-Caveat Lector-

Chinese missile data


War with China

by Charles R. Smith

On the first day of World War III, the United States lost two thirds of its
military and nearly one-half its population, yielding superiority to
communist China. U.S. orders of the day were of high alert; and there is
simply no evading the fact that we were not ready.

The Chinese rain of missiles on U.S. installations and homeland cities was
a military masterpiece. The People's Liberation Army Second Artillery Corp
achieved complete surprise, armed only with a small force of over 300
tactical and 10 strategic missiles.

Defenseless against the attack, U.S. forces in Hawaii, Alaska, South Korea,
and Japan were quickly over-whelmed by the guided warheads of the Chinese
missiles. The bombs plunged out of the inky blackness of space, striking
within seconds of each other. The rain of death fell swiftly upon a
sleeping America with precise and devastating accuracy.

In a span of little more than 30 minutes, China wiped out Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, Washington, Boston, New York,
Hawaii, Manila, Seoul, Taipei, and Tokyo.

China sank five U.S. carriers, seven Ohio class submarines, vaporized over
two hundred MX and Minuteman missiles and destroyed over 800 combat
aircraft including fifteen B-2 strategic bombers. The strikes also killed
more than one hundred million people without the loss of a single PLA

The Second Artillery succeeded by striking key U.S. bases, warships and air
fields with a swift and bold attack. The attack left China with 10
remaining strategic missiles and nearly 300 tactical missiles, holding the
devastated U.S. homeland hostage to another strike.

Despite the calls to retaliate, sending the scattered remains of U.S.
nuclear forces against China would not stop another attack on America, nor
would it stop the PLA Generals who ordered the first.

There is no question that the U.S. strategic missiles could devastate the
Chinese homeland. However, killing hundreds of millions of innocent Chinese
citizens would do little to deter the warlords in Beijing from launching
the second wave of ten missiles while remaining hidden inside bombproof

China's sudden and brutal attack forced America to surrender on Beijing's
terms. In little more than forty-eight hours, China won the Third World


Fiction? Then consider this fact: The United States has no defense against
a missile attack. The U.S. has NO missile defense and is only testing a
limited system that might stop one or two missiles.

Those who minimize the Chinese strategic forces frequently state that China
has only 20 missiles. These people are fools playing games with the lives
of millions of innocent humans. They fail to mention that each Chinese
strategic missile is tipped with a multi-megaton H-bomb that can vaporize a

In the previous scenario, Chinese forces used only half their current
strategic and tactical missiles in a single attack, turning ten of the top
U.S. cities and most of free Asia into charred, radioactive wastelands.

China apologists also question whether Beijing is willing to wage war
against America. However, the Chinese military makes it very clear they
want nuclear combat with the U.S.A.

According to an August 1999 policy document published by the People's
Liberation Army Office of The Central Military Command, "unlike Iraq and
Yugoslavia, China is not only a big country, but also possesses a nuclear
arsenal that has long since been incorporated into state warfare system and
play a real role in our national defense."

"In comparison with the U.S. nuclear arsenal, our disadvantage is mainly
numeric, which in real wars the qualitative gap will be reflected only as
different requirement of strategic theory," states the PLA military

"In terms of deterrence, there is not any difference in practical value. So
far we have built up the capability for the second and third nuclear
strikes and are fairly confident in fighting a nuclear war. The PCC
(communist Party Central Committee) has decided to pass though formal
channels this message to the top leaders in the U.S."

China also has recently tested a new long-range missile capable of reaching
America, the DF-31. The DF-31 is capable of delivering a single
multi-megaton H-bomb or up to three 90 Kiloton nuclear bombs. The most
recent DF-31 test took place earlier this year and some Pentagon analysts
expect the PLA Second Artillery will begin active deployment of DF-31 units
early next year.


Clearly, China apologists must seriously consider the growing capability of
Beijing's nuclear missile forces, including the tremendous build up of
short-range tactical missiles. China continues to deploy short-range "Dong
Feng" or "East Wind" missiles. China has a force of nearly 500 DF-15 and
DF-11 mobile tactical missiles and at the current rate of production will
have a total force of over 1,000 missiles by 2006.

The Soviet Union and the U.S. considered the short-range tactical missile
to be the most dangerous threat to peace because of its short flight time.
Despite the tension between Moscow and Washington, both sides agreed to
withdraw and ban the weapons. The Soviet SS-20 Saber and U.S. Pershing
missiles were dismantled and destroyed.

It is worth noting that each Chinese DF-15 tactical missile has a flight
time of less than four minutes, from launch to impact. Today, China
dominates the tactical nuclear missile category and frequently demonstrates
that fact. In 1996, China dropped dummy DF-15 warheads just off Taiwan's


Nor are Chinese missiles limited strictly to China. According to documents
obtained from the Clinton administration, China sold Pakistan 34 nuclear
tipped DF-11 missiles in 1992. The DF-11 missiles, exported as the M-11,
are based at Sargodha air force base, west of Lahore, next to the Pakistani
plutonium reactor at Khushab.

In August 1994, Ron Brown wrote a briefing document for Bernard Schwartz,
CEO of Loral. That document is one of many from the withheld files of Ron
Brown obtained by this author using the Freedom of Information Act. The
document is a pre-China briefing report prepared for Loral CEO Bernard
Schwartz in August of 1994 by Commerce and is titled "Background

"EXPORT CONTROLS. Last August (1993), the U.S. imposed sanctions on China
for an M-11 missile-related transfer to Pakistan. On January 7, 1994 it was
decided that although communications satellites licensed by the State
Department are covered by the sanctions law, export licenses for
communications satellites licensed by the Department of Commerce may be
approved. Two such export licenses for communications satellites were
recently approved by the Department of Commerce".


President Clinton China gave China a vast array of missile technology with
the stroke of his pen despite the illegal DF-11 exports to Pakistan. The
Chinese military obtained encrypted radiation hardened chips from Loral,
post-boost vehicle technology from Lockheed, telemetry systems from
Motorola and nose cone technology from Hughes. The Chinese Generals made
huge profits from the advanced rocket and satellite deals with America.

One of the main reasons why China continues to violate arms export treaties
is because many of the Chinese leaders who signed the treaties also have a
vested interest to break them. The Chinese Generals that do the official
arms negotiating also happen to own the same munitions factories that sell
DF-11 missiles to Pakistan.

China is no longer a backward communist nation but a modern nuclear armed
fascist state, more closely resembling Francisco Franco's Spain with the
bomb. Ownership is legal to a limited few. China has no conflict of
interest laws. You can be a Chinese General, the rich owner of a major arms
firm and an arms control minister in the Chinese government all at the same

In 2001, Chinese DF-11 missile parts were spotted by satellite entering
Pakistan. The violation should invoke economic and political sanctions
according to MTCR missile treaties signed by Beijing. However, much like
Loral's Bernard Schwartz in 1994, U.S. satellite makers are again anxious
to restart exports to China by 2002.


So far, there have been no calls from the White House or Congress to invoke
sanctions against Beijing for violating the missile export treaties. None
of the U.S. European allies, so outraged at American anti-missile tests,
have uttered a word about Beijing's nuclear missile exports to Pakistan.

One way to slow the illegal sales from Beijing is to use the provisions in
the MTCR treaties and invoke sanctions. The first and most useful signal
that Washington could issue to Beijing is a firm "no" on the sale of U.S.

Another way to prevent World War III is to for America to build an
anti-missile system as quickly as possible. The question of whether it will
work may never be answered. However, a weapon never used in combat can be a
success if only because it made victory in battle an uncertain verdict for
dictators and tyrants.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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