-Caveat Lector-

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August 15, 2001
Violence taking its toll
Anxiety, stress, sleep disorders way of life in Israel
Reuters, The Daily Telegraph
JERUSALEM - Amid the funerals and mourning for the victims of Palestinian
suicide bombers, many Israelis have also been quietly burying another victim
of the violence -- their hopes of a normal life .
"Driving to work, I find myself trying not to get behind or alongside a bus, not
knowing if it is going to blow up," said Giora Keinan, a Tel Aviv University
psychologist and a researcher on stress.
Psychologists have reported an increasing number of complaints from
Israelis suffering from sleep disorders, extreme anxiety and frustration. They
smoke more and travel less. Government figures show a rise in cigarette
consumption and a drop in gas tax revenue.
"When buying a slice of pizza could be the last thing you ever do, you can't
be too careful," Mali Ostend, a 35-year-old bank clerk, said in reference to a
bombing last week in which 16 people died and more than 100 were
Yesterday the U.S. funk-rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers cancelled a
planned concert in Israel because of the recent spate of Palestinian suicide
The Chili Peppers are the first big-name band known to have cancelled a
concert since the Palestinian uprising erupted last September, although
most performers have refused to come at all.
"Following the urgency and the increasing consistency of the incidents over
the past weekend, the band was forced to reach a decision to delay their
visit although they truly desired ... to visit Israel," said organizer Shuki
Weiss, who added that 20,000 tickets were sold.
The recent bombings have added to almost a year of steady bloodshed, in
which nearly 680 people have been killed.
The confrontation has nearly crushed the tourism industry in Israel and the
Palestinian territories. Tourism to Israel has dropped 50%, forcing some
hotels to shut down and airlines to cut back on flights.
The routine of everyday life has also clearly suffered under the strain. Ms.
Ostend tries to avoid public places. Each of her three children, aged nine to
14, carries a mobile telephone and is told to keep it on at all times.
"If I do let them go to the movies, it is on the condition that there is no
stopping at cafes or browsing in malls."
Mr. Keinan said people are cracking under the pressure. "People are
concerned and stressed. The physical threat has increased significantly. It is
almost everywhere."
(Each link opens a new window)
Clashes Information Center
A photographer's daily journey through the rioting, taking the side of the
Palestinians but occasionally linking to pro-Israeli articles.
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Look for the Israeli government's perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian peace
Palestinian National Authority
The controlling authority in the autonomous areas of Palestine.
United Nations
The "Question of Palestine" page, tracking the UN's long involvement with
the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.
Political Resources on the Net: Israel
An excellent set of links to Israel's political parties, many of which are in
Jerusalem Media and Communication Centre (JMCC)
Here are questions and results from a JMCC poll done on Palestinian
attitudes toward the declaration of the state.
Biography of Yasser Arafat
A brief outline noting the Palestinian leader's achievements.
Jerusalem Post
Check for the latest news on the peace accord from Israel's largest English-
language newspaper.
The Knesset
An English-language site introducing Israel's parliament.
Israel Times & Perspectives
Sign up for e-mail updates on what's happening in Israel. The magazine says
it will provide facts different "from the commercial mass media."
Shlomo Ben Ami: Speech
An address from October, 1999, by Shlomo Ben Ami on Israel's foreign
policy agenda.
Palestinian Libertation Organization
The PLO's official Web site.
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