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From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carol Blackmon)

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Subject: Launch of New Company

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Business News At The Ranch
Thwarting the Alphabet Clubs
(or, How To Keep Private Information Private!)

By Wayne Hicks 08.16.01

"Armed agents of the City Zoning Commission yesterday raided the home and
business offices of a prominent local businessman, confiscating computers in
their search for evidence of possible bad light switches in the buildings.
The businessman, who has not yet been identified by authorities, protested
the seizure of his computers, saying that files stored thereon were not
related to building maintenance, and should not be subject to seizure under
the terms of the warrant, which listed only 'evidence of poor maintenance or
health and safety hazards' as the objects of the search.

"In a related turn of events today, the Internal Revenue Service, acting on
information forwarded by the Zoning Commission, has filed Federal Charges
against the businessman, based on files relating to 'the illegality of the
income tax' found on his computer. An arrest on these new charges is expected
at any time."

Sound familiar? Think about Nick Jesson, Dick Simkanin, and many others whose
homes and offices have been raided by various alphabet groups that allegedly
work for our government. These people have been raided, often under color of
some innocuous inspection, and had computers seized despite the fact that the
information they contain is unrelated to the actual object of the search. The
only possible reason for such seizures is that the Alphabet Clubs have
learned to work together... and sharing information, no matter how illegally
it was gained, enables them to cloak their nefarious activities from the eyes
of the sleeping public for a short time longer.

You could be next. If your computer is seized, what information might be
found on it that could be construed by a zealous agent or prosecutor to have
criminal connotations? Think about it... there have been cases where the
simple fact of owning a beeper was sufficient to send an innocent man to
prison as a drug dealer. What files might you have that, although you know
they are meaningless or harmless, might be interpreted as having implications
of "anti-government sentiments"? While that may not yet be a crime, it has
been used successfully lately to justify wiretaps, surveillance, and even
repeated questioning of people who are merely trying to go about their daily

What about your computer?

A new company, Folder Safe, Inc., of Carson City, Nevada, can help you
prevent anyone from reading your personal or business files without your
express authorization... even if they have a keystroke-tracking device
attached to your computer to capture your encryption keys and passwords.

Here's how it works... you've just completed your latest article on the Evils
of Big Brother, and you're ready to shut it down. Simply insert your Folder
Safe Key CD into the CD-ROM of your computer, do a "save as encrypted" from
the file menu or drag the file into the Folder Safe icon on your desktop, and
it is instantly encrypted with a level of security higher than you can
imagine possible.

When you want to read or edit the file, you simply insert the Folder Safe Key
CD again, and open your encrypted file or drag your file back onto the Folder
Safe icon, and the file will be automatically decrypted. Then put it back in
again when you're finished. If someone else tries to open that file without
your Key CD in the drive... all they will see is gibberish!

Listen! What's that noise, sounds like a window breaking, you can hear men
shouting, people are screaming... you're being raided! Pop the Key CD out,
and as the armed agents rush through your office door, hold the CD firmly
between your thumb and fingers... and snap it in half.

Let 'em have the computer. They can't read a thing on it.

The Folder Safe system works by storing a randomly generated encryption key
on a CD, an encryption key that takes up almost all of the CD's data storage
capacity... At 630 MB, it is the largest encryption key ever known, and is
impossible to duplicate. There is no chance that your key will ever be
determined, or hacked, or recreated by randomly trying strings of numbers and
data... it's just too big. The possible combinations of digital information
from which it is derived are too many; it would probably be easier, and take
less time, to count all of the stars one by one.

If you do ever get your computer back, they will probably have wiped it clean
of your files... but if you're lucky, the encrypted files might still be
there. The Folder Safe management team suggests that you make a copy of your
Key CD to keep hidden somewhere safe, so that you can read your files again
in the event of the original CD's demise.

But no one else can. Your encryption key is not stored anywhere on your
computer's hard drive, there is no record of it anywhere else, and no one
else in the world has the same Key that you have... so no one but you can
ever decrypt those files again.

Folder Safe is the brainchild of Sam Kamees, a Pennsylvania programmer who
was asked by a CPA if there were a way to keep his clients' information,
stored in his computer, from being read in the event his computer was ever
stolen or taken. Sam had toyed with a similar idea some years ago, and with
the advent of newer, faster computer chips, decided the time was right for
such a product, and set about developing it. Folder Safe is the result.

"Folder Safe makes it impossible for anyone else to read your files," Sam
says, "whether they be things you've written, or client info, or medical
records... whatever the information you want to protect from prying eyes,
simply drag it to Folder Safe, and take your Key CD out of the drive, and no
one is going to read that file again, except you!"

Folder Safe is looking forward to a December 1st shipping date for its
initial orders, and might be the perfect Christmas gift for someone on your
list. Orders are being accepted in advance online.

Find out more about Folder Safe at the company's website:
, or contact Matt Cole, Vice-President of Sales and
Marketing, at 727-656-2435 any time.

Permission to reprint/republish granted, as long as you include the name of
our site, the author, and our URL.
All Sierra Times news reports, and all editorials are © 2001
(unless otherwise noted)


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