-Caveat Lector-

No this isn't do it yourself instructions for the home carpenter.
-----  Nurev

Bailout Watch -- Keeping an eye on the energy industry and
the politicians

FTCR is publishing a newsletter on developments in
the California energy crisis.  Back issues are available at
Bailout Watch #67  Friday, August 17, 2001

 From Regulator to Regulated in two easy steps.

First, use your high-power government job to allow corporations
to make billions more than they should.  Then, resign.  Curt
Hebert's seat at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) was still warm when the energy regulator-in-chief
announced his move to the ranks of the regulated as an
executive at Entergy Corporation -- a private power producer
under the FERC's regulatory purview.  As chair of FERC, Hebert's
anti-enforcement policies made the commission look like an
industry front group.   Hebert stubbornly resisted rate relief for
California, and tirelessly championed the very policies that laid
waste to the state's economy while enriching private companies.
By stepping through the revolving door between government and
industry, Hebert makes public service look like a pre-corporate
incubation period.  The public trust is violated when officials like
Hebert treat government jobs as stepping stones to more
profitable, consumer-gouging enterprises.

Why do they call it a REVOLVING door?

Because they get us coming and going.  While Hebert is
enjoying the corporate digs, the energy industry is sending new
troops into the regulatory agency.  Pat Wood, FERC's
chairman-to-be, plans to enlist energy company employees to
be his regulatory watchdogs.  "The best kind of hire would be
someone who has done this on the other side," Wood told the
SF Chronicle.  As Californians worry about the impact of energy
company shareholders signing power contracts in Sacramento,
it's worth worrying about what happens in DC when energy
industry employees are entrusted with the responsibility of
regulating their former (and future?) employers.

Edison customer newsletter: History Blackout.

The August edition of Southern California Edison's Customer
Connection newsletter features a "Did You Know" section that
"the movement to deregulate California's electric industry was
started in the mid-1990s by state regulators in response to large
energy users, who believed competition would result in lower
retail rates...SCE and other utilities strongly opposed the idea."

But wait a minute--in 1995, before the deregulation law had even
been drafted, Edison CEO John Bryson was quoted in the Los
Angeles Times as saying that the deregulation plan proposed by
state regulators was "the best, soundest way to move to a
desirable competitive market that will benefit all customers."  He
also praised the actual dereg law in 1996.  If Edison wanted to
give its customers an accurate representation of California's
jaunt over the cliff of deregulation, it might read like this:
"Did you know that... California's three private utilities, including
Edison, joined big energy users to ramrod deregulation through
the state legislature and succeeded in getting the legislature to
freeze customer's rates at 50% above the national average,
despite plummeting wholesale energy prices, in order to collect
$20 billion in surcharges as of June, 2000? And did you know
that SCE's parent company pocketed this overcharge revenue
and invested in lucrative global operations benefiting Edison
International's shareholders?"

Leave us alone already.

First, Wall Street joined in the chorus calling on California to
deregulate.  Next, Wall Street told California to bail the utilities
out of the mess created by deregulation.  And on Tuesday, a Wall
Street analyst told Bloomberg News that state utility regulators
should have "very little" oversight regarding rate increases.
Thanks for the advice. . .but no thanks.

If you are interested in joining the FTCR Blackout Brigades go to:

Judgment Day: 445 Days Until November 5, 2002.

FTCR is a non-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization. For
in-depth information on the utility deregulation disaster, to
DONATE and join the campaign to fight the bailout, or to
comment, visit our web site at www.ratepayerrevolt.org.
310-392-0522 xt.309. ) 2001 FTCR
1750 Ocean Park Bl., Suite 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405

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