
Sunday, 19 August 2001

Correction: yesterday, August 18,  HearPalestine reported  incorrectly
that 10 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli attack on the residential
area of Khan Yunis in Gaza. 1 Palestian was killed, while 10 were


Medical officials reported today that Salfeet resident, Mu’in Lawi,38,
was shot and killed by live ammunition in the neck.


Muhammed Abu Arar, 14, was shot and killed by a burst of live fire in
the chest in front of his home in Rafah at noon today. Occupation forces
opened fire on homes in al-Barazil quarter in Rafah.


Israeli occupation forces today opened fire at the town of Tayaseer in
Jenin. Several homes and buildings were damaged, including the local
school, which, according to witnesses, was also subjected to an
unsuccessful missile attack.

Witnesses reported that occupation forces drove of farmers attempting to
reach their land today.


A total of six Palestinians were injured last night in al-Qarara area,
east of Khan Younis, and Betounia near Ramallah, during Israeli shelling
of two security locations. The injuries were described as between
moderate and severe.

Israeli occupation forces also opened fire on the al Nasawi quarter of
Khan Younis last night damaging several homes.

In Betounia, a Force 17 location was attacked. One civilian was injured
in the head and a Force 17 officer injured by shrapnel in the shoulder.

According to official Palestinian sources, Israeli tanks fired missiles
at a Palestinian national security location in al-Amal quarter at noon
today. Three civilians were injured in the attack. The location was


In yesterday’s shelling on al-Tuffah military roadblock residential
surroundings, west of al-Namsawi quarter, in Khan Younis, a two and a
half month old Palestinian baby was critically injured by missile
shrapnel. The infant suffered from critical head injuries and remains
hospitalized. Two civilians were injured by shrapnel in the same attack,
including a 14 year old boy. One civilian, Issa al-Lahham was injured
with two bullets in the stomach in al-Amal quarter. Seven youths were
also injured at the Egyptian borders in Rafah, one reportedly in
critical condition.

Occupation forces had claimed on Israeli radio that the  attack targeted
a Palestinian military unit.

In Nablus, a 6-month old baby was shot in the stomach three times when
Israeli forces opened fire on a taxi near an Israeli military roadblock
at Sura village, west of Nablus. The infant’s mother, Ni’ma Ouda, 29,
said that she was sitting in the back seat with her child between her
arms while the driver stopped awaiting the soldiers’ instructions to
move, when the taxi was fired on. The family was returning from Nablus
to their village of Baqat al-Hatab.


An Israeli youth and a child were injured yesterday when a bus was fired
at near Jerusalem. Israeli radio reported that the incident occurred
between ‘Pisgat Ze’ev’ and ‘Nabi Ya’kob’ settlements.



Israeli occupation forces fired at four Palestinian civilians. The
incident occurred near an Israeli occupation roadblock near Araq Borin
village, when residents attempted to cross the roadblock on foot.

An elderly resident, Muhammed Qatr, 56, from Madama village, was injured
earlier this morning when occupation forces opened fire on a back road
between Tel and Borin villages.

At dawn, another civilian, Muahmmed Khalil, 47, from al-Sawiya village
was injured when occupation forces fired a stun grenade directly at him


Witnesses reported that occupation military reinforcements were placed
in al-Fahs area south of Hebron. Four tanks, 6 armored vehicles and a
bulldozer were reportedly moving towards the area.

Witnesses reported that Palestinian land was bulldozed and a cement
factory was  destroyed.

Occupation forces had previously occupied a home in Zif/Yatta area,
belonging to Ali Shatat.


Israeli occupation forces closed and destroyed a number of agricultural
roads in Kufr al-Labid, constructed. An Israeli bulldozer under the
protection of soldiers cleared and demolished the area. New road blocks
were placed on roads leading to several villages and agricultural land.

Israeli occupation forces raided homes in  Izbat Nasserm Izbat Jarad and
al-Sawana areas near the town of Tulkarem conducting extensive searches.
A tank and four armored vehicles were placed at the southern entrance of
Izbat Jarad and a hill overlooking Izbat Nasser. Occupation forces
deployed throughout the area’s farmland.

A large number of occupation forces also raided Far’oun village and
established a military roadblock in the center, checking the
inhabitants’ identity cards.

Israeli forces set up patrols on the by pass road south of Tularem and
along al-Kufrayat junction, preventing inhabitants from crossing and
attacking several of them.


Israeli occupation forces arrested two brothers, Aziz and Mousa Asi,
yesterday evening near Nabi Elias village, and took them to an unknown


A Palestinian woman gave birth at an Israeli military roadblock near
Salem in Jenin yesterday when occupation forces prevented her from
reaching the hospital.

The Israeli imposed military closure on Jenin and surrounding villages
was reinforced today by additional military units.

Head of Tamoun municipality, Bshara Beni Ouda, said that the complete
closure of the town has caused a severe water shortage and problems in
the electrical grid.

Occupation forces based at the military checkpoint near al-Aram village
in Ya’bid used knives to puncture car tires.


Two Israeli units closed the main road linking Ramallah and al-Latron
villages west of Ramallah. Residents were searched and denied passage.



Ahmad Qrea. Head of the Palestinian Legislative Council continues to
refuse to meet with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres. The source
said that Qrea’ explained to Peres that Palestinians reject meetings
until the Sharon’s government reopens and withdraws from the Orient
House and other Palestinian institutions in Abu Dis.

The source implied that there were signs of a possible Israeli
withdrawal from the areas in the coming days.


Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres said yesterday that he had begun
phone meetings Palestinian National Authority officials and did not rule
out the possibility of meeting with Authority President Arafat.

On another front, the legal advisor for the Foreign Ministry, Allen
Bikir said that Israel is exerting political and diplomatic efforts on
the international level to prevent decisions against it in the UN
Security Council.


Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres said yesterday that he had began
calls with Palestinian National Authority officials, claiming that he
does not eliminate the possibility of meeting with President Arafat.

On another front, the legal advisor for the Foreign Ministry Allen Bikir
said that Israel is exerting political and diplomatic efforts on the
international level to prevent decisions against it in the Security


By I’tida Qanita-Munir AbuTas

Raya hesitated. What could she do to make her 7 month old baby stop
crying under the intense sun at the Al-Tuffah road block? She has tried
everything from covering the child’s head to shielding her against her
chest while enduring the endless wait at the checkpoint. Palestinian
travellers are unable to cross today,  because, as a soldier declared
over a loudspeaker, the military unit’s dog must finish his lunch. Just
another day of delay and frustration for residents who must make their
way through the Al-Tuffah checkpoint at the al-Mawasi area in the Gaza

Al-Mawasi is situated south west of Gaza on the Mediterranean sea,
bordered by Deir Balah and Egypt and is considered a yellow area which
falls under Palestinian civil control.

Raya, mother of 7-month old Fatima, explains that she is regularly
forced to wait for hours at the roadblock under the afternoon sun,
despite the cries of her daughter.

“If my head is about to explode from the heat,” she says, “ how do you
think a little baby, ill to boot, feels?” This is Rava’s weekly test of
endurance as she carries her baby to Khan Younis for medical treatment.
Young Fatima has a congenital disorder preventing her normal growth.
Prompt treatment is so urgent that she also must run the risk of leaving
her other children at home alone.

“One minute my heart aches for my young children at home alone and and
the next I cry for my sick baby, who has to melt under the sun while the
dog eats his lunch”.

Suddenly a soldier’s loudspeaker crackles as he warns Al-Mawasi
residents “I will teach you how to respect the system and the law. No
one will pass for an hour.”

Rava rages in the sweltering heat. “Where are the Arab states? Where are
those who claim good intensions and ceasefire? Let them come and witness
the suffering and injustice that we experience at the hands of
occupation forces, who decide the future of our children as they like.”
she said. “Right now, he says he is closing the road to teach us a
lesson and later the dog will have dinner while we sit under the sun as

“Finally, when we cross the metal gate we will be searched and that
scary mutt will follow us and sniff at us and growl. It’s up to the dog
if we’re allowed to pass.”

 “Sometimes the dog goes crazy and starts barking and scares the
children. If the dog suspects you and your belongings, you are in
trouble and an emergency situation is declared, a security closure is
imposed immediately and occupation forces and explosive experts start
moving in. They subject you to a humiliating search I can’t put into
words…in the end, they find nothing.

Nawal al-Farra, 50, can’t take the pain in her waist and shoulder any
longer and tosses her childrens’ lunch on the ground, balancing herself
on her knee with the palm of her hand. She sits on a rock, exhausted
after hours of standing under the sun.

“Since my husband died two months ago, I have to cross this roadblock
just to provide food for my family since there is none in the Al-Mawasi
area. Last week, I bought chicken for my children, because I promised
them and god knows how I saved up money to do that, but the chicken was
rotten by the time I got it home. The same thing will probably happen
today to the meat I’ve bought,” she said.

She takes a deep breath and continues, “The Israeli soldiers claims that
the number given to me and registered in my identity card, which is the
number to enter al-Mawasi area, is wrong despite the fact that I am
registered as al-Mawasi resident. This happened to a lot of the others
and so we must wait for hours. How should I to know it’s the wrong
number, isn’t the soldier the one that wrote it in the first place? Our
destiny depends on that number. We have become numbers, one set for
refugees, one set for Al-Mawasi residents.”

Away from the heat of the sun and the crowd sits Um Muhammed, 48. “What
kind of a life do we live?” she asks “If I wanted to go to Egypt, I
would have been there by now, but my home, only meters away, I cannot
reach. What kind of injustice is this?”

 “I lost my husband years ago and have two children, one of whom is
handicapped. We have been subjected to the injustice of the occupation
for years. My home’s roof has become like Swiss cheese due to the
intensity of the daily shooting at al-Mawasi homes. Even the sea, our
only breather in this heat, is closed. Settlers have confiscated the
whole beach.”

Um Muhammed added, “A week ago I went to the market to buy some
groceries and half a kilo of meat. After waiting for five hours in the
heat at the checkpoint the meat reaked so bad I had to throw it away
before getting home. We are deprived from the most basic rights. We only
get water and electricity from 5pm to midnight three times a week. Most
of the time the water’s bad and undrinkable.”

“This is our life,” she says looking out across the hot road at her
neighbors waiting at the checkpoint.

- A demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian people was carried
in Bonn, Germany, as well as sit ins in several other cities.
- Iraqi President Saddam Hussein allocated $15,000 to the families of
every Palestinian martyr.
-  South Africa: Muslims to march for Palestine in
Cape Town August 21

Friends of Orient House in East Jerusalem

Urgent Appeal

The occupation of the Orient House and the closure of seven other
Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem has not only deprived poor
underprivileged people from their humanitarian services, but also put
Occupied Arab Jerusalem under great political and economic stress.

The institutions that were closed, headed by Orient House, provided the
poorest segments of society in East Jerusalem with financial and other
forms of support directed to cover their health, social, housing, and legal
needs, in addition to developmental needs to many community institutions.
Orient House was also a venue for political, diplomatic and peace dialogue
an information center for many international agencies. To enforce their
illegal act, the Israeli military authorities have put many parts of East
Jerusalem under a state of siege, preventing people from getting to their
neither could tourists and visitors, the main economic vehicle in the
City, reach it today.

More than ever before, especially after the death of Faisal Husseini,
Orient House founder and leader, people and institutions in Arab Jerusalem
in need of your support. The Friends of Orient House, a recently
established Action-oriented Group, together with other institutions such as
Friends of East Jerusalem Hospitals, decided to campaign against the illegal
Israeli action of closing Orient House and to offer support, by all possible
means, to people and institutions in East Jerusalem negatively affected by
closure of Orient House and other organizations.

Your support to our campaign will have a direct role on the human,
political and institutional survival of Palestinians in Arab Jerusalem. You
support us by:

1.    Adding your name to Orient House Supporters List (send us an email
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]). We will then, as much as the circumstances
allow, keep you informed of what we do and how you can help further.
Make sure that you circulate this appeal as wide as possible.

2.    Sending us a donation directly to the Arab bank account (details
below) or using Friends of East Jerusalem Website (www.fejh.org) to send
a donation using your visa  card.

Please send your donations to the following Bank account:

Orient House Appeal
C/o Friends of East Jerusalem Hospitals
Arab Bank
Al-Balad Branch, Ramallah, Palestine (Bank Swift ARABPS22090)
Account number: 662018/3

This time, your support is very much needed and will make a real

P.O. Box 20479, Jerusalem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hear Palestine is a free press service offering daily mailings from the
occupied Palestinian territories. Material is analysed and compiled from the
Arabic press, radio and television transmissions, and direct interviews by
Karma Abu-Sharif.

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