-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

17 August 2001
Federalist Edition #01-33
Friday Digest

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Federalist Perspective


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"You will never know how much it cost the present generation to
preserve your freedom!  I hope you will make good use of it!  --John


In the news this week, it's the season of "compromising positions" --
with the two major international "peace processes," in Israel and
Ireland, failing.

In Israel, Palestinian suicide bombers struck again this week, with an
especially vicious terrorist murder-explosion in Jerusalem, directed
specifically at families with young children in a Sbarro Italian
cafeteria, causing 15 deaths. Another bombing on Sunday wounded 15

Israel responded with brief armored incursions to destroy Palestinian
security assets, leaving tanks positioned outside West Bank towns
Bethlehem, Beit Sahur and Beit Jallah.  Undercover agents also shot
and killed a known terrorist planner in Hebron.

President Bush and administration members spoke softly, and drew no
clear moral distinctions between intentional attacks on innocent
noncombatants and defense against murderers. "My only point is the
cycle of violence has got to end in order for any peace process to
begin," Mr. Bush commented on the continuing attacks and
counterattacks between Israeli defenders and Palestinian instigators.
(Shades of Bush(41).)

Secretary of State Colin Powell also reduced Israel's efforts to
defend itself from Palestinian terror with a soliloquy on the "cycle
of violence," a phrase introduce into the lexicon of international
realtions by Bill Clinton's principle architect of appeasement, Dennis
Ross. National Security Council spokesman Sean McCormack went further
to suggest Israel is responsible for the attacks: "Israeli incursions
into Palestinian territory are provocative and undermine efforts to
create an atmosphere of calm."

Security analyst Frank J. Gaffney observed of the deteriorating
situation, "Worse yet, if the Bush Administration persists in treating
with moral equivalence terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians and
Israel's generally restrained defensive responses to such actions --
the ineluctable effect  of equally condemning these two very different
things by characterizing them as part of 'the cycle of violence' -- it
will convey a portentous impression: The United States is more
interested in being an 'honest broker' than Israel's ally."

We note that "peace processes" necessarily involve "compromising
positions," as they are applications of internationalism through
pressured negotiations. The phrase "peace process" is a term of art
coined by diplo-babblers to prejudice evaluations of the actual
accomplishments from negotiations. We further note that the term for
the only 100% guaranteed "peace process" is far simpler -- war. Only
after a decisive victory, and wisely shepherded surrender conditions,
is true and lasting peace achieved. Peace, like liberty, can only be
attained through acts of self-reliance,  with real peace coming only
once former enemies themselves decide to quit warring. International
pressure cannot suffice -- and indeed invariably makes enmities worse.

To admit reality, Israel is in a low-grade state of war with the
Palestinians, and the Middle East situation is assuredly volatile
these days. Moreover, as we alerted readers not long ago, Iraqi
dictator Saddam Hussein has moved some troops toward the Jordanian
border, and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has announced he might
send soldiers from his 3rd Armored Division into the Sinai Peninsula,
in violation of the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.

Memo to Secretary of State Colin Powell: You might want to brush off
your copy of the "Powell Doctrine" and revisit it with the Israelis.
You wrote, "Have a clear political objective and stick to it. Use all
the force necessary and do not apologize for going in big, if that is
what it takes. Decisive force ends wars quickly and in the long run
saves lives."

And in Ireland, the Irish Republican Army announced with great
flourish and fanfare yet another promised plan to disarm -- only to
turn around and promptly withdraw the offer after Protestant Ulster
Unionists rejected the plan as just another empty promise. Although
the British Parliament suspended the Protestant-Catholic Irish
home-rule  Assembly in a stalling tactic to preserve ongoing
negotiations, the outlook remains poor.

Quote of the week...

"The 'peace process' long ago lost any connection with peace as
generally understood. It is now merely a euphemism for a policy of
surrender-by-installments to IRA terrorism -- in particular its threat
to resume the bombing of London. What is happening today in Ireland is
very similar to what happened in Germany in the 1920s and '30s.
Fascist violence is the main force driving politics. ...Of course,
this cannot be admitted. So lying is built into the peace process.
..The biggest lie of all is the phrase 'peace process.' What it means
in practice is the appeasement of the IRA, which has gone to the point
where the two governments cannot bring themselves even to consider
forceful resistance to terrorism. And while that is so, fascism rules,
OK?" --John O'Sullivan

On cross-examination...

"If the purpose of our armed forces is to defend, not spend, why are
there more credit cards than active-duty rifles?" --David Hackworth on
the "New Army."

Open Query...

"But what if science and ethics, the practical and idealistic, are
only different facets of a single, universal moral order that was once
well-understood?" --Paul Greenberg

News from the Swamp...

In the Executive Branch, reactions to Mr. Bush's proposal for central
government funded research on stem cells, derived from killing live
human embryos, continued to dominate the cultural discourse.
Predictably, as Leftists are never sufficiently appeased, Senators Ted
Kennedy and RINO Arlen Specter expressed their inclination for more
funding of embryonic stem cell research. And just as predictably, on
the legal front, the University of Wisconsin foundation that sponsored
and holds the patent for the research of James Thomson, who first
isolated embryonic stem cells in 1998, has filed a federal lawsuit
against Geron Corporation, the company funding the initial studies and
now owning associated commercial development rights. The suit seeks to
determine how far each party's property rights extend, and could have
such far-reaching consequences as recognizing Geron's possible
"worldwide exclusive commercial rights" to the stem cells.

On other fronts, the Bush political team has been drawing up new
"compassionate" mini-themes to support maxi-policy changes and
unexpected continuations of Clinton policies in the areas of
race-based government contracting, and abandoning the rule of law in
immigration, among others. (Somebody get these folks a copy of our

Congress is still out on recess and President Bush is still down on
the ranch, but earlier this week, House Republican leaders informed
the President that they will block payment of $582 million in back
dues to the United Nations unless the Bush administration defangs the
International Criminal Court. We applaud Republican leadership for
insisting this unlawful international tribunal not be allowed to
infringe on the constitutional sovereignty of the United States.

Demo-gogue minority lip Rep. David Bonior used his vacation to
announce his candidacy for Michigan's governor, citing his growing
"frustration" with not being able to win his Leftist agenda for public
transportation, environmental protection, school funding, and
so-called "workers rights." (Farewell party TBA.)

Judicial Benchmarks...

In the halls of justice on the right, the California Supreme Court
chose  life, as the court held  unanimously that withdrawing life
support from a near-comatose person can only be legal when "clear and
convincing" evidence, such as a written directive, demonstrates that
as the person's wish. (Good news for the Left Teddies -- Kennedy and
Turner -- as the plug could otherwise be pulled on these dipsomaniacs
in one of their frequent near-comatose blackouts.)

In another California case (similar in complaint to arguments for
privacy by Rep. Dick Armey concerning street cameras in Washington,
D.C.), a San Diego Superior Court Judge ruled that the city had broken
state vehicle code law with its red light traffic cameras (AKA spy
cams) -- as the law mandates only government and law enforcement
agencies may "operate" automated enforcement systems, and the city's
transfer of such operations to private contractor Lockheed-Martin IMS,
which also received a substantial portion of every ticket fee, was

In the halls of injustice on the left, the New Jersey Supremes ruled
that leftover frozen embryos, in a divorced couple's custody battle,
may not be adopted out for implantation, pregnancy and birth -- unless
both parents consent. The former husband had requested the embryos be
freed for life, while his ex-wife had argued she could not be forced
into parenthood without her agreement. The embryos will remain in
suspended animation.

On the Left...

In news from the National Socialist Workers Party, though labor unions
have spent millions of dollars of forced dues from members on Leftist
election-year ad campaigns and so-called "get-out-the-vote" efforts,
most report no taxable political expenditures to the IRS. Even the
AFL-CIO, which spent $35 million on political activities for the
Clintonistas and their ilk in 1996, reported no political
expenditures. John Hiatt, general counsel for the AFL-CIO, noted, "We
feel perfectly comfortable, if we're audited, we'll face the music and
show them what we've done." Apparently Hiatt is certain -- and with
good reason -- that the IRS sings the union label song.

Effluent from "Most Ethical Administration"...

Former Vice-Prevaricator Albert Gore has grown a beard and reportedly
plans to campaign for the 2004 presidential bid as "Alberto Gorsky" so
as not to be confused with the bumbling sap who ran in 2000.

The Commissars...

>From the "Trust Us" Department, "What many Americans don't realize is
that in the off-line world, they have already lost most of their
privacy," Sen. John Kerry told the Massachusetts Software & Internet
Council Inc.

Memo to John: And just what entity is the greatest violator of
"off-line privacy"?

Regarding your IRS overpayment...

>From the "Confiscated Income" files, government employees will use
agency credit cards to spend $19 billion this year, just in case there
were not already enough outlets for fraud. According to the Associated
Press, "at least 15 agencies have more credit cards than employees."

>From the department of military readiness...

Bush administration defense officials are weighing alternative force
restructuring proposals, calling for deep cuts including elimination
of some Army combat divisions, 16 of the 61 current Air Force fighter
squadrons, "one or two" Navy aircraft carrier battle groups and a new
round of military base closures.

>From the department of military correctness...

As The Federalist reported last week, 14 pro-defense organizations
called on President Bush to return to sexually segregated military
training at boot camps.  This week, it's apparent the Bush team
perceives it's not "compassionate" to bring back training that
actually readies both our men and women in uniform under conditions of
good order and discipline. "To my knowledge, none of the military
departments is claiming that there is a problem," caviled David Chu,
undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness. Clearly another
case of "don't ask, don't tell"!

>From the states...

Mischief usually follows any annual National Governors Association
meeting, and last week's session was no exception. Over 40 of the
nation's governors are drafting a letter to be sent this week to all
House and Senate members, asking that the October 21 expiration of the
1998 moratorium on Internet taxes be allowed to lapse, so that their
states may develop a system to collect Internet commerce sales taxes.
(The moratorium also includes a ban on Internet access fees.) "If you
care about a level playing field for main street retail businesses,
and local control of state's governments and schools, extend the
moratorium on taxing Internet access only with authorization for the
states to streamline and simplify  the existing sales tax system," the
draft letter reads.

In economic news...

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is getting mixed reviews for
his recent interventions into the stumbling economy. Columnist Jack
Kemp offers a half-joking advertisement for a replacement: "Help
Wanted: Fed Chairman who understands stable money."

In business news...

Out of ammo? Don't bother going to Kmart, as the retail giant has
decided to discontinue the sale of handgun ammunition. Unlike
competitor Toys-R-Us, Kmart will still sell cap pistols.

The "Dumber and Dumbest" Department...

Last week, J.C. Penney stores were forced to pull T-shirts from
shelves after customers objected to the shirts' message -- showing a
decrepit mobile home and the words "Home Skooled." Now, the company is
running back-to-school TV ads depicting a mother chastising her
teenage daughter for not dressing more provocatively. In the ad, the
mother says, "You're not going to school dressed like that, are you?"
as she pulls her daughter's jeans down lower on her hips.

Court Jesters...

>From the "Kleptocracy" Files, this month's "Legal Lotto" Award is
bestowed upon Mr. Eli Tyler, who attended the American Association for
Nude Recreation convention and burned his feet in a fire-walking
ceremony while there. Tyler has filed a lawsuit claiming the
convention hosts "misrepresented to spectators that fire-walking was
safe." (This item was a toss up between Dumb and Dumber and Court

Culture comment...

This month's "Heterophobia" Award goes to the NEA for refusing to
elaborate on its "Gay and Lesbian Issues Task Force," established at
the group's July convention to "reduce and eliminate intolerance and
insensitivity toward gays and lesbians in our society."  Responding to
public outcry, NEA president Bob Chase commented, "Some critics want
the public schools to be an agent of moral doctrine, condemning
children and adults when they are not in accord with biblical
precepts.  We believe it is impossible to create a safe haven for
children -- [making them] physically safe and emotionally secure --
while condemning their beliefs." Indeed! And certainly indeed true for
children with biblically based beliefs!

Faith Matters...

Mississippi congressman Chip Pickering introduced a bill to reverse a
1954 law vesting the IRS with power to revoke tax-exempt status from
churches engaged in "political speech." Rep.  Pickering explained, "We
think some conservative Christian groups actually are being targeted
by the IRS for their political speech. ...We believe that it's
important to have both freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and
we need to get the government out of the church."

On the frontiers of science...

The Federalist has alerted you repeatedly that the "science" of global
warming is no more than a lot of hot air. Now the National Taxpayers
Union has released a study confirming our contention that the Kyoto
Treaty, ostensibly a planetary defense against massive climate change,
is no more than a set of global economic chains. NTU reports, by 2025,
China, unregulated under terms of the Kyoto Treaty, would produce more
carbon dioxide gases than the U.S., Japan and Canada combined; and by
2050, 76 percent of all greenhouse gases will come from developing
nations left out of the Kyoto Treaty. NTU's associate policy analyst
Noelle Fiacco argues, "Kyoto isn't about the environment. It is about
helping poor countries grow by holding back wealthier countries."

On the frontiers of junk science...

A study published in Wednesday's Human Molecular Genetics contends
that human cloning might really be easier than animal cloning, based
on the finding that human genetic information contains dual copies of
a growth factor receptor gene (IGF2R), while most nonprimates have
only a single copy of the gene in their biological codes. However, Ian
Wilmut, who successfully cloned the first mammal with Dolly the sheep,
cautioned, "I hope this will not be used to give encouragement to
those who wish to clone humans," citing numerous other factors that
will likely complicate human cloning. "It seems that a little
knowledge is a dangerous thing and the authors [of this study] have
allowed themselves to over-interpret their interesting findings."

Around the world...

Though we are firm in our long-standing policy of not commenting on
domestic public opinion polls -- because they are almost universally
miscast -- we report a foreign opinion poll which is great news for
President Bush. According to the Pew Research Center, a majority of
Europeans rate President Bush's foreign affairs performance 40% to 60%
below their assessment of Bill Clinton's performance when he resided
in the White House, primarily because Mr. Bush makes decisions based
entirely on U.S. interests. Now there is a novel concept! We
congratulate Mr. Bush on these fine poll results, though leaving
troops in the Balkans is not entirely in the best interests of the

The Pentagon offered Red China $34,000 as repayment for "services and
expenses" the Reds incurred as they temporarily interned our military
service personnel after one of their pilots recklessly collided with a
Navy EP-3 surveillance aircraft -- nearly killing all on board. The
Reds asked for $1 million -- and rejected the $34,000. One of our
editorial shop's favorite political icons, Sen. Jesse Helms, remarked,
"If this had been an automobile accident, it would have been
reasonable to expect that the Chinese, or their insurer, would be
required to pay full compensation for deliberately causing the
collision. But in the Orwellian world of U.S.-Chinese relations, the
American people are made to feel guilty like those poor souls in China
who receive a bill from their government for the cost of the bullets
used to execute their loved ones."

And last, from the "$3 Bill" Files: Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe has
proposed some "non-cents" legislation, with his Legal Tender
Modernization Act, requiring that all retail transactions eliminate
the need for pennies by rounding to the nearest nickel amount. Friend
of The Federalist Lyn Nofziger notes that the penny is largely zinc,
most other coins in circulation are largely copper -- and perhaps just
coincidentally -- Arizona is the nation's largest state producer of
copper, concluding, "One thing -- offering to pay Kolbe a penny for
his thoughts would be overpayment."

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