-Caveat Lector-

This woman who murdered her five children - I did not like her face for
she had thick bush eyebrows like Grouch Marx and also moustache
indicating possily latent - well put it this way, put her altogether and
she sure as hell did not spell mother.

Her husband is as sick as she was - mentlaly and spiritually and do not
tell me those kids received home schooling for the oldest was only 5 or
6 as I recall and the others, were not of school age.

She had the look of a latent lesbian and I have seen this look and this
face before - almost like mongoloid children have the same look.

No doubt she was spaced out on drugs most of her life and her natural
tendency was towards violence.

Her house was alleged pig stye - mention that because to some it seems
to be important that these children were permitted to live in these
conditions but the most important issue was this woman's mental health.

Who and what was the father?   Oh he stand so tall beside his wife - and
oh will we have another book now?

This woman was evil - and to call that thing "mother"?


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