family history, oral contraceptives, and other
potential risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus. American Journal
of Epidemiology 1994; 140:632-42.
Strom BL, Berlin JA, Kinman JL, Spitz RW, Hennessy S, Feldman H, Kimmel
S, Carson JL. Parenteral ketorolac and risk of gastrointestinal and
operative site bleeding: A postmarketing surveillance study. Journal of
the American Medical Association 1996; 275:376-82.
Strom BL, Schinnar R, Bilker WB, Feldman HI, Farrar JT, Carson JL.
Gastrointestinal tract bleeding associated with naproxen sodium vs.
ibuprofen. Archives of Internal Medicine1997;157:2626-31.
Strom BL, Abrutyn E, Berlin JA, Kinman JL, Feldman RS, Stolley PD,
Levison ME, Korzeniowski OM, Kaye D. Dental and cardiac risk factors for
infective endocarditis: a population-based case-control study. Annals of
Internal Medicine 1998;129:761-9.
Kimmel SE, Keane MG, Crary JL, Jones J, Kinman JL, Beare J, Sammel M,
Sutton MSJ, Strom BL. Detailed examination of fenfluramine-phentermine
users with valve abnormalities identified in Fargo, North Dakota.
American Journal of Cardiology 1999;84:304-8.
Strom BL (ed). Pharmacoepidemiology (Third Edition). Sussex: John Wiley,
 Dr. Brian L. Strom
Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
824 Blockley Hall
423 Guardian Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021
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 215-898-2368  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Questions or comments
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