-Caveat Lector-


Gore Vidal Promises More McVeigh Revelations

By Ed Cropley

EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Author Gore Vidal promised Thursday to make another
revelation on the Oklahoma City bombing case which he says may suggest
executed convict Timothy McVeigh (news - web sites) did not detonate the
bomb that killed 168 people.

Vidal, one of contemporary America's harshest critics, published an article
last week in Vanity Fair magazine on the killer who, along with his
motives, remains one of the great enigmas of modern times. There is more to
come, he says.

``There's a researcher out there -- I used him a great deal for this
(Vanity Fair) piece and I'm using him some more,'' Vidal told an audience
at Britain's Edinburgh Book Festival.

The American writer, who maintained a three-year correspondence with the
bomber, said the researcher had unearthed evidence which contradicted
McVeigh's insistence he acted alone on the day of the bombing.

``I'm about to drop another shoe -- (the researcher) knows at least five of
the people who were involved in the making of the bomb and its
detonation,'' Vidal said. ``It may well be that McVeigh didn't do it.''

McVeigh, a decorated U.S. Army veteran, was executed in June for the 1995
bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City -- the
bloodiest act of domestic terror ever committed on American soil. Terry
Nichols was jailed for helping plan the crime but was not present when it
was committed.

Disgusted at the Federal Bureau of Investigation's storming in 1993 of the
Branch Davidian sect's headquarters at Waco, Texas, in which 80 people were
killed, one-time Gulf War (news - web sites) hero McVeigh declared war on
the U.S. state, Vidal said.

``In a letter to me, he said 'When I saw -- contrary to all law -- that the
FBI (news - web sites) was using military tanks to attack the building, I
thought only the Chinese did that sort of thing to their people','' Vidal
told the audience.

But what sparked McVeigh's murderous indignation was symptomatic of the
corrupt state of modern America, Vidal said.

``What is happening is reflective of a government totally out of control
and a secret police -- which is what the Federal Bureau of Investigation
is -- not accountable to anybody.''

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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