-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Sorry but Rabbi Yosef wasn't being quoted as someone representative of all
> Jews but as a member, possibly a very influential member, of the Knesset.
> The other quite legitimate point being made is that his comments are
> conveniently ignored in the Western media whilst statements by rabid
> Muslims and anti-Jews are widely reported. Why are Israelis, extremists or
> otherwise, never called to account by the press like their Palestinian
> brethren?

They are. It just doesn't happen as often. The majority of Jews don't see
it as a religious war while the Arabs do.

See CTRL archives for the times Jewish religious fanatics have made similar


> On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, thew wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > shas is a fringe group
> >
> > they are disturbing fanatics, and evil motherfuckers to boot
> >
> > quoting shas is like quoting Islamic jihad, and pretending that is the
> > opinion of all Muslims
> >
> > it's specious at best
> >
> > fuck shas
> > fuck fanatics
> > fuck people who only view things in a one sided manner
> >
> > there are evil violent racist fuckers on both sides of this issue
> > the sooner we admit to that the sooner we can stop the killing
> >
> > If the people here who posted on only anti - Israeli stuff ever posted
> > anything pro Israeli or anti Palestinian, or visa versa, maybe I could take
> > them seriously
> >
> > if its one sided, its not comprehensive, its propaganda at best
> >
> > fuck religion
> > fuck race
> > fuck separatism
> >
> > fuck shas
> > fuck genocidal Israelis and genocidal Arabs
> >
> > fuck people who actually think there are good guys in this situation
> >
> >
> > --
> >   Doubt.
> >    Doubt thyself.
> >    Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
> >    Doubt all.
> >    Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
> >    It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
> >      there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
> >      snake!
> >    The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
> >    Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
> >      until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
> >      Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
> >    Then, wind the Mort!
> >
> >                                            Uncle Al. the kiddies pal
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew
> >
> > > From: Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 13:07:30 -0300
> > > Subject: [CTRL] Rabbi Yosef
> > >
> > > -Caveat Lector-
> > >
> > > http://www.mediamonitors.net/heller2.html
> > >
> > > Media Monitors Network
> > >
> > > .....where truth prevails
> > > Posted: August 20, 2001
> > >
> > > Toll-free: 1 866 MediaNet
> > >
> > > E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> > > Not a Word
> > >
> > > by Stanley Heller
> > >
> > > When the President of Syria made anti-Jewish statements what was the
> > > response? There was wide media coverage, angry editorials and
> > > denunciations by public figures. Excellent, but what happens when the
> > > shoe is on the other foot? An important Jewish politician makes
> > > repeated racist comments and calls for the murder of Arabs. The
> > > response? Total silence.
> > >
> > > The politician is Ovidah Yosef of the Shas Party, which is a powerful
> > > part of the Israeli governing coalition. The French News Service AFP
> > > reports that on July 27 Yosef, a rabbi, gave a sermon on Israeli radio
> > > in which he said, "In the old city of Jerusalem they're swarming like
> > > ants. They should go to hell -- and the Messiah will speed them on
> > > their way". The sermon was broadcast by Israeli Army Radio, giving it
> > > semi-official government standing. Earlier this year Yosef denounced
> > > Arabs as "snakes" and "vipers".
> > >
> > > He has actually gone far beyond these disgusting references. He's
> > > twice called for the mass murder of Arabs. In a pre-Passover sermon in
> > > April Ha'aretz news service reported that he said Arabs were an enemy
> > > of the Jewish people and that, "It is forbidden to be merciful to
> > > them, you must give them missiles, with relish - annihilate them. Evil
> > > ones, damnable ones." The news service stated that "Rabbi Yosef, who
> > > has also attacked Israeli leftists and others in graphic terms, also
> > > was quoted as saying 'May the Holy Name visit retribution on the
> > > Arabs' heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them,
> > > and cause them to be vanquished and cause them to be cast from the
> > > world.' "
> > >
> > > Back in 1989 the Shas Party issued a campaign booklet that included a
> > > prayer calling for a shoah (holocaust) of Arabs. Yosef wrote the
> > > preface to the booklet.
> > >
> > > A person who has talked this poison year after year obviously should
> > > be driven from public life. The major media should be campaigning.
> > > Political leaders in Israel and the U.S. and clergymen from every
> > > political persuasion should be condemning his views. Yosef should be
> > > kicked out of any elected, appointed or spiritual position he has with
> > > Shas.
> > >
> > > Yet none of this has happened. In the U.S. there is scarcely a
> > > newspaper or TV station that hasn't reported and reported on Louis
> > > Farrakhan's nasty statements about the Jewish religion. However, the
> > > vicious comments of a man who is ten times more powerful are totally
> > > overlooked.
> > >
> > > I personally wrote about Yosef to the Anti-Defamantion League, the
> > > Jewish organization that is dedicated to rooting out racism. I also
> > > wrote to President Bush, Connecticut's Senators and all six of our
> > > members of Congress. I contacted the New York Times, the Washington
> > > Post and the Chicago Tribune.
> > >
> > > The silence is defeaning.
> > >
> > > (The writer is a Jewish-American who has chaired the Middle East
> > > Crisis Committee of New Haven since 1982.)
> > >
> > > Source:
> > >
> > > by courtesy & ? 2001 Stanely Heller & MECC
> > >
> > > by the same author:
> > >
> > > Death by Siege
> > >
> > > More in 'Perspective' or 'Archive'

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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